Hey, Nate Bear here.
It’s 9:30 a.m., take a look at the stock APP.

It announced a HUGE earnings win after the market closed yesterday...
And now it’s up BIG-TIME in the pre-market.
I’m going to enter this trade quickly...
And we’ll see what happens next.

Okay... I just bought two contracts for $0.80 each.
I’m going to start this timer here...

Just to demonstrate how fast these earth-shaking profits can happen in the morning.
We’ll check back shortly...
While we wait on this trade...
I want to make something clear.
You MUST be ready to wake up and trade at 9:30 a.m. to take advantage of this powerful strategy.
If you are willing to do this...
Then, keep watching!
You’re about to witness how thousands of Americans are quietly targeting HUGE profits within minutes of the opening bell.
Most Americans settle for making 10%, 20%, or maybe even 30% over the course of an entire year...
But when these Aftershocks happen at 9:30 a.m...
We’re talking about the potential to make 100%... 200%, or even 300% on a single trade.
Imagine exiting a trade in the morning...
Closing your computer...
And going about the rest of your day doing whatever you want.
Maybe you’ll use the extra time to take your family to the lake...
Or maybe you’ll spend the day on a golf course...
Or even the pickleball court...

How you choose to spend your extra time during the day is up to you...
But that is the freedom we strive for with this lucrative 9:30 a.m. trading strategy, which I will demonstrate today.
We see these powerful Opening Bell Aftershocks happen the morning after a stock announces earnings...
And as I mentioned moments ago before I entered our trade...
APP had earnings come out, and they were great.
Now… 99% of people probably would have felt that they missed the boat.
Earnings are over...
The stock is up...
We shake our heads and wish we had made the bet beforehand.
But not with Opening Bell Aftershocks.
With a trade like this, you already know how earnings will turn out.
And yet, you can still make up to 300% in less than a few hours.
It’s all thanks to a strange market phenomenon which has been studied by prestigious institutions like...
The Fed...
And even the Securities and Exchange Commission.

I’ll tell you more about what they uncovered in just a moment...
But first...
It's been about two minutes since we entered our trade on APP.

Let’s get back to my trade and see how it’s doing.
Take a look at that.
Our trade is already up 106% within just 2 minutes...

So, I am going to sell HALF of my position now.

There we go...

We’ve now doubled our money on the first half of the trade.
That means...
No matter what happens from here...
It's all profits at this point...
And I think this stock has a lot more room to surge.
So we’ll just give it a few more minutes...
And see how the rest of the trade turns out.
That’s how fast these Opening Bell Aftershocks can happen.
It's not very often that people can make 106% within 2 minutes with any strategy...
But that’s what is possible with these Aftershocks when the conditions are just right.
While we wait to see what happens with the rest of our trade on APP...
Let me show how this played out with another real trade I made recently...
On the ticker symbol SYM.
Just like with our trade on APP...
This stock surged after the company announced it had beaten earnings...
And if you had predicted this company’s earnings win...
You could have made a respectable 31% gain overnight.

Not bad...
But when I saw an Aftershock setting up the next morning... AFTER earnings were already out…
I knew there was A LOT more to be made...
So, when the market opened...
I alerted my members that I was about to enter a trade...
And I jumped in.

Then, just 10 minutes later...
I was able to exit the trade for a 75% profit!
Let that sink in for a second.
Just $1,000 into the trade could have turned into $1,750 in just 10 minutes...

And while that may not be enough to buy your dream home on its own...
Gains like that can add up QUICKLY.
In fact...
This is one of my favorite strategies that I personally used to turn $37k into $2.7 Million within just 4 years...
Let’s look at another example of another one of these Opening Bell Aftershock...
Here, we have the ticker symbol DOCU.
Thanks to a positive earnings report...
The stock rose 17% after the market closed.

Again, not bad...
However, a big rise on earnings is difficult to predict.
Normally, you would have needed to roll the dice...
And bet on that announcement beforehand, just hoping you made the right guess.
Even though I’m a professional trader who has made millions from the stock market...
Your guess is as good as mine.
However, I’ve found a completely unique way to profit on earnings AFTER they are already out.
For example, when I saw this Opening Bell Aftershock setting up the following morning...
I knew there was a big opportunity.
So, right before the market opened...
I opened up a trade in front of my members.
And sure enough...
Five minutes later, I exited the trade for a 46% gain.
Think about it...
In just 5 minutes...
$1,000 could have turned into $1,460.

46% is nearly 5X what most professional money managers make... over an entire year on average!
Imagine entering a trade...
Turning on the coffee maker...
And collecting profits before your coffee is finished brewing!
And in this case, it wasn’t just me.
Some of the members of my chatroom did even better...
And DOUBLED their money during the aftershock!
Like Steve S... who made 100% on the trade...
9:35:00 a.m. Dec 6, 2024 SteveS2448: 100% on DOCU.
Or Mark W., who made 106%....
9:41:44 a.m. Dec 6, 2024 Mark W: 106 profit% on DOCU.
And Rick K., who made an outstanding 120%...
9:35:00 a.m. Dec 6, 2024 RickK: DOCU in at $1.50 and out at $3.30. Woot!
All within minutes of the opening bell!
During this short video...
I’m going to show you exactly how I find these opening bell trades...
And more importantly...
What my plan is for the next Opening Bell Aftershock...
Which could happen as early as tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.!
That’s exactly what we saw with the ticker symbol META.
It announced its earnings after the market closed...
And the news was fantastic.
They crushed earnings.
And the stock shot up nearly 18% after its announcement.

Most investors who miss out... would throw up their hands and play the “what if” game.
But I waited until 9:30 a.m. AFTER the news was already out.
Once the opening bell rang...
I alerted my chatroom that I had entered a trade...
And in just a little over an hour...
I was able to exit with a HUGE 261% win.
That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $3,510!

Most people will go their entire lives without seeing returns like that...
But that’s the potential of Opening Bell Aftershocks.
It wasn’t just me either...
Greg was able to make 200% on Meta’s Opening Bell Aftershock...
9:52:11 a.m. Feb 2, 2024 Gregart2: 200% on META. Thanks, Nate!
Michelle also made 209%...
9:51:58 a.m. Feb 2, 2024 MicheH: Sold 5 META 02/16 for 209.3% with 5 remaining.
And both Kevin and Quinton were able to make 300%.
9:52:34 a.m. Feb 2, 2024 Kevin K: META closed up 300%! Thanks, Nate!!
9:51:35 a.m. Feb 2, 2024 QuintonE: 303% Meta.
And if quadrupling your money within minutes wasn’t remarkable enough...
One of my members Bill even reported in the chatroom that he was up an outstanding 1,498%...
By taking a more aggressive approach than I did.
9:52:05 a.m. Feb 2, 2024 BP3: Placed a 1 Day Trade contract Meta and as of now I'm up 1,468% still going!
Not going to lie...
Even I’m a little jealous that he was able to 16x his money...
But I LOVE watching my chatroom score big wins.
Just think about that...
A 1,468% gain could have multiplied $1,000 into nearly $16,000...
Within minutes!
I could go on and on...
And every one of these wins came AFTER earnings were already out!
You can’t imagine how electric the chatroom was after members kickstarted their day... By doubling their money!
There is no better feeling.
And it wasn’t a fluke.
While they may not happen every single day...
We see these Opening Bell Aftershocks trade setups all of the time.
And you need to be on the lookout for them daily.
Before I walk you through you some more examples...
And show you exactly how this special trade works....
It’s been a few minutes now since we entered our trade on ticker symbol APP...
So let’s check back on it...

Take a look at this!
If you recall...
I sold the 1st half of our trade a few minutes ago for 106%...
Left the 2nd half open...
And now it is up 563%...

I’m going to stop the timer and collect my profits...

There we go!
The trade is now completely closed...
And all together...
We got out with a 334% total return across both halves of the trade...
Enough to turn $1,000 into $4,340 in just 11 minutes.

Now, to be clear...
This is a demonstration of a trade that I recently made in real-time in front of real people...
To show you just how fast these moves play out.
Learning how to target these gains could be incredible...
But, like with all investing, trading involves risk...
And past performance isn’t a guarantee of future results.
You should never invest more than you can afford to lose.
But we’re talking about potentially quadrupling your money within MINUTES or hours of the open bell.
Not years...
Not months...
Not weeks...
These are fast-moving opportunities that you can get in and out of...
Then move on with your day.
I’ve been trading professionally for nearly a decade now...
And this powerful market force is one of the most lucrative trade setups that I look for.
But if you haven’t heard of it before...
I’m not surprised.
Wall Street Wants You to Play by THEIR “Rules”...

You see...
Wall Street wants you to believe that making 10% every year is great...
And sure...
If you have a lot of money, it can be.
But for the average American...
When you’re only making $100 for every $1,000 in your portfolio each year...
It takes a LONG time to see that turn into true wealth.
The truth is...
Wall Street and mainstream financial media don’t care about your success.
They want to set the rules...
So that THEY can make all the money...
We see exactly that when it comes to Earnings Announcements...
The cards are stacked in Wall Street’s favor.
Companies report their earnings 4 times a year...
Wall Street hires analysts to learn every last detail about each company.
And they share that analysis with media outlets like CNBC, Fox Business or the Wall Street Journal ...
To build hype around the announcements... and help drive up their massive positions.

They create a circus and set expectations before Earnings are ever released...
But oftentimes that’s at the expense of you and me.
That is why Opening Bell Aftershocks are so powerful...
Instead of getting suckered into Wall Street’s hype...
And hoping and praying your stocks beat earnings.
You can make incredible profits by waiting until AFTER the big earnings release is over.
Of course...
You would never have heard about this approach in the puppet mainstream media.
This approach that I am about to teach you...
Goes completely against the “conventional wisdom” they shove down investor’s throats each and every day...
But as you just saw with the trade I showed you moments ago on the ticker APP...
It’s completely possible to target returns of 300% or more within just minutes.
Here's the thing, though...
This discovery didn’t come easy for me.
What I Discovered Was a Complete Game-Changer!
While it’s true...
I did famously turn $37k into $2.7 Million in just 4 years...

A 7,197% return like that wasn’t overnight...
Or without pain along the way.
Look, let me be clear...
I’m not here today to tell you that you’re going to become an overnight millionaire.
I want you to learn from both my successes and my failures today...
And hopefully, that makes your journey to wealth easier than mine was.
Before I started trading, I was grinding myself into the ground doing construction.
Every day, I was remodeling stores like Home Depot... McDonald’s...

And all that got me was a small 1,200 sq ft home.
Once my wife and I started having kids...
I knew I needed to do something to provide a better life.
I needed to find a new income source...
And that’s how it all began.
I joined a community of professional traders… and was fortunate enough to find a secret that helped transform my life…
In ways that I never dreamed were possible.
In just four years… I turned my $37,000 savings into $2.7 million...
And since joining the Monument Traders Alliance in March 2023...
I’ve closed over one hundred winners for at least 100% or more across all my services...
Including a 1,129% winner in just two days.

But I will be the first to admit…
I was a horrible trader when I first started.
I was addicted to whatever “hot stock tip” I would hear from CNBC or Fox Business at the time...
And when you’re constantly listening to all the talking heads on TV…
You’re generally too late if you try to follow them.
The real winners are generally those who owned the stock before the media started talking about it!
One time...
I got sucked into the very same earnings hype that I just warned you about...
It was a silly earnings play on Apple that I had heard somewhere on the news.
I expected to hit it big, but the opposite happened.
A single trade blew up half of my entire trading account...
Which was about $15,000...
That was a lot, considering I was a construction worker at the time...
And for YEARS...
I avoided trading earnings like it was the plague.
It wasn’t until I stopped paying attention to the narrative that Wall Street wanted me to believe...
That I discovered a strange market phenomenon that has allowed me to collect HUGE profits at the opening bell...
The Key to Playing Earnings for HUGE Profits...
Before I get into that, though...
It’s first important to understand...
That you have three opportunities to make a play on a company’s earnings announcement...
The first way is to enter the trade BEFORE the earnings release.

This is when you try to predict which way the stock will move once a company releases its earnings.
Wall Street institutions spend millions of dollars each year employing entire teams of analysts whose job is to set public expectations...
By revealing earnings estimates.
They are educated guesses based on a number of factors...
But at the end of the day, they are just guesses.
None of these Wall Street analysts truly know what’s going on behind the company’s closed doors.
Now sure...
If the predictions are correct...
You could make money...
But as I learned with that one Apple trade that blew up...
Those predictions could be DEAD wrong.
Take a look at this example from Meta, aka Facebook.
Here, Wall Street analysts told the world that they predicted an earnings win for the stock...
And in the days leading up to the announcement...
The stock continued to rise...
And in this case Meta even announced that it OUTPERFORMED Analyst predictions by 15%...

But take a look what happened...
It took a complete nosedive...

That’s the opposite of what you would expect after an earnings WIN ...
And you would have lost money on a quick trade.
It’s precisely why I avoid trading before a company releases its earnings...
It's a gamble!
The second time you can enter an earnings play is to attempt to trade it instantly right when a company announces its earnings...

And sure...
If you’re fast and ready to place a trade at 4 p.m...
You could theoretically do that.
But look at this chart of Google...
It announced its earnings when the market closed at 4 p.m...
And by 4:10 p.m...
You would have already missed out on most of Google’s earnings gains.

Not to mention, Wall Street has some of the fastest super computers in the world set up and ready to trade the instant earnings come out.
Those supercomputers get in faster than anyone else.
And by the time your regular brokerage account completes a trade… the price is already sky high.
Maybe if you’re extremely quick, you might get lucky.
But for the most part, it is simply not practical for most people...
Including myself.
That’s why I prefer the 3rd option...
The Earnings Profit Surge
Which is trading AFTER a company announces its earnings.

With this approach...
- You avoid getting caught up in the pre-earnings hype...
- You avoid having to worry about if a company’s earnings report lives up to Wall Street’s expectations ...
- You avoid having to place a fast trade right after the market closes
Before making your move...
You simply wait until AFTER the announcement to see how everything shakes out.
Sounds simple... right?
Well, most don’t realize that when a company beats Wall Street’s expectations...
Stocks don’t just pop once on the day it comes out.
Instead, stocks with the strongest earnings reports will continue rising seeing earnings aftershocks that create pops in the stock for weeks or months.
It’s a phenomenon called the “Earnings Profit Surge”.
Or as some call it... the “Post Earnings Drift.”
And it’s the powerful market force that triggers these Opening Bell Afterstocks...
Which gives investors an opportunity to try and quadruple their money...
Within minutes of the clock striking 9:30 a.m.
Over the past 30 years...
Researchers from Harvard, Duke, Cambridge, and many other top universities...
Have quietly proven this special phenomenon time and time again.
All of them found that when Wall Street is caught off guard by stronger-than-expected earnings reports...
Investors can capitalize on those moves far longer than the initial spike that stocks typically see immediately after earnings...
But as we see, whenever these Opening Bell Aftershocks happen...
When the conditions are right... you can collect HUGE profits as soon as the very next morning...
Right around 9:30a.m... And that’s what I’m looking for!
Even the Federal Reserve and Securities and Exchange Commission have studied this powerful market force...
Because of its strong impact on stocks when they beat Wall Street’s expectations.

And while you won’t hear the mainstream talking about this market phenomenon very often...
If you know what you’re looking for...
You can go back in time and look at any stock’s chart after a big earnings announcement...
And see the Earnings Profit Surge with your very own eyes.
Check out this example I found on the ticker symbol RKLB.
Here the stock had a positive earnings announcement...

And if we look at what happened over the next few weeks, we can see that it continued to drift upwards.
That is the Earnings Profit Surge.

But let’s zoom in what immediately happened AFTER RKLB’s positive earnings announcement...
I’m talking about the very beginning of the Earnings Profit Surge.
As you can see...

The stock rose sharply after the Earnings Announcement Surprise during after-market hours and pre-market...
But it didn’t stop there.
Right at 9:30 a.m...
When the market opened...
It continued to spike.
This is the Opening Bell Aftershock that I look for at 9:30 a.m...

And this case...
The Aftershock peaked around 11 a.m...
Giving traders an opportunity to make as much as 212% in less than 2 hours.

Here’s another example on the ticker symbol SNOW...
The stock rose during aftermarket hours after announcing an Earnings win...

And when the clock struck 9:30 a.m.
The stock shot up AGAIN...

This was an Opening Bell Aftershock...
And in this case, traders could have made as much as 191% in a little less than 2 hours

Let’s go back and look at one more example on ticker symbol ARM.
We can see here the stock started to surge after its earnings announcement surprise.

But it wasn’t finished.
When the market opened at 9:30 a.m.
The stock spiked AGAIN.
This is the Opening Bell Aftershock...

And this one gave people an opportunity to make as much as 810% in just 1 hour and 30 minutes after the market opened.

I think it’s fair to say that this is one of the most underrated phenomenons, that people simply don’t hear about every day.
Gains like that would even make most investment advisors jealous..
But here’s the best part...
These Opening Bell Aftershocks...
Give every day people the opportunity to wake up...
Place a trade at 9:30 a.m.
And exit with HUGE profits just minutes or hours later.
Potentially upwards of 300%...
So how do I know exactly when an Opening Bell Aftershock is going to hit?
How I Find These Opening Bell Aftershocks...
It comes down to an important signal I look for the instant markets open the day after a big earnings release.
You see, whenever you buy or sell a stock, option, or any kind of security...
The prices are set by market makers...
Who work behind the scenes for Wall Street institutions...
To keep activity on the stock moving by effectively acting as the middleman in every transaction.
They buy and sell at the prices they are willing to pay based on the trading orders they see coming through the system.
And if you know where to look inside your brokerage account...

You can actually see exactly where the market makers expect a stock to move.
Take a look at this number here from my trading screen.
This number is going to change every second...
But it represents how much market makers expect the stock to move over a period of time.
Right after a stock announces an earnings winner...
I look back to see how much the market makers expected the stock to move after it's earnings...
And I compare that to how much the stock has actually moved during after-hours.
I’m looking for the stock to outperform Wall Street’s expectations...
Specifically, I want the actual move to be 1.5 times greater than the expected move...
Because THAT is when an Opening Bell Aftershock is likely to happen.
Then we simply wait until the opening bell at 9:30 a.m. AFTER earnings...
And when the bell rings...
The Market Makers realize that what they’ve priced in is not what actually happened, and they are up the creek without a paddle.
Which is what causes these MASSIVE Aftershocks that can lead to profits of...
Or even 334% within minutes...
Just like the trade I showed you earlier on the ticker symbol APP.
Which could have turned $1,000 into $3,340...
$5,000 into $21,700...
Or $10,000 into $43,400...

How much you choose to invest into these Aftershocks is up to you...
But regardless of your starting stake...
The goal with these plays is targeting HUGE winners right after the opening bell.
Let me show you exactly how this played out with some real Aftershock trades that I made.
But make sure you take notes here...
Because the next Opening Bell Aftershock could happen as soon as 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.
Opening Bell Aftershocks in Action
With that said...
Let’s look back and see how this plays out on the ticker symbol IBM...
Before earnings, there wasn’t much going on with this ticker...

But the company was about to announce earnings...
So the market makers set an expected move of $13.76.

But watch what happens after it announced earnings...
It blew past Wall Street’s expectations...
And shot up as much as $21.37 during pre-market.

That is 1.5x times the expected move...
So this ticker was PRIMED for an Opening Bell Aftershock...
And sure enough...
If you had played IBM right at 9:30a.m...
You could have made as much as 321% in less than an hour after the opening bell.

Let’s look at another chart...
This time on the ticker APP right before my massive 334% real-money trade that I demonstrated to you earlier...

It was flat in the days leading up to the company’s quarterly earnings announcement...
Then the stock spiked right when the report was released.

At this point, the Market Makers were pricing in a $23 expected move...
And remember...
When it comes to detecting Opening Bell Aftershocks before they happen...

We’re looking for the stock to beat this by 1.5x...
And look what happened after Earnings were announced...
The stock had moved nearly $61 before the opening bell the following morning...
Which is almost 3x what Wall Street’s Market Makers were expecting right before earnings.

That means we have a good opportunity to cash in on an Opening Bell Aftershock.
In this case, I was able to enter a trade on APP right at the opening bell.
Whenever I trade...
I personally take advantage of the power of options...
And if it wasn’t for options I never would have been able to turn $37K into $2.7 Million in just 4 years.
Now, I know a lot of people are scared of options, and they view them as super risky.
But like anything in life… they are risky if you use them the WRONG way.
Stocks and options both have risks. Nothing in trading is guaranteed. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose.
But options give you a huge advantage over stocks.
They allow you to put less money at risk while also targeting higher gains...
I’m talking 100%... 200%... 300% or even 1,000% winners within just mere days.
With stocks… that would be impossible.
In the case of APP’s Opening Bell Aftershock here...
I was able to close out a trade for 334% in just 11 minutes!

But if I had simply traded the stock...
I would have only made 5%.
That’s a massive difference!
It get’s even better though...
Because options also give you the ability to play the same Opening Bell Aftershock multiple times...
Just by selecting different options contracts.
So when I made the trade on APP...
Not only did I buy the option that made me 334% in 11 minutes...
I also bought a more conservative option contract at the same time,...
Giving me TWO opportunities to profit on the same Opening Bell Aftershock.
On the first contract, I made 334% in 11 minutes...
And the other, I made 100% in 8 minutes.

Of course, trading two contracts is completely optional...
But that’s the power of using options when trading Opening Bell Aftershocks.
But it wasn’t just me either...
Some of the happiest members of my flagship chatroom cashed out too...
Like Jonathan S who doubled his money in about 8 minutes...
9:38:46 a.m. Nov 7, 2024 JonathanS: APP in at $3.20. Out at $6.50.
Or Franky who did even better than me...
With 681% on the trade...
9:39:19 a.m. Nov 7, 2024 FrankyP: 681% on APP.
Or Marshall who exited half of his trade for 452%...
And the other half for... Get this.... 926%!
9:44:38 a.m. Nov 7, 2024 Mark W: APP 11/8 was only filled on two at $0.50 but solc for +452% and +926%. Happy start to the day.
Imagine being able to turn $1,000 into $7,890 in less than 15 minutes...
No wonder Marshall called it a “Happy start to the day”...
That’s what makes Opening Bell Aftershocks so awesome.
It’s crucial that you remember these 3-steps before the market opens at 9:30 a.m.
Nate’s 3 Steps to Trading Opening Bell Aftershocks
- Step No. 1: Wake up and look for earnings winners from the previous day.
- Step No. 2: Target the biggest outperformers - ones that moved more than 1.5x Wall Street’s expected move
- Step No. 3: After the opening bell rings at 9:30 a.m., I make my trade and aim to exit within minutes or hours.
Let’s see what that looks like with the Meta trade I showed you earlier...
Which was another real-money trade that I made that nearly quadrupled my money.
Once again – this ticker shot up big-time after it’s earnings announcement.
So, Step 1... check... we have a winner.

It wasn’t just a winner, though...
It absolutely SMASHED Wall Street’s expectations of a $25.75 move.

In fact, by 9:30 a.m...
The stock was already beating Wall Street’s expectations by 3x!

So we can put a checkmark next to Step 2.
Next is Step 3...
Which is to make a trade...
So, I entered a trade right after the opening bell...
And after about an hour and 15 minutes...
I was out for a 261% win!

That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $3,610...
$5,000 into $18,050...
And $10,000 would have turned into $36,100...

Again... just within an hour!
Wall Street and their talking heads in the media want you to be satisfied with a 10% return over the course of an ENTIRE YEAR...
Maybe 30% during a really good one...
And historically, that doesn’t happen very often for most people.
I’ve shown you a few of the best my best Aftershock trades...
So that you can see the real potential of this extremely lucrative strategy.
But let’s be realistic...
Before you start targeting massive Opening Bell Aftershocks profits when the clock strikes 9:30 a.m...
It's important to understand that things won’t always go the way we plan.
“What Happens if the Market Is Down or I’m Not Perfect?”
If you have any experience trading...
You know that you’re not going to double, triple, or quadruple your money every single day.
Heck, you probably know that you’re going to have bad days sometimes.
That happens...
And no one can control what the market will do.
If all I did was win...
I’d be a multi-billionaire instead of a multi-millionaire.
If you’re brand new to trading...
A good goal for you to start with is simply beating the market as many days as you can.
On average, the S&P 500 moves roughly a half percent within any given day...
So, even if you don’t hit 100% every day, you’re still doing fantastic!
Take a look at this trade I made on the ticker symbol AVGO...
Right before earnings, the stock price went up in anticipation of the earnings release...

And Wall Street expected it to move a little less than $14.

But by the next morning...
The stock had actually surged $33...
Which was almost 2.5 times Wall Street’s expectations.

So I placed a trade...
And after 36 minutes, I exited with a 31% gain!

Now if you stack that win against my 334% winner on APP...
Sure that 31% might not look as impressive...
But that’s over three times more than the 10% Wall Street wants you to be satisfied with OVER THE COURSE OF A YEAR...
And what’s even more impressive...
The S&P 500 actually ended the day DOWN nearly a third of a percent.

I’ll take 31% over losing money any day!
That’s the beauty of Opening Bell Aftershocks...
They can even work on down days!
Just like when an Opening Bell Aftershock occurred on ticker symbol VRT.
I got into this trade...

And the market just didn’t want to cooperate.
It had a correction that lasted for about 2 days...
But instead of cutting my losses that day...
I stayed patient...

And after the correction ended... I was able to exit for a 44% gain!

That’s more than 4 years of average S&P 500 gains in a matter of days.
Pretty good!
My longest Opening Bell Aftershock trade ended up being on the ticker symbol CVNA.
Taking me 10 days to exit...
But patience paid off when we eventually got out with a 112% win.
Not bad considering it takes most investors nearly 10 years to see returns like that just by investing in stocks.
So you don’t always have to be perfect to make huge profit from these Opening Bell Aftershocks.
Our goal is to collect profits within minutes or hours after the opening bell...
But as you see with this example on CVNA...
If you can’t exit within minutes of the opening bell...
You still have a chance to make VERY good money...
Even if that means you are not doubling, tripling, or quadrupling your money within minutes of the opening bell every time...
Which as you’ve seen today... is possible.
But in order to make ANYTHING...
You have to be ready to target these powerful Opening Bell Aftershocks when the market opens at 9:30a.m...
And starting today...
Finding them will be easier than ever.
Targeting the Opening Bell Aftershock at 9:30 A.M. Will Be Easier Than Ever...
You see...
While these Opening Bell Aftershock setups can be extremely lucrative within just a matter of minutes or hours...
Historically, this same speed has also been a challenge when trading them.
The process involved having to manually find earnings winners...
Reviewing their charts...
Figuring out what Wall Street’s expectations were...
Then determining if the stock outperformed those expectations by more than 1.5x...
If you woke up in the morning with a handful of stocks ready to watch...
You might be able to find these setups...
But if you didn’t have some tickers in mind before going to bed...
You’d only have a couple of hours each morning to scan through hundreds of charts...
And even then...
These Aftershocks don’t happen every single day...
So you might not even find one.
But once you do find one...
You need to be ready to trade at 9:30 a.m.
I actually missed out on one back in December on the ticker symbol ACN because of one of my kid’s school Christmas parties.
It was an earnings winner that had beaten Wall Street’s expectations...
The perfect setup for an Opening Bell Aftershock...
But the market doesn’t wait...
And ultimately, I missed out on a trade that could have made me as much as 176% within just a few minutes.
That’s enough to turn $10,000 into $27,600.

So, needless to say...
Attending my kid’s Christmas party was VERY expensive...
I still love them, though.
But that’s what could happen if you’re not ready to trade these Aftershocks by 9:30 a.m.
I wanted to come up with a solution to help everyday folks get access to these trades in the easiest way possible.
The mainstream media only talks about the earnings stories that fit into their narrative...
And the fact is there are companies that report earnings virtually every day.
This means that the next Opening Bell Aftershocks could happen on any morning at 9:30 a.m...
Yet you need to be ready NOW if you want to target these 100%, 200%, or even 300% trade gains.
That’s why I’m introducing a new wealth-building initiative today...
To help everyday folks like you take advantage of these lucrative trade setups at 9:30 a.m.
And instead of starting a brand-new research service...
And charging thousands of dollars for it...
I’m making everything available to my loyal readers... FOR FREE!
I’ll show you how to claim everything in just a moment...
But it all starts with my brand new Opening Bell Aftershock scanner...
Free Bonus #1:
Opening Bell Aftershocks Scanner

My team and I built this first-of-its-kind tool to do most of the research legwork for us.
Now, instead of manually going through hundreds of charts looking for Opening Bell Aftershocks...
Simply visit the scanner in the morning before 9:30 a.m.
And you’ll see the potential Aftershocks.
It’s easy to follow too!
When you look at the scanner...
You’ll see the earnings winners from the previous day...
And an easy-to-read checkbox indicator that appears whenever an Aftershock appears imminent.
My team and I did everything we could to make it as easy as possible for you to find these fast-moving Opening Bell Aftershocks in the morning.
This is going to be a complete game-changer...
And I fully expect thousands of people will now take advantage of what I believe is one of the most powerful trade setups in the market...
Especially when I show you how my readers can claim this scanner FOR FREE!
But of course, finding these Aftershocks is just part of the equation.
In order to target these potential 300% moves at 9:30 a.m.
You have to know when to enter a trade...
And when to exit...
Which every trader knows can be a challenge, especially with how fast these move.
That’s why I’m also going to be releasing my...
Opening Bell Aftershock Trade Recommendations

Whenever I see a tradeable setup that I like during the pre-market...
I’ll send out an alert via email and mobile push...
With a summary of my detailed research on the trade setup.
Then, once the Opening Bell Rings...
I’ll send an alert when I enter the trade...
Then, once again, whenever I exit it...
So you can see my exact approach in real time.
In the past, these trade recommendations have been exclusive to members of my most expensive daily chatroom...
Who literally pay thousands of dollars per year for my research...
And as I mentioned earlier...
On AVERAGE, those Opening Bell Aftershock recommendations have produced a 39% average return within less than a day...
Including all of the winners that you saw today, like my..
And, of course...
- 40% winner on DOCU within 5 minutes...
- 75% winner on SYM within 10 minutes...
- 261% winner on META within 1 hour and 11 minutes...
- My 334% winner on APP within 11 minutes...
And those were all trades I made before my new scanner existed!
But with my new scanner running every morning at pre-market...
I expect us to see many more of these lucrative opportunities every month...
Depending on how many earnings announcements there are.
In order to achieve the highest gains and the most consistency, I expect to recommend only the 2-3 BIGGEST potential winners each month.
But if there are more than 2-3 setups that I feel strongly about...
I’ll send out a trade recommendation.
I never hold back.
I’ll show you how to claim these brand-new trade recommendations for free...
Along with my new Opening Bell Aftershock scanner...
And a brand-new education bundle that my research team and I put together...
Inside the Aftershock: How to Quadruple Your Money Within Minutes of the Market Opening

Which includes a trading guide and video case study...
So that you know exactly how to trade this powerful strategy on your own.
Look, my scanner and trade recommendations are great...
They’re going to make finding these Opening Bell Aftershocks A LOT easier...
But I always encourage my followers to empower themselves...
By learning how to “fish for themselves” and not depend on anyone...
Because that is what true financial freedom is.
My trading guide goes over my entire strategy from start to finish...
Including how to find these Opening Bell Aftershocks...
Plus, there are things that I didn’t have time to cover today in this video...
Such as...
When to enter a trade...
When to exit...
And how to select the ideal options contract for the trade...
All of that is in this new, easy-to-follow trading guide...
That you can use as you target massive profits from the Opening Bell Aftershocks.
I’ll show you how an Opening Bell Aftershock trade plays out in REAL time...
With the unique video case study that I’m including with the report...
Which includes a rare opportunity to see an actual 300% trade made in REAL TIME...
Along with my commentary along the way.
Some people would probably pay a lot of money for the chance to master a trading strategy that allows you to target 100%, 200%, or even 300% profits...
Within minutes of the clock striking 9:30 a.m.
And in my opinion...
There simply isn’t a better way to start your morning...
But as I said...
It won’t cost you thousands of dollars...
This entire wealth-building initiative...
Which includes:
- My new Opening Bell Aftershocks Scanner...
- My new Opening Bell Aftershock Trade Recommendations...
- My new Inside The Aftershock Education Bundle...

Now this could be packaged together and sold as a new service...
And frankly, my publisher and I would have no problem selling it.
But I meant it when I said I want more people to be aware of these Opening Bell Aftershocks...
So, I’ve decided to make this available FOR FREE to members of my trading research service Profit Surge Trader.

My Profit Surge Trader community is the perfect place to target these powerful Aftershocks...
And going forward, it’s where I’ll be sending out my exact trade instructions whenever I feel strongly about an Opening Bell Aftershock trade setup.
I’m ALWAYS looking for new ways to give my members the best bang for their buck...
So, if you’re a member of Profit Surge Trader now...
Congratulations... you now have access to this new Wealth Building Initiative...
100% free...
And when I say free... I mean FREE.
You won’t have to join another service...
And I’m not taking away any existing membership perks.
If you’re not a member yet...
I want to extend a special invitation for you to become a member of one of the fastest-growing trading communities online.
This group is entirely dedicated to trading the Earnings Profit Surge...
Which has been studied by Harvard, The Federal Reserve, the SEC, and many other institutions...
But Opening Bell Aftershocks is just ONE very lucrative way that I take advantage of the Earnings Profit Surge.
Every Monday at Noon ET...
We join together for about 30 minutes to an hour inside the private Profit Surge Trader chatroom...

Where I’ll generally give 2 or 3 weekly trade recommendations and look for the best ways to profit from stocks that have recently become proven earnings winners...
All in front of thousands of people like you who want to make huge profits from the Earnings Profit Surge.
It's not just me going on a livestream and quickly giving my trade recommendations either.
Throughout the weekly session, I take questions from the chat and teach the strategies in detail...
So that everyone is on the same page with what we’re doing, regardless of your experience level.
I do my best to make sure that no one is left behind...
This is how we’ve built one of the best trading chatrooms on the web.
There isn’t another community like this...
But Profit Surge Trader doesn’t just stop with my weekly live streams...
I’ll also deliver instant trade recommendations whenever I buy and sell...

And now, with this new Opening Bell Aftershock initiative...
We’re taking things further and targeting these unique 9:30 a.m. trades.
You’ll get the alerts via email and lightning-fast push alerts to your mobile phone.

You can expect to be in the loop every step of the way...
REGARDLESS of whether or not I’m broadcasting live inside the chatroom.
The results we’ve seen in Profit Surge Trader over the past year have been incredible, and I have a blast every week.
So much so that I put my real money into every trade recommendation I make...
In other words, when I make money, you make money.
We’re in this together and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Since launching the community in August 2023...
My trade recommendations have delivered a 75%-win rate...
Including winners like
- 100% on Google in 8 days...
- 102% on Target within 6 days...
- And 133% on Meta within minutes...
To name a few!
We’ve even had stretches of several months where we’ve gone undefeated...
This includes Q1 2024, during which we went 27-for-27 and outperformed the market by 1,700%.
And July and August when we went 17-for-17.
Now, of course...
We won’t always be perfect like that, but we try our best...
And we certainly win far more than we lose.
And now, with the addition of Opening Bell Aftershocks...
I believe we will see even more 100%... 200%... and even 300% winners...
Starting as early as 9:30 a.m.
These Opening Bell Aftershock trade recommendations are IN ADDITION to what we’ve been doing since I started the community.
And it's not just me making money in the Profit Surge Trader either...
REAL everyday people in the community are making real money thanks to the Profit Surge...
Like Joe, who wrote...
“You are the first service I have used in 20 years that has actually produced winners!”
Or Angelena, who wrote in...
“Nate is terrific! He is knowledgeable and real. I came into the service with very little knowledge, and listening to Nate every week turned me into a more confident trader.”
Or Mike G., who wrote...
“Sooooo many folks out there claiming to have "THE WINNING SYSTEM" and we all know there is no perfect system. Nate's approach and system to trading is unique and very applicable to people like me who don't have a gazillion dollars to invest and don't understand everything in the stock market. I am doing better with [the] Profit Surge than with any of the other previous systems I have tried in the past... I've had way more wins and a lot less losses with Nate because he has educated me with new trading techniques I never had before.”
Or William, who wrote...
“Well worth the price; it paid for itself the first week. I have gone from knowing nothing about trading options to making 335 trades with an 86% win rate in seven months. Nate is a fantastic teacher and I have learned to find high-quality trades on my own in addition to the weekly service recommendations. This stuff is fun”
And that’s an important point that I am glad William made...
Because while trade recommendations are great...
And I want you to make money...
The ultimate goal of Profit Surge Trader is to teach you how to become a profitable trader...
So you’ll also get my entire Private Training Vault...

That is filled to the brim with trading guides and video trainings to help you not only become successful within the community... But as a trader in general.
Some of my most popular lessons in there include...
The $2.7 Million Profit System, which covers the trading approach I used to turn $37k into $2.7 Million.
How to Profitably Trade Options (the Easy Way), which is my most comprehensive guide to trading options for beginners...
One Ticker Payouts: The Profit Rule Book, which shows you how to profit from one ticker repeatedly using the Earnings Profit Surge.
The AI Profit Surgethat dives into how to use the power of AI to find Earnings Profit Surge trade setups.
To name a few.
And if you can’t make one of these live sessions ever... no problem!
I always make my weekly livestream replays available inside the vault...

So, at this point...
There are hundreds of hours of education at your fingertips when you become a member of Profit Surge Trader.
When you add everything together:
My weekly livestreams, every Monday at noon ET...
2-3 Earnings Profit Surge trade recommendations per week...
And my entire Private Training Vault...

You know some hedge funds would probably charge $20,000 plus 20% of your profits to join.
But I’m not in it to take advantage of people like Wall Street does.
I’m in it to help you MAKE MONEY trading just like I do.
So it probably wouldn’t surprise you to learn that the full one year retail price of Profit Surge Trader normally costs just $997… less than $100 per month.
And now that we’ve added my NEW Opening Bell Aftershocks scanner, trade recommendations, and research...
It’s like getting two services for the price of one...
It's a far better deal than some of the $10,000 trading research services you’ll find out there.
But it gets even BETTER than that.
To celebrate the addition of Opening Bell Aftershocks to the service...
My publisher and I have put together a special deal for those who take action and join today...
We’re on a mission.
I want everyone to have a chance to profit from these Opening Bell Aftershocks at 9:30 a.m.
That’s why if you try out Profit Surge Trader today, you can get access for six months for just $79...

Including my Opening Bell Aftershocks Scanner, Trade Recommendations, and trading guide for FREE.
Just click on the button below the video on this page to join...
And look...
If you try out Profit Surge Trader and, for some reason, you find that this community isn’t for you during your first 90 days…
You’re protected by my 90-day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee.

I’ll even let you keep any of my special reports and research that you want from my Private Library for FREE...
My gift for giving my service a try!
I know the struggle and understand that many so-called “experts” are difficult to trust nowadays.
When I was still a construction worker, I didn’t have much cash. I get it. You have to protect every penny.
So if that’s the only thing between you and a better life…
I’m happy to offer this discount and remove the risk with my money-back guarantee.
Try it and if you don’t like it...
Give us a call, and we’ll issue you a full refund. RISK-FREE!
Let’s quickly go over everything you get when you join Profit Surge Trader:

- Six Months of My Profit Surge Trader research service ($997 Value!)
- 104 Trade Recommendations per year - Targeting 100%+ gains from the Earnings Profit Surge every week. Delivered via email, mobile push, and chatroom alerts.
- WEEKLY Livestream Sessions + Chatroom: Every Monday at noon ET, I’ll break down the hottest Earnings Profit Surge trade setups and my top trade recommendations for the week.
- Profit Surge Trader Chatroom: Ask questions and interact with thousands of other members during my weekly livestreams inside our exclusive chatroom community.
- My Private Training Library: Access all of my top training sessions, special reports, and archived Livestream recordings
Plus my brand-new Opening Bell Aftershock Wealth Building initiative…
- SPECIAL BONUS #1: My Opening Bell Aftershock scanner detects stocks set to experience massive Aftershocks at 9:30 a.m.
- SPECIAL BONUS #2: Additional Opening Bell Aftershock trade recommendations whenever I find an active Aftershock with 300% profit potential.
- SPECIAL BONUS #3: Inside The Aftershock: How to quadruple your money within minutes of the market opening, my new trading guide and video case study covering my Opening Bell Aftershock strategy.
All for just $79.

That comes out to just $3.80 per week!
Like I said...
Other publications would easily charge $10,000 or more for services like this...
But there are companies expected to announce their earnings THIS WEEK...
Which means at 9:30 a.m...
There is a chance we could be seeing the next BIG Opening Bell Aftershock that we can profit from.
There is no time to wait.
That’s why we’ve put together the very best deal that we can offer...
To make it affordable to as many people as possible.
Click on the button below this video to join now.
And remember...
Even though we are offering a MASSIVE discount...
Your membership is backed by my 90-day “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee...
If at any point you are not satisfied...
Simply call, and we’ll return your money.
There is no risk in joining...
But if you wait any longer...
You could miss the next 300% Opening Bell Aftershock at 9:30 a.m.
But there is even one more bonus that I forgot to mention...
Trade With Nate All Day for an Entire Week!
When you join today, I’ll also give new members VIP access to at least two FREE weeklong open-house events this year...

During this Open House...
You can trade alongside me all day for an entire week inside my exclusive flagship chatroom, Daily Profits Live.

We’re talking LIVE trading and profits from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for an entire week.
And an incredible amount of powerful trade recommendations.
During our last Open House event...
We went 23 out of the 24 trades we placed during the week...
Including TWO 100% winners...
And during the one before that...
- We went 19-for-22...
- Including a 123% overnight win...
- A 141% overnight win...
- A 286% win in 2 days...
- And that MASSIVE 1,129% trade on RILY within 2 days...
These events are fun and usually very productive, and when you join Profit Surge Trader today...
You’ll receive a priority invite to them FOR FREE.

With a strategy this powerful...
One that gives you the ability to target massive profits.
AND direct access to myself every Monday at noon during our live streams...
I think you’re going to want to do much more than give this service a try.
You’ll want to get your hands on as many of these Opening Bell Aftershock plays as possible.
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
Remember what I mentioned a few minutes ago?
There are opportunities to target these money-quadrupling gains THIS WEEK.
If you’re ready to target huge Opening Bell Aftershocks at 9:30 a.m...
And all of my other Earnings Profit Surge plays...
You must act now to secure this special deal...
Click on the button below.
You’ll be taken to a secure order form where you can complete your order...
Within minutes, you’ll have access to all my latest recommendations and perks, which we put together for you today.
The next Opening Bell Aftershock could happen at 9:30 a.m.
So don’t miss your chance to target the next money-quadrupling winner.
Thanks for watching...
I look forward to meeting you virtually during my weekly livestream this upcoming Monday.
February 2025