World’s Fastest Trader Reveals:

“How You Can Get Gains Bigger than 50% in Less Than Five Minutes”

“I just bagged $3,670. I’ve been a subscriber for only three hours!”
– War Room Member Phil B.
“I’ve made twice my salary in the last two weeks...”
– War Room Member Bill L.
“Wow what a service!! I just made $6,300 on my first day!”
– War Room Member Ty H.
Bryan Bottarelli

Hey everyone.

Professional trader Bryan Bottarelli here.

I’m the creator of the world’s most advanced trading research system – The War Room.

And today, I’m going to show you how to use my system for the chance to bank $3,000 each and every day the markets are open... sometimes in less than the time it takes to get a cup of coffee!

So picture this for a minute…

You wake up in the morning… take a shower, watch the news, get some breakfast.

Then you hop on to your computer.

Make a simple trade in five minutes.

You walk away… top off your coffee.

And a few minutes later, you come back to thousands of extra dollars in your account.

After today, THIS could be your life.

How can I make such an outrageous claim?

Because I’ve gotten rich personally by trading this way.

I quit my job as a trader on the Chicago Board Options Exchange exactly 12 years ago... and decided to trade full time.

It was a hard decision.

I bet everything – my entire life – on my ability to trade.

My wife thought I was crazy...

But since then, I’ve built up a $6 million trading portfolio from scratch.

Here’s a picture of my trading statement so you can see I’m the real deal.

And not only have I done it myself, but I’ve also helped other people see similar success.

In fact, in the past six months alone... we’ve locked in 142 winners...

Including gains of more than 133% in less than 24 hours.

Just this morning, we closed out one of our biggest winners yet – a play on Ambarella.

I received a message from Ramesh just minutes ago telling me he closed out for 440%!

Beyond Meat is another great example.

When the company went public back on May 1... I knew this would be a chance for my members to lock in some lightning-fast gains.

So I jumped into our chat room and told people exactly what to do.

Within a few hours... the wins started rolling in.

One of my followers, a guy named Winter, jumped in at $1.68. And got out at $4. That’s a 138% gain in ONE DAY!

Another member, Keith, one of the more vocal guys in our chat room, said he locked in a 165% win.

Flavio did the best though. 209%!

That’s a triple in one day!

And that’s what trading is all about.

It’s about fun!

It’s about excitement!

It’s about getting the blood pumping in your veins as you TRIPLE your money in one freakin’ day.

Look at what happened when I recommended a play on Microsoft the day it released earnings.

There were hundreds of us in the chat room as everyone started bragging about their gigantic profits.

Charles wrote in to say, “HOLY CRAP, MICROSOFT! In at $0.98, sold $2.44. BOOM, BABY!

Or how about Bill, who posted that “I just made $4,100 on Microsoft. Bryan, my heart is beating out of my chest right now. What a thrill ride this is.

This is what trading is all about.

It IS a thrill ride!

Sometimes the gains come in less time than it takes to get a cup of coffee.

I’ll never forget the day I was in The War Room (that’s what we call our chat room) and I told my members about a profit opportunity on RH.

A guy with the username Beardance (don’t ask me; that’s the name he chose) made the trade at $3.60. He told me he went for coffee, came back... and the gain was already up 33% to $4.80.

He closed it out for a big profit before he had his first sip of coffee!

So let me ask you...

Have you ever experienced the thrill of a 33% win in a few minutes... or a 209% win in less than 24 hours?

Do you want to?

I mean that as a serious question.

A lot of people don’t really like excitement.

They live boring lives and never take any chances.

If you’re that type of person, just go ahead and close this video.


But if you’re ready for the chance to completely change your life...

To start making blood-pumping, cash-gushing trades that could pay out in minutes day after day...

Then you’ve come to the right place.

Today, I’m going to show you how to use my system for the chance to collect $3,000 each day the markets are open.

Keep in mind... in this video, I’m going to show you REAL TRADES I recommended in REAL TIME.

Not any of those b.s. hypothetical claims that people come up with.

I should also mention... every story I tell you involves a REAL PERSON you may soon meet yourself in our chat room.

Most of them are total beginners.

They came to me with no idea what they were doing... but all they had to do was follow my lead.

And now, they’re looking at $3,000 paydays in the blink of an eye.

So if you’re ready for that electric jolt of LIFE that comes with bringing in $3,000 in a single session... then let’s get started.

I Did Something NO Trader Ever Did Before

First, let me tell you a bit more about myself.

As I said, I learned to trade on the Chicago Board Options Exchange... where I worked with some of the greatest traders in the world.

I got an education, let me tell you.

I worked in the Apple trading pit.

It was cutthroat!

People yelling and screaming... making money hand over fist... but fighting for every dollar.

It was also a blast!

When you’re in there and your order gets filled and suddenly you’re up tens of thousands of dollars... it is such a rush!

But I also hated the fact that I was making money for somebody else.

Sure, I got my cut.

But my bosses got the bulk of the cash.

That’s why... once I had the skills to really bank a significant amount of money... I decided to go my own way.

I started day trading as my full time career. I made plenty of money. As I showed you earlier, I ended up growing my account to $6 million.

But something was missing...

I missed the excitement of being there with other people.

I missed sharing the wins with all of my fellow traders.

I missed...


The kind you can experience only when you and your buddies are stuffing your pockets with cash like sharks in a frenzy!

So I decided to create a community for trading enthusiasts to come together and share in each other’s success.

That’s when I founded my business – called Monument Traders Alliance – and built the world’s most advanced trading research chat room – The War Room.

Nobody had ever done something like this before.

My goal with The War Room was pretty simple, really.

I recognized that most people didn’t have my experience. Locking in regular wins of 100% in less than a day isn’t something most people can do.

So I set up The War Room with two things in mind.

1) I wanted people to be able to see exactly how I personally trade. That way, they could be by my side... and receive my real-time market analysis and trade recommendations.


2) I wanted The War Room to be easy.

I know how much work it took for me to become a professional trader. It was tens of thousands of hours.

With The War Room, I wanted people to be able to jump in for 20 minutes... make a trade... lock in a profit... and then go on with their lives.

I didn’t want people to feel like they had to be glued to a computer screen all day.

So that’s what I did...

And since then, The War Room has turned into the premiere spot for anyone who wants to learn how to make significant amounts of cash in a very short period of time.

The most gratifying part?

Seeing people who had ZERO CLUE how to trade turning into Top Gun traders blasting out winners like they’re taking down Russian MiGs over the Indian Ocean.

Like Bill...

This guy came in having no idea how to trade.

Yet all he had to do was log in... follow my moves... and soon he was hitting home run after home run in just a few minutes each day.

I’ve made twice my salary in the last two weeks...” he said. “And I’m still a beginner who’s learning!

That’s what gets me so dang FIRED UP about The War Room.

It’s stories like Bill’s.

And the thing is... he didn’t have to develop any special skills to trade like this.

Thanks to The War Room, all he had to do was follow my trade recommendations.

Let me show you what I mean...

War Room Members CRUSHED It on Under Armour

Here’s a great example...

Under Armour was a play I was watching very closely on July 29, 2019.


Because it was about to make a big announcement on earnings.

Let me be clear on something...


Honestly, it’s like Christmas for me.

Because in my years on the CBOE, I discovered a way to make money NO MATTER which way earnings go – up or down.

So I knew Under Armour was going to be a big payday.

I waited for the right moment to pounce.

And at exactly 9:33 a.m., three minutes after the opening bell, I pulled the trigger...

And told the whole War Room exactly how to take a shot at a big win.

One guy had just entered The War Room for the first time.


Yet he almost instantly sent this message to the group:

“Thanks, Bryan. This was my first day trading... made $2,800!”

From there, the messages just started rolling in...

War Room member Nick: “68% gain on Under Armour. Thanks, Bryan”

War Room member Bruce: “I profited $1,100.”

War Room member Paul: “80% on Under Armour.”

War Room member Harman: “84% on Under Armour. Thanks, Bryan!!”

War Room member Abreu: “78% on Under Armour. Thanks!!!!!!!”

War Room member Brad: “Up 89.5% on Under Armour!! In at $2.40, out at $4.45.”

Listen, this is what The War Room is all about.

It’s about collecting wins of more than 80%... NOT in a year... NOT in a month... NOT in a week.

I’m talking about ONE DAY!

And sometimes just minutes!

So I want to ask YOU...

Have you ever collected an 80% gain in a day?

If not, let me tell you...


It’s like injecting a syringe of pure adrenaline straight to the heart.

But the thing is...

For us in The War Room, it happens all the time!

Here, let me show you another one.

We DESTROYED Our Kellogg Play for 133%-Plus in Less Than a Day

Kellogg was even bigger.

On July 31, the market was terrible.

The Dow was down 340 points.

Most investors were losing their shirts.

But I could not have cared less.

I stopped watching the broad market years ago. It’s a waste of time once you know how to trade like a pro.

Instead of watching the Dow, I was paying attention to Kellogg.


Because while the Dow was tanking over the China-U.S. trade wars... Kellogg was gearing up for a big earnings announcement the following day.

And since Kellogg was getting completely overlooked...

Prices were cheap. Super cheap.

On July 31, at exactly 12:37 p.m., my trigger hit.

I sent out a note to The War Room that told everyone how they could collect more than double in a day.

The next day, as earnings were coming out on August 1, first thing in the morning, I told everyone to cash out.

And once more, The War Room started lighting up like a Christmas tree.

Milo wrote in to say he collected a “net on Kellogg of $1,032.”

Not bad for the first five minutes of the day,” he said.

$1,000 in five minutes?

Not bad at all!

War Room member Maurice got in at $2.16 and out at $5.05 for a 133% gain!

Michael made 100%.

Another member, Mark, got in at $2.20 and out at $5.05. He reported making $2,800 in less than a day!

Keep in mind... if you make $2,800 each trading day for a year... that comes out to $705K!

This is what YOU should be doing.

Every single time you need a few thousand bucks to do something like pay off your credit cards, buy a plane ticket, put a down payment on a car...

Just jump into The War Room with us... make a play... cash out... and get back to living life to its fullest!

Here’s another one...

“I’m Looking at About a 168% Gain on My Amgen”
– War Room Member Peter B.


I’ll be honest about this one... It kind of ticked me off!

It took five agonizing days for members to capture 160%-plus gains.

I hate waiting that long!

Five days to get paid is like an eternity for me!

But hey, sometimes it’s worth it.

And in the case of Amgen, the end result was pretty sweet.

I recommended Amgen on July 25.

And we closed it on July 31.

War Room member Peter was pumped.

What a world!!” He wrote. “I’m looking at about 168% on my Amgen!

Member T.R. made ONLY 166%.

Thank you for your recommendation on Amgen,” he said. “Just now I sold for a 166% gain in about five days!

War Room member Karl said he bought Amgen at $2.95 and got out at $11.50. He got bragging rights in The War Room with the top gain of the day, 289%!

A $1,000 investment on this one would’ve turned into $3,890.

One of the other War Room members responded to Karl with this message:

“Boom goes the dynamite!!”

This is what I LOVE about The War Room.

It’s why I created it in the first place.

It’s the ONLY place in the world where like-minded people can get together and root each other on as they extract thousands from the markets day after day.

And when you join, I can teach you to also bank around $3,000 every day the markets are open.

I can give you the opportunity to win regularly just like with Under Armour, Kellogg and Amgen.

In fact, I’m doing it day after day after day.

Make $3,000 by following my quick moves each day and you could be looking at more than $750,000 by the year’s end.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking...

Bryan, you’re only showing us your best trades, right? You can’t possibly do this on a regular basis... can you?

My answer?

Actually, I can and do produce these kinds of wins on a regular basis.

Now, we aren’t perfect.

Pro traders know that losses are part of the game.

Only amateurs think they’ll win every single time.

But our wins radically outnumber our losses.

So far this year in The War Room, we have more than FIVE TIMES the number of winners than losers.

And when you win that much as a trader... you can turn just a few thousand dollars into some real money very quickly.

How else do you think I was able to build a $6 million trading portfolio?

And what I love best is when we go on a hot streak.

We’ve had a number of them this year.

And they are AWESOME!

Just one of these can alter your finances forever.

Win Streak No. 1:
Turn $1,000 Into $245,175 in Just 10 Days!

For example, we had one win streak this year from July 22 until August 1.

Now, this particular streak lasted 10 glorious days.

I recommended 17 trades... 15 winners and just two losers.

The average gain on all 17 plays, including the two losses?


Let me repeat that...

We made 17 recommendations in 10 calendar days and AVERAGED 44% per play.

And keep in mind, the markets were open for only eight of those days.

That means we had more than two 44% winners for each day the market was open.

That’s how you make money FAST!

Here’s the full list of all 17 trades...

And here’s what’s amazing...

Most of these gains came in just ONE DAY.

Which means that while they didn’t perfectly flow one into another, they did represent a whole series of gains right in a row.

And if you were able to line up a series of winners like this...

You could start with just $1,000 in the first play...

Rolling your winnings into the next one as you go...

And turn that $1,000 into $245,175 in just 10 days.

That’s quadruple what most Americans make in an entire year!

It’s $30,646 per trading day.

Talk about a hot streak.


We’ve had 142 winners already in the six months since I launched The War Room earlier this year.

So how have we done it?

How do I find these trades that generate so much wealth in such a short period?

Let me explain.

Secrets of the Pro Trader

When I was working on the floor of the Chicago trading pits, I learned many of the secrets only Pro Traders know.

The first...

Forget about the Dow and the S&P 500.

After today, the broad markets will no longer feel like life or death.

Let me give you an example.

Monday, August 5, was BRUTAL for the markets.

The media was in a tizzy over the China trade war crap.

Which sent the Dow into a tailspin.

The markets were down 700 points.

But were we freaking out in The War Room?

I don't think so.

Instead, I was watching Clorox, where a special pattern was forming.

It’s called a “W” pattern.

And it looks like this:

The W pattern is one of the most powerful bull signals you will ever see.

Essentially, with a W pattern, the active traders out there are testing whether the stock will drop below a key support line.

You can see they attempted it twice.

And failed... both times!

When that happens, I start licking my chops.

Because I know what’s set to happen next.

The stock is going to move upward very quickly.

In this case, Clorox handed us a 27% gain in exactly 54 minutes.

All while the markets were tanking 700 points!

It was the only blue chip name on my screen that was green that particular day.

All thanks to the remarkable reliability of the W formation.

Now, think about this...

Over the last two years, the Dow has gone up about 20%.


Meanwhile, my readers made more than that on Clorox in less than an hour!

Ernest posted, “20% for me... in less than an hour. I’m fine.”

Bill closed his out super-fast, writing, “I’ll take a 21% gain in 30 minutes anytime.”

Eric made another 20%.

And Michael said something I really appreciated:

“You guys are worth every penny. I feel more comfortable trading your trades than I have been with other analysts by far. Thanks for your commitment to safety in risk in your trades!”

I love that!

Clorox is a great example of how powerful a winning W pattern can be.

Here, let me show you another one...

This is a W pattern in UnitedHealth Group.

You can see traders test the support line twice. And fail both times.

That means the stock is about to rocket higher.

And sure enough, it handed us a HUGE win.

48% in just 27 minutes.

This is essentially the type of thing I’m doing all day in The War Room.

Looking for patterns like the W – the most consistently reliable bull signal you’ll see.

I track where all the money is flowing... and then I alert War Room members when something big is about to go down.

War Room member Justin K. sums it up nicely:

“We’re not making money on the growth of a company,” he said. “We’re making money on the movement and liquidity of its stock. Money is ALWAYS flowing, regardless of the up, down or stagnant nature of the market at that moment.”

That’s 100% right!

Money is always flowing.

And if you know how to capture it, you can bring in thousands every single day the markets are open.

I use a number of patterns like the W to spot where the money flows are headed.

But it’s not just patterns like the W pattern...

There are lots of way to make quick money as a Pro Trader.

Christmas Comes Four Times a Year for Me

I mentioned earlier that I LOVE earnings season.

It happens four times a year, and it is THE time you want to be in The War Room.

Because every day brings unbelieve profit opportunities.

Here’s why...

Essentially, there is one part of earnings season that is EXTREMELY predictable...

When earnings hits, the number of shares trading in that stock will shoot WAY UP.

For example, look at this chart for Garmin when it announced earnings on July 31.

You can see that massive spike in volume between July 30 and July 31.

Millions of dollars were trading every minute.

I felt sure this would happen because, well, it always does.

And, as I said earlier, I’ve discovered a trade that can make you money NO MATTER WHICH DIRECTION THE STOCK GOES.

You heard me right...

You can make money both ways.

So on July 30, I posted in The War Room telling everyone what to do.

And on July 31, we closed it out for an 83.71% win in just ONE DAY!

Now do you see why I love earnings so much?

And guess what?

So do the rest of the members in The War Room.

Richard got in at $3.36 and out at $5.55 – a 65% win for him.

Abreu got in at $3.22 and out at $5.46, a 70% win.

And War Room member Michael sold his Garmin position for a massive 130% win!

I get goosebumps when I see messages like these.

It’s what I always wanted back when I was trading all by myself day after day.

I was making tons of money, but I missed the fun and excitement of doing it with other people.

I think War Room member Rick R. sums it up perfectly:

“The beauty of The War Room, for me, is the fact that there is so much good information being shared by everyone here. It’s better than a college course on trading. I’m so glad I joined this group. Thanks to everyone for being willing to share your valuable insights.”

If you’ve stuck with me for this long today, it proves you’re the type of person who’s willing to look for a new way of trading.

Maybe you’re sick of those days when the Dow tanks for a 700-point loss.

Or you’re tired of guessing which way a stock will go on earnings.

Or you’re tired of feeling like you’re investing all on your own.

Let me tell you, I get that.

It’s the reason I built The War Room.

And I can promise you right here and now... your life WILL change once you join us.

You don’t have to become an expert at trading to succeed in The War Room.

You just have to follow what the pros are doing!

Do that... and you can start collecting $3,000 wins very quickly.

It might even happen a lot faster than you think.

Let me show you what one month in The War Room might look like.

A Month in The War Room:
30 Winners on 36 Trades

I originally opened up The War Room to new members in the spring of 2019.

My team had been working to build the site... code it out... and get everything up and running so it worked seamlessly.

We wanted it to be the BEST trading research website in the world.

I wanted it to do things NO other financial website could ever dream of doing.

I wanted to share videos with the group, publish alerts in real time, alert even those who weren’t in The War Room when I was about to make a recommendation... all of it.

I wanted War Room members to be able to make money within 30 seconds of loading the page.

Where you literally enter The War Room and start receiving my moneymaking recommendations instantly.

We hired the best people on the planet to build The War Room. The smartest engineers. The brightest minds.

And right away, the results were spectacular.

In fact, from April 4 to May 9, we went on a run that would take your breath away.

In those 35 days, I personally recommended 36 trades.

And 30 of them were winners.

Yes, we had six losses.

But we had five times as many winners.

For instance, my first play, on April 4, was on a company called Innovative Industrial Properties (Ticker Symbol: IIPR).

Not a real well-known company – which is great for me because unknown companies are some of the easiest to target.

In the case of Innovative Industrial, I saw that traders were really piling in and moving the stock.

So I recommended it in The War Room at $5.20.

And a day later, we closed it at $9.40 for an 80.77% win in 24 hours.

Everyone in The War Room went nuts.

Including me!

I was on cloud nine.

And the hits kept coming all month long.

On April 10, I told people to look at Lyft.

The company had just IPO’d... one of my favorite times to trade because all the amateurs out there are trading it... but don’t know the first thing about what they’re doing.

It’s moments like that when I feel like a hungry wolf staring at a bunch of sheep sitting unguarded in a pen.

So we pounced.

We recommended Lyft at $2.95.

And just a few hours later, we closed out for a 62% win.

One after another, these opportunities were lining up.

On April 15, we closed out a play on Twilio for a 27% gain.

On April 17, it was Skechers.

I spotted my trigger and told everyone in The War Room.

24 hours later, the play was up 100%.

On April 23, it was a 44% gain in RH. (This is the trade I mentioned earlier where a War Room member went for coffee and came back to a huge gain!)

On April 25, we closed out five plays, including wins of 50% on Twitter and 100% on Microsoft.

Here, let me just give you the entire list of my own trade recommendations so you can see everything.

And here’s what really should get you in the mouthwatering, hungry wolf mode.

Imagine this...

If you managed to hit a series of trades like this all in a row... just tracking each closed position, whether a win or loss...

And you started with just a small $1,000 portfolio...

You’d have ended up with $125,131 in just 35 days.

That’s life-changing money right there.

I’ll tell you straight up...

This kind of trading has completely changed my life.

I used to have to watch every dollar I spent.

I worked at freakin’ McDonald’s making minimum wage for God’s sake!

So I know what it’s like to pinch pennies.

It’s awful!

But now I take my family on fishing trips to Montana... I go boating up in Wisconsin at the family lake house... I travel freely down to five-star resorts on the Pacific coast.

I can assure you... trading is about LIVING.

And not just getting by...

But truly living right!

One month of winning trades could hand you twice what the average American makes working a dead-end job all year long!

And this brings me to a really important part of The War Room...

You DO NOT Need to Be in The War Room All Day Long

You see... the No. 1 excuse I get from people for why they don’t want to trade MY way is that they simply don’t have time.

They don’t want to be glued to their computers all day long.

They want to get out there... spend time with family... go on trips... enjoy life.

And you know what I say to that...


Those are the type of people I want in The War Room.

And the fact is... I designed The War Room with people who want to enjoy life in mind.

Look at the month of trades I just gave you as an example.

Over 35 days, I made 36 trade recommendations.

Since there were only 26 trading days in that time, it amounts to about seven trades per week.

So about one trade a day... a couple of clicks of a mouse... a few sentences you read in The War Room...

And perhaps typing up a few of your own to brag about your winnings in the chat!

That’s... it.

After you make the trade, feel free to shut it down.

Go play a round of golf. Grab a beer over lunch with friends.

And then jump back on in the afternoon to close out a winner... count up your winnings and then move on with your day.

Go out and have a nice evening with your friends or spouse.

It’s really that simple.

And if anything big happens... I’ve designed an alert system to let you know of any action to take. (More details on that to come)

The point is...

You can make thousands each day even if you’re making just a trade or two.

And if you miss a trade... or you go on vacation for two weeks...


Go ahead and spend some of your winnings on a good time. I’ll be there when you get back with more sniper trades lined up for the next big win streak.

Start With $2,500... and Grow It to $103,605 in Just 12 Days!

In fact, let me show you another huge win streak we had this year.

From May 22 to June 3, we made 21 trade recommendations in The War Room.

20 of them were winners.

Here’s the whole breakdown:

I first told War Room members to “ring the register” in Diamondback Energy on May 22.

I recommended the trade at 11:02 a.m. at $2.90.

Then, War Room members had the chance to go to lunch, hang out... do whatever they wanted.

And two hours later, I sent everyone a quick message, and we closed it out at $4.20 for a 45% win.

The next day, on May 23, we closed out two wins.

A 22% play on the CBOE and a 25% gain on NetApp.

The day after that, another two came rolling in.

24% on Walmart and an additional 27% on the CBOE.

May 29 brought us our biggest winner.

I was watching Abercrombie & Fitch since it was set to report earnings.

It was another “Christmas morning” trade for me...

It was overlooked... cheap... and prices were dramatically skewed in our favor.

When I saw it, I was so pumped I shot off an immediate message to The War Room at 9:55 a.m.

The Abercrombie & Fitch play was trading at $2.67.

But by the next day, it was up to $5.91 for a 121% gain.

Merry freakin’ Christmas!

And the gains continued to consistently flow in...

34% on Dollar General... 20% on Walmart... 48% on QID... 16% on Walmart again... 26% on the CBOE... and another 16% on QID.

By the way, you may notice that I mention some of the same stocks multiple times.

It’s because I’ve found that certain stocks become predictable in the way they trade.

So I like to go back to the well over and over, extracting profits each time.

For example, during this win streak, I recommended trades on the CBOE four times.

And they led to wins of 22%, 27%, 23% and 26%.

Remarkably consistent.

War Room member Michael S. had never even traded the CBOE before.

But, “I’ve made $7,500-plus on the CBOE since joining,” he said. “Thank you, Bryan! Never traded the CBOE before!

That’s what I like to hear.

And trust me, you’re going to like it too.

Now, some of these plays overlapped.

That’s part of the system.

We don’t always close a play and roll it right into the next one.

The timing just doesn’t work perfectly that way.

But if you had been able to just go from one to the next on 21 wins just like these plays – including the single loss – you could have turned $2,500 into $103,605 in just 12 days.

And here’s the thing...

We all know that one winning streak doesn’t guarantee we’ll have another one just like it in the future.

Every day in the markets is different from the last.

But over the course of this year, we’ve landed 142 wins compared with just 25 losses.

That’s better than a 5-to-1 ratio.

It shows you the IMMENSE power of The War Room.

And my members in The War Room love the consistent flow of wins that roll in.

Bill R. posted the following to everyone in The War Room recently: “I held Walmart, the CBOE, General Motors and Microsoft through the night. I then exited for 24%, 39%, 54% and 68% in profit! That totaled up to over $3,044 in less than 24 hours. Thanks, Bryan!

$3,044 in just 24 hours!

Keep that up for a year... and you’re looking at $750,000 in extra cash in 365 days!

If that doesn’t get your blood pumping, I don’t know what will.

You don’t need any experience to start making money this way.

Many of The War Room members came in with NO EXPERIENCE... and they’ve crushed it!

War Room member Phil B. locked in his first win so fast it made his head spin.

I just bagged over $3,500. I’ve been a War Room member for only three hours!” he said.

That would put him on pace for $924,000 this year.

War Room member Mike C. came in and admitted he was intimidated.

I am fairly new to trading and a total newbie,” he said.

“But after watching the action in The War Room today, my confidence level is up 1,000%.”

War Room member Ty H. posted, “Wow, what a service!! I just made $6,300 on my first day!

$6,300 a day for the year comes in at $1,587,600!

Mike Q. made 38% on his first trade.

“That’s more than I made all week on my other stocks. I think I made the right choice joining The War Room.”

Heck, even if you’re timid and not a big trader, you can do this.

I had one guy come into The War Room, Tom P.

He was extremely conservative.

Yet here’s what he posted at the end of his first week.

First week in The War Room,” he said. “I was conservative as I learned and still finished the week up $1,245.

Even a tiny $1,245 per week still works out to $64,740 by the year’s end... better than most people get with a full-time job!

Or how about Val S.?

I am not an experienced trader,” she said. “I’ve been doing the best I can following your guidance. In total, I’m up over $4,400 in two weeks! I don’t know if that’s big for some, but it is for me. THANK YOU! I am getting better by following your training and direction.

The point is... there’s nothing wrong with starting small and taking it slow like Val.

After all, she still made $4,402 in two weeks.

That puts her on pace for $114,452 for the year.

The point is... depending on how much you start with, you can take it slow, or you can get going really fast.

The choice is yours.

And whether you make $4,400 every two weeks like Val... or $3,600 in three hours like Phil... the key is growing your accounts in a whole new way.

The reality is... even if you want to just join The War Room to learn or paper trade for a while to get comfortable, you can do that too.

I’ve seen it over and over again. People start to turn into real traders in The War Room.

Which is why I sent you this video today...

It’s Time for You to Take Your Trading to the Next Level...

I think it’s time for you to leave the old ways behind.

Forget about following the Dow...

Trying to guess which companies will do well...

And buying and holding for decades.

I mean, don’t get me wrong.

If that’s you, then that’s you.

And you can stick with it if it suits you.

But if you’re ready for fun and excitement... and some BIG freakin’ profits.

Then it’s time you join us in The War Room.

Essentially, it works like this.

Once you become a member, you get immediate access to The War Room.

You’ll get to pick your username and password, and from that moment on, you’ll have the “keys” to come and go as you please.

You can start making money the moment you walk in the door.

Feel free to just follow my trades on autopilot.

Or you can read through all the research and act on the ones you like.

When I see an earnings play that can hand you 83% in a day... I’ll post the recommendation and my analysis for all to see.

And all you have to do is follow the instructions.

When I see a W pattern forming for a chance to lock in 27% in under an hour... even on a day when the Dow is down 700 points... you’ll get the message showing you just how to profit.

When a company like Lyft IPOs... you’ll be able to take part in a play that could produce a gain like 62% in a matter of hours.

And remember, you don’t have to be in The War Room all day.

If you want to pop in just to get the trade recommendations and then go back to your regular life, feel free.

I’ve built an alert system to let you know whenever I send out a recommendation so you can jump in and out at your own pace.

But a lot of members find they love the camaraderie almost as much as the trading alerts.

As War Room member Bruce said:

I’ve been on a steep learning curve since day one more than two months ago. The days just fly by! As I’ve said before, this is the cheapest postgrad education you can buy!”

Or member Sanjay, who said:

“The War Room is definitely the best aspect of this service as it brings all members together and creates a nice sense of sharing between all. KUDOS to you for the experience you have given us.”

Now, don’t get me wrong...

The profits are awfully nice too.

We recently had a big winner in Ciena.

It was like people were popping bottles of champagne in The War Room.

Nick O. said he locked in 82%.

I’m shaking as I type this. I just can’t believe this is real,” he said.

Tony K. did even better. He posted, “Got a 120% gain in Ciena. Best day in The War Room!!!

Dean said he got out at $6 on this one. “Still 100% profit,” he said.

But Mark R. took the big win on Ciena.

135% on the Ciena trade,” he bragged.

I say let him brag.

Life is too short not to enjoy these moments.

And isn’t it time you took part in all this fun?

Let Me Make This Decision Very Easy for You

I built The War Room to be incredibly easy for you to join and start receiving my trading insights right away.

And membership comes along with quite a few tools to help make sure you achieve the goal of bringing in $3,000 per trading day.

The first is a guide I created called “Getting Started as a War Room Trader.”

It shows you what a BUY recommendation looks like and what a SELL recommendation will look like in the chat room.

And a lot more.

Give it a quick read when I send it to you. It makes it a LOT easier to close out winning trades.

So once you join The War Room, your first order of business is giving this manual a quick read.

It’s just a few pages.

No big deal.

Second, I have another report for you called “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader.”

Because your mindset is VERY important, especially if you want to be a winning trader.

I mean, do you think anyone ever won the World Series or Super Bowl thinking they were a loser?

No way.

Being a winner starts with mindset.

And this will help you unlock the successful trader that’s already inside you.

Plus, you’ll have a whole new understanding of how to safely invest... and the keys to making consistent returns in your trades.

OK, those are your first two benefits as a new War Room member.

But I have much more for you today...

My War Room Alert System

The second benefit of being a War Room member is for those people out there who really want to enjoy the profits of The War Room but don’t have much time to trade.

If you’re the type of person who has only 10 minutes a day for this, then this benefit is for you.

In short, I’ve created a War Room trade alert system.

Through the alert system, I’ll message you direct links to the trade instructions... so even if you aren’t right there in The War Room as it’s happening... you’ll get all the info you need to profit.

You can turn them on and off as you like.

It’s totally up to you.

And don’t worry, if you want to just copy my trades and play them without ever posting a single message in The War Room... then have at it.

I’ll just be happy that you’re enjoying the winning trade opportunities.

Video Training Series

But for those who do want to learn the strategies, I created a video series to walk you through everything and ensure you have a visual guide for ALL of it.

Now, keep in mind...

We recommend both stocks and options in The War Room.

And my video series is geared to give you all the tools so you can feel confident trading either one.

I think War Room member Mike C.’s experience is similar to what you’ll see.

I mentioned earlier that I am intimidated by options trading,” he posted. “I watched the vets in this room execute some pretty awesome options trades today and learned a TON in less than an hour. I guarantee you won’t get to experience anything like that anywhere else.

That’s part of this.

So my video series will explain both the strategies I use and how to trade with options.

You’ll be surprised how little money it takes to get started... and how quickly that small starting sum can grow to THOUSANDS.

First, you’ll get a video explaining how I spot those W patterns (and also M patterns) that can lead to huge gains in less than an hour.

In it, I’ll break down how the patterns work so you understand.

Now, keep in mind, these videos are to help you learn.

But again, if you prefer to just follow my recommended trades... feel free.

There’s nothing stopping you from doing so.

But I’m giving you these videos so you can feel 100% confident about everything you do.

And I also have one on my earnings strategy.

It’s called The Earnings Strangle: How to “Hack” Earnings Season and Make 100% to 300% Gains.

I’ll break down how the strategy works... and give you instructions on how to make the trades...

So when earnings season comes, you’ll view it like Christmas just like I do!

I also have two more videos in the series.

One is about something called “fading the public.”

That’s a term traders use for taking advantage of amateur traders during periods like a new IPO.

My video on that one is called Fade the Public: Beat the Crowd and Make Windfall After Windfall With This Elite Technique.

And finally, I have one more for you...

The Most Important Secret I Ever Learned as a Trader

I hesitated at first to make this last video.

It gives away what I consider to be the most important secret I ever learned as a trader.

In fact, if I didn’t know this secret... I probably wouldn’t be a millionaire today.

It involves a special way to look at the markets in REAL TIME.

Not on a delay like most regular traders.

And it helps me spot those W patterns that can be so profitable.

My video is called The 3-Minute Chart: Using The Pro Trader Tool to Spot “W” and “M” Patterns Every Single Day.

Please guard the secrets in this video carefully.

I spent most of my life figuring this out.

And it’s a big deal for me to share them publicly.

All in all, as a new War Room member, you’ll get...

  • 12 months of trade recommendations in The War Room
  • “Getting Started as a War Room Trader”
  • “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader”
  • The War Room Alert System
  • The 3-Minute Chart: Using The Pro Trader Tool to Spot “W” and “M” Patterns Every Single Day
  • The Earnings Strangle: How to “Hack” Earnings Season and Make 100% to 300% Gains
  • Fade the Public: Beat the Crowd and Make Windfall After Windfall With This Elite Technique

Now It’s Time...

Now it’s time for the fun part.

Think about this...

The next time the markets open, you might just be in The War Room with us... ready to capture your first potential $3,000 winner.

Generally, I make anywhere from one to three trade recommendations per day.

And you’ve heard from plenty of members today who’ve collected thousands just in the first day in The War Room.

Member Phil B. banked $3,670 in his first three hours.

Allen P. posted, “Hi... first day here... great tips... I’m up $5,000... thanks.

A little understated by Allen, I think.

I might have thrown a couple more exclamation points in there after making $5K in one day...

Do that for a year straight and you’re talking about $1.2 million!

But hey, to each his own.

Member Ty H. was a bit more fired up.

Wow, what a service!! I just made $6,300 on my first day!”

Isn’t it time you made that kind of money on a daily basis?

I’d say so.

It’s time to change your life.

It’s time to join The War Room.

OK, on to the big question...

What Does It Cost to Join The War Room?

What does it cost to join The War Room?

Keep in mind, my team has already spent more than $2 million bringing this thing online.

When you hire the best people and spend months perfecting something so revolutionary, it’s not cheap.

For example, I brought in one of the top trading experts in the world, Karim Rahemtulla, to give us his best insights in The War Room each day.

As War Room member Marc B. said, “Thank you, Bryan, Karim and all the folks at Monument Traders Alliance. You have definitely created something special here. I could not be more pleased.

That’s exactly what I was trying to do with The War Room.

It represents my entire life’s work.

I’m giving away the secrets I used to build a $6 million portfolio.

And I’m giving people the chance to bank $3,000 every day in the markets.

Not just the chance either... REAL PEOPLE are reporting actually doing it in REAL TIME by following my trades.

You’ll see for yourself the moment you enter The War Room.

So the question you have to ask yourself is what is it worth to learn how to jump on a computer... click a few buttons of the mouse... and then walk away with several thousand dollars in less than a day?

What should I charge for the chance to do that ALL YEAR LONG?

I can tell you that when I first created The War Room... people thought I was crazy for charging only $4,997 retail to join.

I was told I should be charging $20,000 or $50,000.

But that’s not me.

I’m in it for the excitement... for the camaraderie of being in this together... and celebrating all our wins.

Not to charge a fee that keeps all the people who need this service out.

My goal is for every single person who joins to have the chance to pay off their membership fee within ONE DAY of joining.

That’s why I’m offering you a discount right now of 50% off the retail price.

For the next 99 people who join today, the cost will be only $2,500.

At that rate, I expect you might have it paid off PLUS A BIG PROFIT on just one trade.

Like War Room member David Vanos, who said he put “a cool $7,000 in the bank.”

Or Bill L., who made $4,100 on his Microsoft trade.

Or Stafford B., who made $2,800 on the first day.

Or Allen P., who locked in $5,000.

Phil B., who made $3,670 in three hours.

Or even Ty H. He bought a lifetime subscription (which costs a little bit more), and he paid that off with his $6,300 profit on day one.

I just made $6,300 on my first day! I’ve already paid off my LIFETIME subscription!!!”

I have no doubts you’re going to love The War Room.

Now, let me be clear about one thing.

Because you’re getting access to every one of my top trading secrets... and I can’t risk non-War Room members taking advantage of that...

All sales today will be final.

That’s the only way it makes sense for me to offer such a big discount.

But just in case you have any doubts... let me make this really easy for you.

My Promise to You

I’ve made a promise to every War Room member who’s signed up so far.

And I’m prepared to make the same promise to you.

It’s a risk on my part.

But I figure you’re putting your trust in me.

So the least I can do is show my commitment to you.

Here’s my promise:

I promise to deliver at least one winning recommendation to you as a War Room member for every single trading day of the year.

That’s 252 total winners on the year.

And if I don’t.

If I somehow fall short...

Call my team and I will comp you a lifetime membership to The War Room so you can follow us for as long as you want without EVER paying a subscription fee again.

It’s a bold guarantee.

But that’s how confident I am in what we’re doing.

I’ve been trading for 12 years now.

I’ve made more than 5,800 trades in my career... with an average gain of at least 13% every three days.

At this point, I know what I can do.

I wouldn’t have made my $3,000 per trading day promise to you unless I knew it was possible.

So now is the time.

It’s time for you to leave your old ways of trading in the past.

It’s time to step into a new era where you can lock in bigger gains in a couple of hours than you used to in an entire year.

The next time the markets open, I expect to see a message from you that says:

“I just finished my first day of trading... and I’m up $3,500. I never thought I could do it, but here I am!”

You can do it.

All you have to do is click the “Enter the War Room” button below to get started or call our member services team at 888.215.5311 or 410.864.3083.

I can tell you that The War Room is the most fun I’ve ever had as a trader.

This moment will be a permanent change in your life that you’ll remember forever.

So if you’re ready...

For the most blood-pumping, heart-racing thrill ride of your life.

Then click that “Enter the War Room” button now.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

Bryan Bottarelli
Founder, The War Room
September 2019