Dale A. at 9:35 a.m.In at $3.45 out at $17.10 = 496%
James C. at at 9:49 a.m.Bought Clorox at $3.40, sold at $5.60 and netted $11,000.
Robert D. at 10:45 a.m.In at $3.40, out this a.m. for $7.80... Made $11,520.
Ronald G. at 10:20 a.m.Made 141% on FedEx and 508% on REAL.

Hi. Pro Trader Bryan Bottarelli here. Look, I know your time is valuable.
So I want you to watch this video only if you're interested in a completely new way of making fast money.
It’s brain-dead easy.
Step 1: Make one simple five-minute trade before 4 p.m.
Step 2: Go to sleep.
Step 3: Possibly double your money (or more)... the very next day.
I call them “Overnight Trades.”
These aren’t like the usual stocks that you buy and sell every day.
Instead, they’re trades that can make you money even when the markets are closed.
For example, AutoNation was primed for an Overnight Trade on February 10.
So I sent a quick alert to my readers.
All they had to do was make one simple five-minute trade anytime before the closing bell at 4 p.m., and then they could do whatever they wanted.
Bryan BottarelliRecommendation: Make your Overnight Trade on AutoNation (AN) before closing bell at 4:00 p.m.!
Maybe they went and played a game of tennis or had a nice evening with their spouse.
Perhaps they spent some time with their grandkids.
Bottom line, thanks to this Overnight Trade, my readers could go to bed, sleep soundly...

And when the market opened on the morning of February 11, that AutoNation trade was instantly up 101%.
Yeah, you heard me right.
People doubled their money overnight on one of the least exciting stocks in the universe.
A freaking auto parts company made them more money in one day than some overly risky penny stock.
Insane. And it wasn’t just AutoNation.

Abercrombie & Fitch on May 28, 2019, was another great example of an Overnight Trade.
I know, some brick-and-mortar teen retailer. Yawn, right?
Not so boring when you could have made one trade just before the closing bell, gone to sleep, and woken up 121% richer at the opening bell.

That’s not all. How about Yum! Brands?
Sure. It has popular places like KFC, Wing Street or even Taco Bell, but not even the exclamation point in its name can cover the fact that there’s no bigger snooze-fest than fast-food companies.
Yet you could have made one trade before the closing bell, gone to sleep and woken up the next morning 178% richer.
You don’t have to risk your money on a flash-in-the-pan pot stock, some super risky cryptocurrency or even an IPO that’s off-limits to regular investors.
You could have almost tripled your money overnight on a stinking fast-food play. That’s right.
Regular people just like you are locking in these types of returns that would make most hedge fund managers jealous. It’s all thanks to these amazing Overnight Trades.
Just look. I showed my readers an Overnight Trade in Oracle.
Bryan BottarelliRecommendation: Buy Oracle (ORCL)
Jeff wrote back:
Jeff, War Room MemberOracle... a 110% gain!
I alerted readers about another Overnight Trade in Amgen.
Bryan BottarelliRecommendation: Buy Amgen (AMGN)
T.R., War Room MemberI sold all of Amgen for 166% gain. Thanks for your help!
Fred reported that he actually tripled his money on another Overnight Trade.
He wrote:
Fred, War Room Member209% and still going!
Ralph got in on an Overnight Trade on FedEx.
He made 338% by 9:36 a.m.
He wrote me:
Ralph, War Room MemberI think I’m becoming a morning person. Thank you.
It’s just amazing.
Most investors don’t make these kinds of returns for years, but thanks to Overnight Trades, you can get the chance to rake in 100% or more as soon as you wake up, over and over again.
It’s the closest thing I could think of to making money while you sleep.
I mean, just look at Ralph... He woke up to more than $3,300!
Ralph (6/19/2020 at 9:54 a.m.)WING in yesterday at $0.45... out today at $3.36.
That’s a 646% gain...
Before 10 a.m.!
That is a great way to start your day.
Ralph isn’t alone.
Michael locked in more than $5,000... in the first eight minutes of his day!
Michael K. (5/7/2020 at 9:39 a.m.)Rolled the dice on this one last night... In at $3.19, out at $6.76! Made $5,700 eight minutes into the trading day. Might cut out at lunch for golf today.
He did so well... he was going to take off and play golf!
That’s the life!
And look at what Bruce just posted:
Bruce, War Room Member$6,440.00 net profit [95% in one day] while listening to live reggae on a cruise ship with a wee dram in hand! Thanks, Bryan.
That’s right. Thanks to Overnight Trades, Bruce was able to make more than six grand on a cruise.
Life is good when you’re an Overnight Trader.
You have the potential to double your money while you sleep, as often as you choose.
Today, I’m going to show you exactly how these Overnight Trades work.
You’ll hear about the $2 million breakthrough from April 2019...
And how it helped me deliver LIVE Overnight Trade recommendations to my members...
Plus other, faster trades... where we target 20% gains... in just minutes.
Taken together, I’ve shown members 887 trades, with 676 winners.
That’s a 76.2% win rate.
The average gain (including winners and losers) is 10.47%... with an average hold time of just 9.2 days.
That’s enough to double your money every eight trades...
And when you’re getting more than 800 recommendations...
The opportunity is mind-boggling.
In fact, I’ll PROVE to you how following all my real trades (winners and losers) could have turned every $10,000 in your portfolio...
Into more than $120,000 – in just one year.
It all starts by getting the very best Overnight Trade opportunities, like FedEx, directly from me...
Every single day.
FedEx Could Have Grown Your Money 5X
To me, FedEx was one of the classic Overnight Trades.
September of 2019 had all kinds of headlines about the trade war with China and tariffs.
There’s craziness going on every day in the markets, but thanks to Overnight Trades, none of it matters.
You can make money when the economy soars and when the economy is in free fall.
Thanks to my proven screening system, which I’ll show you in a second.
On September 17, I knew FedEx was right for an Overnight Trade.
I sent out a few quick sentences to tell my members exactly why and how to make a five-minute trade.
Bryan BottarelliRecommendation: FedEx (FDX) is ripe for an Overnight Trade. This is what you have to do...
As long as members got in before the 4 p.m. closing bell, they could do whatever they wanted with the rest of their day...
Go to happy hour, hit the gym, have dinner with their friends.
Man, remember when we actually could do those types of things?
Honestly, when you use Overnight Trades, the rest of the day is completely open.
You make a simple five-minute trade before 4 p.m., then live your life.
Go to bed, you sleep soundly.
Then wake up and collect any money that might be waiting for you.
That’s exactly what we did with FedEx the very next morning.
I remember I had just woken up, probably had a cup of coffee, maybe read the paper, then logged in to The War Room.
That’s when members got my alert, on September 18, right before the opening bell at 9:30.
I told them to go ahead and ring the register.
Bryan BottarelliRecommendation: Sell FedEx (FDX)
All they had to do was wake up and brag about all the money they had made. Our official gain was 188% overnight.
And many of my readers did even better...
There's one War Room member who goes by only R (I guess he’s being mysterious)...
He posted at 9:36 a.m...
R (9/18/19 at 9:36 a.m.)Bryan, based on your comment yesterday, I bought FedEx for a dollar. I just sold it for $4.38. Now, that is another amazing War Room morning. I think I am becoming a morning person. Thank you :)
Sure. They locked in 338% within a few minutes of the opening bell, but what really made me laugh is that all the money they’re making is turning them into a morning person.
I mean, it makes sense.
If making four times your money doesn’t get you excited in the morning, you might need to check your pulse.
Hall posted this one:
Hall, War Room MemberIn FedEx at $4.13, out at $21.00. I’ll need a calculator to figure out these profits. Boom! Thanks to Bryan and the great folks in The War Room.
Hey, Hall. I have a calculator. You just made more than 400%. Nice job.
Likewise, Dale made a nice 496% and chimed in.
He said:
Dale, War Room MemberIn FedEx at $3.45 out at $17.10 = 496% – Thanks BB and all the WR chatter.
By 9:35 a.m., he’d made 5X his money, but nothing beats Mark’s post...
Mark D., War Room MemberAmazing trade for FedEx. Made enough to pay for my daughter’s car!
I mean, if you're judging a post purely on its ability to grab attention, Mark’s wins, hands down.
I guess his daughter won, too. I hope she enjoys her new car.
I wonder if she’ll put “FedEx” on the license plate.
Anyway, that morning, after members had collected their cash, we kept getting post after post from members with big wins, like Mark P.
He locked in more than $10,000.
Mark P., War Room MemberBryan and Karim, HUGE THANK YOU for the FDX trade! Just bagged $10,350!
Robert D. is doing even better.
He made more than $11,000 on FedEx.
Robert D., War Room MemberFedEx was good for me... Bought at $3.40... out of them this a.m. for $7.80... made $11,520!
The wins just kept rolling in that morning.
Here are just a few more:
Mark P., War Room MemberThat was me at $17. I was quick on the trigger... I’ll take 300% any time.
Wilson, War Room MemberAwesome Trade results... FedEx in at $ 2.56 and out at $ 13.42... generated 423%... sweet.
William B., War Room MemberTHANKS! First week in and my first big winner!
Mike W., War Room MemberThanks so much. Netted over $2,300!
And on and on...
So keep in mind...
FedEx was a REAL trade that REAL people used to make REAL money.
In fact, every single trade you’ll see today is a trade I actually recommended to my readers.
So this isn’t theory.
I’m not giving you hypothetical examples of what my system could have produced looking back at the past.
This is the REAL DEAL and a REAL chance for you to get in trades, go to sleep and potentially wake up 100% richer or more.
Of course, not every trade will be a winner. Nothing is guaranteed in investing.
And in addition to Overnight Trades, we give many more types of trades. The average hold time for our trades is a little more than a week.
But I’ve been helping people just like you find these amazing opportunities for more than 12 years.
In just a few minutes, I’ll reveal the $2 million breakthrough that has been available only since April 4, 2019.
It’s allowed me to achieve an unprecedented 3-to-1 win ratio. With my real recommendations, factoring in both the wins and the losses, my readers could have 12X’d their portfolios in less than a year.
High-Def TV Paid Up to 444%
I found another big winner last summer.
I set my sights on Ambarella.
I saw the perfect setup on August 28 and fired off a few quick instructions to The War Room, my proprietary live-trading research platform and chat room.
Sure enough, the next morning the money started pouring in for War Room members.
Bryan Bottarelli (8/29/19)Set up an Overnight Trade on Ambarella (AMBA) before closing bell!
All they had to do was get in the trade by the closing bell, sleep soundly and let the power of Overnight Trades work its magic. Our official gain was 136%.
Rick (8/30/19, 9:42 a.m.Thanks, Bryan. You’ve made my long weekend with that AMBA play. My weekend surfing adventure will be that much better because of you sir!
Jeffrey (8/30/19, 9:47 a.m.)In at $1.75 and out at $7.00 in 12 hours, not bad! 300%!
Ramesh (8/30/19, 9:36 a.m.)444.44% on AMBA. Thanks!
At 9:42 a.m., Rick said the trade was going to make his weekend adventure even better.
At 9:47 a.m., Jeffrey posted that he made 300%.
Ramesh killed it, though. At 9:36 a.m., he said he’d locked in a 444% gain.
Those are just a couple of comments from that trade, but in The War Room, I get to see post after post of members getting great results.
Here, just look...
Russ (8/29/19, 2:24 p.m.)Great Bryan, thank you. I bought Ambarella based on your tip and just sold at over 100% gain today. Thank you! Looking forward to more profit on Ambarella tomorrow!
>Porath (8/30/19, 9:39 a.m.)In at $3.46 (P & C), out at $7.03!
Paul S. (8/30/19, 9:49 a.m.)Thanks BB on Ambarella. Got in at $3.60, out at $7.50. I ended up with a double. Nice way to finish the week and start a holiday weekend.
I’ll show you another big winner right now...
Members Quadrupled Their Money With a Retailer Even During COVID!
Urban Outfitters is another great example.
Back in August, Wall Street was buzzing about how COVID would impact retail sales.
I knew this was a perfect Overnight Trade opportunity.
After doing some market analysis, all I had to do was type in a quick explanation and a few simple instructions in The War Room and hit enter.
Instantly, my readers knew exactly why and how to make their five-minute Overnight Trade.
Once again, all they had to do was get in by 4 p.m. and then do whatever they wanted for the rest of the day.
The next morning, our official gain was a monster 150% winner...
The posts just started pouring in...
Peter started the day with a $5,600 profit...
Peter K. (8/26/2020 at 9:33 a.m.)Thanks, Bryan - starting the day with $5,625 profit!!
Daniel locked in his first major winner with his Overnight Double...
Daniel M. (8/26/2020 at 9:33 a.m.)URBN Great pick Bryan! This is my first major winner! In at $2.35... sold at $5.00 this morning.
Steve made a nice $2,600 overnight...
Steve (8/26/2020 at 9:42 a.m.)URBN: In at $2.02 and sold at $4.55. 125% gain for a total profit of $2,600.
And Stan quadrupled his money!
Stan (8/26/2020 at 9:38 a.m.)I got LUCKY! In at $0.95, out at $4.45. GREAT trade, Bryan. 336.6% gain after fees.
Now, these are some of the best testimonials we received and many of these readers made more than our official gains.
I could go on and on about all the winning posts we get...
But by now, I’m sure you’re wondering...
Why Haven't I Heard of These Overnight Trades Before?
Well, it’s actually quite simple.
You see, I would have never discovered this amazing kind of trade myself, but almost 20 years ago, I got lucky.

It was back in 2001. I had landed a job where I learned how to trade in the live pit of the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
Back then, I was trading in the Apple computer pit.
Every day, I personally saw $786 million trade back and forth.
In the sweat-filled floor of the live exchange, I noticed something that would change the way I traded forever.
You see, certain days would change everything in the pit.
So, for example, AT&T back in the early 2000s was a mind-numbingly boring pit.
Usually, nothing happened. But on a certain day, the pit would go from three guys playing crossword puzzles all day to a beehive of trading activity.
People would be pushing and shoving their way to get into that pit, fighting for a spot, desperate to get their orders filled. It was insane.
The most boring pit on earth would instantly change into the most exciting spot in the whole CBOE.
The money that traders made that day on those boring companies was just as insane.
So that’s when I realized that when you see these feeding frenzies coming, you can get in the day before and lock in your gains when Wall Street starts going insane the very next day .
You don’t have to buy and hold and pray.
You don’t have to be in a play for months or years to make these types of returns.
The big money is made in just a few days of trading.
You just need to know when these magic days happen.
And you can make big gains OVERNIGHT.
All you need to look for is the moment the flurry of profits begins.
Let me show you what I’m talking about.
How Overnight Trades Can Double Your Money... While You Sleep
To get you to understand these Overnight Trades, I have to let you in on a huge Wall Street secret.
When the markets close at 4 p.m., Wall Street doesn’t just pack up and go home.
It keeps trading. It puts in billions of dollars of trades overnight.
When the opening bell rings the next day, the money comes rushing in seemingly out of nowhere.
Now, you don’t need to get in a trade after hours or stay up late to get in these Overnight Trades, because if you recognize the setup, you can simply place your trade the day before.
Then you just sit back, sleep soundly while Wall Street pushes up the price overnight, and when the opening bell rings, you can lock in huge profits.
That’s exactly what I showed my readers how to do last July.
I alerted a small group of readers to an Overnight Trade in UPS.
Here, take a look.
On a typical day, there’s about $413 million trading back and forth on UPS.

But on July 29, before the closing bell rang, I saw that Wall Street was likely to start its overnight frenzy.
And that’s exactly what happened.
All the cash was building up overnight, ready to blow the stock up first thing in the morning.
You could see the change the next day on the 30th...
A $4.2 billion surge of money.

Now, look.
I told my readers the day before to make their simple five-minute trade before 4 p.m.
Here’s when my members got in.

After the opening bell on the 22nd, here’s where everyone else was getting in.

My guys didn’t have to fight their way in after the opening bell.
Instead, my readers were exiting the trade when everyone else was trying to clamber their way in.
Right after the opening bell on the 30th, we locked in a huge 120% profit.

Here’s the thing.
Anyone could see the spike on the 30th.
It’s brain-dead easy to tell you to get in after Wall Street has already dumped all its money in.
Plenty of strategies and services will tell you to look for these volume spikes and then get in, but if you wait until after 9:30 a.m., the big move will have already taken place.
You’re too late. You’ve missed the big opportunity for money.
It’s like trying to be the first off the plane when you're sitting in the very last row.
Good luck with that.
You’ll be fighting Wall Street institutional investors, big banks and everyone else throwing in their money.
If you put your trade in the day before, that’s like being in first class.
You can take your time. Move at your leisure.
Make everyone else mad because you’re rich and they aren’t.
If you know how to spot these Overnight Trades, you have the chance to make money over and over again.
I know because I’ve used my insider knowledge to spot these Overnight Trades before anyone else.
I’ve helped my readers tap into these kinds of Overnight Trades day after day.
Just like Under Armour back in July 2019.

You could see where the big spike in money hits.

Any idiot can see the spike and tell you to get in after the money’s already been made, but I’ve used my decades of experience to help my members get in the day before.
Here’s where my readers got in on the 29th.

Look, here’s where the rest of the world was losing their minds trying to get in at 9:31 a.m. on the 30th.

Instead of trying to get in after the move occurred and making nothing, you could have closed your trade at 9:35 a.m. and calmly walked away with a 108% gain.
So basically, what’s happening is that when everyone else is coming in, you are getting out and locking in the gains.
Again, just to emphasize: These are real recommendations I gave to real people.
I’m not just spouting off a couple of “woulda, coulda, shoulda” trades.
These were opportunities I saw in real time that my readers had a chance to pounce on.
It’s all thanks to my Overnight Trade strategy.
Now, of course, in order to double your money overnight, you can’t just buy and sell shares of big stocks like Lowe’s or FedEx.
You have to trade options to turn small stock moves into big gains.
All while risking less money than you would if you bought the actual stock.
Plus, this gives you the leverage to do something truly amazing.
You could actually double your money – even if the stock itself goes DOWN.
That means if you follow my Overnight Trade recommendations, you can make money no matter what the economy does, in any market environment, in any type of political atmosphere.
The money you could grab with ZERO hard work... well, that’s truly mind-boggling.
In all, there’s $169 billion fueling these Overnight Trades every single day.
If you know how to tap into these cash movements, you could set yourself up to get rich again and again.
Make Money Even When a Stock Crashes
What’s truly amazing about these Overnight Trades... is that you can make money even when the stock goes DOWN.
So even in times of uncertainty...
Even when the market crashes...
You can still make money.
Like with Cisco...
In August, the coronavirus gave Cisco its worst day in nearly a decade...

And the stock plummeted...
August 13 was a horrible day for most investors.
But not my readers...
Our Overnight Trade went UP 125%.

Again... it was all thanks to this spike:

You can clearly see it on the 13th...
But again...

We were in the day before:

That’s right...
Thanks to this spike...
It didn’t matter that the stock fell through the floor.
My members were ringing the register...
More than doubling their money OVERNIGHT.
Arnold made 287%...
Arnold B. (8/13/2020 at 9:41 a.m.)I closed Cisco Overnight Trade for 287%.
Sterno made 294% gains...
Sterno (8/13/2020 at 9:41 a.m.)In at $1.18, out at $4.65. 294% gain.
And JA said:
JA (8/13/2020 at 10:24 a.m.)Bryan’s Overnight Special! Cisco -- in at $1.16... out at $4.47. Best trade EVER! Thanks Bryan! Success Finally!!
Again, these are just regular, boring companies.
Yet, thanks to Overnight Trades, these boring companies turn into profit-gushers.
Here are just a few examples of what you could have made overnight on my top recommendations.
- 121% on Abercrombie & Fitch
- 113% on Ciena
- 108% on UPS
- 133% on Kellogg’s
- 136% on Ambarella
- 116% on Pinterest
- 130% on Twitter
- 178% on Yum! Brands
- And 188% on FedEx!
With the magic of these Overnight Trades, it’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Step 1: Make one simple five-minute trade before 4 p.m.
Step 2: Go to sleep.
Step 3: Possibly double your money – or more – the very next day.
Now, I’m not going to insult your intelligence.
You already know that no one, not even me, has a crystal ball to predict the future.
My verified track record has three wins out of every four trades.
So, of course, you shouldn’t throw all your money into any one trade.
That’s just not smart trading.
But when your wins outnumber your losses 3-to-1, and when my real recommendations could have turned a $10,000 portfolio into more than $120,000 in one year...
Well, I’m sure you could see why this is by far the most lucrative investment strategy that I’ve seen in my 20-year career trading the market.
Sadly, most investors have never experienced the thrill of Overnight Trades, probably because Wall Street doesn’t want you to hear about them...
Which is why I left Wall Street forever.
Why I Turned My Back on Wall Street to Bring You the TRUTH of Overnight Trades
Sure, I loved being “on the inside” of Wall Street and dining in the nicest restaurants in Chicago.
I’ve watched Bears games on the 50-yard line.
Being a trader in the live pit was extremely lucrative.
In fact, these days... I trade with a multimillion-dollar portfolio.
But I’m not telling you this to brag... not at all.
I just want you to know I’m the real deal. I’m not some “wannabe” trader.
While I worked on the CBOE, I saw firsthand how Wall Street really worked from the inside.
I learned why regular people couldn’t make money in the market, why they were constantly getting screwed while Wall Street fat cats were making millions.
That’s when I decided...
The truth of Overnight Trades should not be reserved for the Wall Street elite.
I knew that everyone deserved a chance to make this type of life-changing money.
It’s all thanks to these amazing trades.
I wanted to share my inside knowledge with the average Joe.

That’s why, about 12 years ago, I left the live trading floor, turned my badge into the Chicago Board Options Exchange and started my own independent research service.
As you can probably tell, I haven’t slowed down at all, but my priorities have changed.
Look, back in the floor days, I was young. I was single.
Now I have a family. I have a wife. I have two daughters.
I learned what’s truly important in life: family... quality time with your friends and loved ones... and financial security.
Today, my life mission isn’t just about making money.
It’s about helping everyday people like you become the hero of their family.
I want to help you achieve a level of wealth that brings peace of mind. And for more than a decade, I’ve helped people from all walks of life, from all backgrounds and with all levels of trading experience.
They’ve all had the chance to make the kinds of returns that most people can only dream of.
I’ve been sharing research and recommendations since 2006... and NEVER had a down year.
Not even in 2007... or 2008... or 2009.
During that time, I’ve recommended 6,037 trades...
And through that entire time, I still maintained my average of 10% gains in less than 10 days.
But now...
Thanks to a major technological breakthrough that’s made it even easier to get my Overnight Trade recommendations to everyday people...
I could help you make more money faster than you have ever experienced before.
$2 Million Breakthrough Has Been Available ONLY Since April 4, 2019... and It Could Help You 12X Your Money This Year
You see, even though I ran my own research trading company for more than a decade and developed great results for my readers, I did realize that there was one problem.
Even with emails, I was getting my ideas to members too slowly. So I needed a way to get my Overnight Trades to readers faster, in real time.
So I set out to create something completely different from any other newsletter or financial publication.
In short, I’ve developed a live chat room where I can share my research and Overnight Trade recommendations with you immediately.
It’s a way for all trading enthusiasts to come together, share their trading ideas, collect big wins together and celebrate one another’s success.
I call it The War Room.

It’s fast, it’s exciting, it’s 100% LIVE, and it’s as close as you could be to trading by my side.
All I have to do is type in a few words in my computer and hit enter, and, instantly, my readers like you can get a trade recommendation in real time...
Which allows me to move much faster than ever before – no waiting, no long emails, no boring newsletter.
This proprietary technology cost more than $2 million to develop.
Plus thousands of man-hours to test and refine.
It’s been wildly successful.
Thanks to this new breakthrough technology, I’m delivering more Overnight Trade recommendations FASTER than ever before, with much BIGGER gains.
I’ve shown members 887 trades, with 676 winners
That’s a 76.2% win rate.
That means we rang the register on about 8 trades out of every 10.
The average gain (including winners and losers) was 10.47%... with an average hold time of just 9.2 days.
That’s enough to double your money every eight trades...
On average, the market makes about 9% a year.
My recommendations made more than that in nine days...
With that kind of consistency...
You can grow your money more than you can possibly imagine.
How much?
Well... let’s say you started with just $1,000 in your total trading portfolio when we started at the beginning of May in 2019...
If you put just 15% of your total portfolio in every one of my picks for one year...
You would have grown your ENTIRE portfolio to $12,300.
That means you would have grown your total trading portfolio 12X in just 365 days.
If your entire portfolio was $10,000...
You’d have grown it to more than $120,000.
If your trading portfolio was $20,000... you’d have ended up with more than $240,000.
That’s not cherry-picking a few of our winners.
That’s using our FULL track record... wins and losses.
And NEVER putting more than 15% of your money at risk in any trade.
Bottom line, you could make 12X your portfolio in less than a year.
This marvel of investment technology has helped me show readers some of the biggest Overnight Trades I have seen in my 12 years as an independent Pro Trader.
Grabbing 133% on Kellogg's (While the Dow Plummeted 340 Points)
Let’s take a look at what happened with the boring stock Kellogg’s back in July.
If you remember, on July 31, the trade war with China was giving traders migraines.
The Dow plummeted 340 points.
People saw nothing but red in their portfolios, but with Overnight Trades, none of that matters.
My screening system showed me Kellogg’s was right for an Overnight Trade.
So, on July 31, at 12:37 p.m., I told members it was time to strike.
Bryan Bottarelli (7/31/19,12:37 p.m.)Recommendation: Make your Overnight Trade on Kellogg (K) before closing bell at 4:00 p.m.!
By now, you know the drill.
Members get in before the closing bell, go to bed and wake up richer.
That’s exactly what we did with Kellogg’s the next morning.
My members woke up, probably had a nice breakfast (maybe even a Kellogg’s Eggo waffle), then logged in to The War Room.
That’s where they got my alert on August 1, right before the opening bell at 9:30.
I told members to go ahead and ring the register. Our official gain was 133%.
Bryan Bottarelli (8/01/19, 9:30 a.m.)Alert: Ring the register on Kellogg (K)
Within minutes, members started posting their returns.
At 9:35, Milo was the first up...
Milo (8/01/19, 9:35 a.m.)Net on Kellogg was $1,032.69. Not bad for the first five minutes of the day. Kudos, Bryan!!!!!!!
That’s a lot of exclamation points. But, hey, a grand overnight?
That’s not bad at all. I’d probably use that many exclamation points, too.
Michael chimed in next.
He made a double on his Overnight Trade.
Michael (8/01/19, 9:40 a.m.)100% gain on Kellogg... Very nice!!
Then Maurice posted this win:
Maurice (8/01/19, 9:42 a.m.)In Kellogg at $2.16, out at $5.05.
He got 133% on his Overnight Trade.
Mark had the post that really made me laugh.
He started with a nice result.
Mark (8/01/19, 9:45 a.m.Kellogg... a $2,800 day!
But after he closed his trade, he had to go to work.
So he joked...
Doesn’t it suck when work gets in the way of trading?
Sure, he made his money, but he was having fun, and he didn’t want to stop trading to go back to his day job. That’s what’s great about Overnight Trades.
You can make them on your schedule even if you have a day job.
All you have to do is make your trade by the closing bell, go to sleep and wake up to collect any money.
They happen over and over.
I saw another Overnight Trade in the telecom company Ciena.
On June 5, I sent this notice to my War Room members.
Bryan Bottarelli (06/05/19)Recommendation: Buy Ciena (CIEN)
Again, all they had to do was get in the trade by the closing bell, sit back and relax, and let the Overnight Trade work its magic.
In the meantime, they could catch a movie, take their dog for a walk in the park, go fishing and enjoy a good night’s sleep. Because on June 6, the very next morning, they got to ring the register again.
Nick was first up at 9:45 a.m...
Nick (06/06/19, 9:45 a.m.)120% gain on CIEN. Best day in The War Room.
Then Dean chimed in at 9:46...
Dean (06/06/19, 9:45 a.m.)I got out of CIEN at $6.00. 100% profit.
Another one of our members with the username TK told us this...
TK (06/06/19, 9:47 a.m.)100% gain on CIEN - Thanks, Bryan!
From there, it was off to the races...
Deborah (06/06/19, 9:35 a.m.)Starting the day with a winner!
That’s what’s amazing about Overnight Trades.
All you have to do is make one trade by 4 p.m. – it takes less than five minutes...
And then go about your day.
Enjoy a good night’s sleep.
As soon as the next day, you collect any money, over and over again.
Now, no one bats a thousand.
Not every trade goes our way.
Risk is part of investing, but that’s what I truly love about these types of trades: Overnight Trades can make huge gains even on big, boring companies like Microsoft.
$4,100 on Microsoft… Overnight
Microsoft isn’t some cryptocurrency or a flash-in-the-pan pot stock, and it certainly isn’t some tiny penny stock.
But with Overnight Trades, you could rake in big money fast, just like Bill, who posted this...
Bill, War Room MemberI just made $4,100 on Microsoft [35% gain]. Bryan, my heart is beating out of my chest right now. What a thrill ride this is.
4,100 bucks? Yeah, that would make my heart beat out of my chest too!
Heck, in one trade, he made enough to buy a Rolex. Can’t beat that.
You have to love Charles’ post:
Charles, War Room MemberHOLY CRAP, MICROSOFT! In at $0.98, sold for $2.44. BOOM, BABY!
Danny H. raked in an astonishing 235%.
Danny H. War Room MemberIn at $1.40. Out at $4.70 for 235%. Great call.
He more than tripled his money on one trade OVERNIGHT.
Thanks to Overnight Trades, we can even turn a gold ETF into an Overnight Double.
Make $7,944 Overnight With Gold
So I saw a perfect Overnight Trade set up in the gold ETF NUGT.
On August 16... I sent out my alert.
The next morning... I estimate we had more than 100 people posting about their wins.
Paula S. locked in more than $2,700 overnight:
Paula St. Thomas (8/17/2020 at 9:37 a.m.)132% profit / $2,723 overnight. Thanks a million, Bryan!
And James made $4,000 overnight!
James C. (8/17/2020 at 9:46 a.m.)Can’t say how exciting that was! A $4,000 win for me!! Thanks, BB!! In at $2.94, sold at $8. Shaking a little bit right now! Lol.
And Barbara locked in more than $7,000!
Barbara D. 8/17/2020 at 10:02 a.m.In at $2.95. Out at $7.95! +$7,944. Wow!! Thanks, Bryan!
These types of gains are extraordinary, but when you look at the posts in The War Room, you’ll see that they happen more often than you would think.
Here are just a few more.
Charles G., War Room MemberI went back in on ULTAS yesterday. Nice gain for 184%.
Walter Russell doubled his money on my play on the retailer Guess...
Walter R, War Room MemberIn at $1.45, out at $2.82. Overnight Double! Thank You!
Sandra quadrupled her money overnight...
Sandra R. (2/28/2020 at 10:14 a.m.)DXD in at $1.15, out at $4.60
And Vaughn had this shocking post...
Vaughn, War Room MemberClorox up 500% today.
That’s right, a 6X Overnight Trade – on Clorox, no less. Bleach. It’s incredible.
What made me laugh was another member’s reply...
Bruce, War Room MemberSounds like you cleaned up on CLX! (sorry...) :-)
Hey, in The War Room, we allow dad jokes.
By now, I’m sure you can see why we’re all so excited about Overnight Trades...
But you might be wondering...
How Do You Find Overnight Trades?
I’m sure you’ve already realized that if you really want to make money, you can’t wait for them to profile a stock on CNBC or write it up in The Wall Street Journal.
By then, it’s too late. The money has already been made.
The beauty of Overnight Trades is that you beat the rush, including all of the big money from Wall Street firms.
In order to get there first, you have to find the right kinds of setups to make an Overnight Trade.
In my 20 years of experience trading the market, I’ve developed a three-step system for identifying Overnight Trades.
The first is simple...
Just like shopping for anything, you want a good value.
So I don’t like expensive plays.
That means I probably won’t get in plays with names that you might expect, like Netflix or Amazon or Berkshire Hathaway.
Usually those are too expensive and too heavily tracked by Wall Street for my Overnight Trades.
I want smaller plays where we can get an advantage while Wall Street’s back is turned. It often means we can get in much, much cheaper.
I like to shoot for plays my readers can get in for $500 or less.
If it’s more than that, typically I might pass.
So that’s the first one. The second is what I like to call...
So basically, I look for big momentum behind a move.
If there isn’t enough power behind the stock, I pass.
When I’m looking for an Overnight Trade, I look for big waves of cash pushing a stock higher or even lower...
And I like to trade on big moments like earnings announcements, insider buying or strong chart patterns... when I know these waves of cash are likely to hit hard.
Which brings me to my third and most important criterion...
I don’t even look at a play that doesn't have the potential to at least double my readers’ money overnight.
It’s not that I’m greedy. It’s just that there are so many opportunities out there, we can afford to be picky.
Especially since my system can work in any economic environment, bull or bear.
But certain plays just might not be big enough to mess around with.
If you had a mining deposit that held veins full of gold, silver and copper, you’d mine the gold vein first, right?
Let the other dummies mine for copper. Not me. I want the gold.
I’m laser-focused on finding the big opportunities that pay off.
Do all of my plays double overnight?
Of course not.
That’s just not realistic.
But remember... our average gain of 10% with a nine-day hold time means you can double your money every eight trades.
And that’s on average... winners and losers included.
Anyone can show you a couple of big wins that they recommend over a year.
But real performance over time... consistent enough to truly grow your portfolio...
That’s unique.
My track record was enough to turn every $10,000 into more than $120,000 by following my trades for one year.
And when you are winning on about 3 of every 4 trades...
I’ll take those odds every day of the week.
So to recap, in order to be an Overnight Trade...
- It has to be cheap enough to get in (less than $500 in most cases).
- It has to have enough momentum to push the stock up or down big.
- And it has to have the potential to AT LEAST double your money.
With those three criteria, you can get into these plays before the rest of the investment world even learns about them.
Finally... Your “Unfair Advantage” in the Market
Just look at one of the first recommendations I made when I launched The War Room.
I saw a perfect opportunity in the footwear retailer Skechers.
On April 17, I sent out my simple instructions.

My members were able to get in here before the rush.
But the very next day, here’s where everyone else was trying to get in:

While Wall Street’s big money was trying to clamber its way into that trade, we walked away with an easy 100% return.
That’s why I love Overnight Trades so much.
We get in on the fun before the institutional money even has a chance.
Is it an unfair advantage? I don’t know. Frankly, I don’t really care.
Those guys have screwed regular investors for far too long.
So it’s about time hardworking people like you have a chance to pull one over on them for a change.
Thanks to Overnight Trades, you can.
We did it again with First Solar.
On October 27, my system said it was primed for an Overnight Trade.

So I told my readers to get in here:

Once again, everyone else got in during the traffic jam of the morning rush.

Then look at what happened...
It basically went vertical!

While everyone on Wall Street was trying to catch us...
We walked away with a 160% overnight gain.
And some members did even better...
Cris made a hefty 313% gain...
Cris D. (10/28/2020 at 10:05 a.m.)Woaaaaa... First Solar in at $3.11, out at $12.85 -- +313%. Bryan, you’re sooooo good... thanks!
Jared hit a personal milestone...
A 380% gain – as a newbie!
Jared D. (10/28/2020 at 10:26 a.m.)First Solar... 380%!!!! Milestone for this newbie.
But Kevin knocked it out of the park...
With 538% on his first day...
Kevin P. 10/28/2020 at 9:48 a.m.First Solar - in at $1.80, out at $11.50. First trade with you guys. Thanks!
Best of all...
While these are some of my top plays, these opportunities happen all the time.
In fact...
The same day we cashed in on First Solar...
We had another 107% gain on Tupperware.
That’s right...
Yet another “boring” company gave us an Overnight Double.
Karen woke up that day $13,000 richer thanks to those two plays.
Karen S. (10/28/2020 at 9:47 a.m.)$13K between First Solar and Tupperware. WOW! And this was my first trade! I love you, Bryan!
Think about that...
$13,000... OVERNIGHT!
How much would that change your life?
And remember, you can make money even when a stock collapses, like when I saw the Overnight Trade set up on Twitter. It was October 23, 2019.
Here’s where my readers got in:

You could see, that day, no one was in our way.
We set our short play on Twitter, and the next day, when everyone else was rushing OUT of the stock, our play skyrocketed.
Here’s the surge – the mad dash for the exits:

But while everyone else was running, we locked in a nice 130% gain.

Like user SWFTex.
At 9:41 a.m., he reported a quick 114% gain on his Overnight Trade, and it didn’t end there.
SWFTex (10/24/19, 9:41 a.m.)114% on TWTR!
At 9:50, one of our veteran members, Rick R., said:
Rick R. (10/24/19, 9:50 p.m.)Bryan, thanks for the great play on TWTR!! Made for a great morning. Up 116%!
My favorite was Charlie, who said he got in for $1.49 and out for $6.25.
Charlie (10/24/19, 9:45 p.m.)TWTR in at $1.49 out at $6.25. PYPL in at $1.04 out at $5.94. I am done for the day!
That’s a 319% gain.
No wonder he posted, “I am done for the day.”
Yeah, I mean, if you more than quadruple your money, I think you can celebrate for the rest of the day.
Another user, Allen, replied to Charlie’s post:
Allen (10/24/19, 9:46 p.m.)Amazing!!
Yeah, Allen’s right. It is amazing.
The bottom line is this is the only legal way I know of to get an edge on Wall Street and beat it to the punch... because you’re in a day before...
Which gives you the chance to get out the next day with gains of 100% or more, day after day, month after month.
You Can Make a Killing... Even as a “Newbie”
Keep in mind...
You can start off slow.
Maybe trade only $100 or $200.
Just look at Chris...
Chris F. 1/28/2020 at 1:11 p.m.Not been with you long. Started with $100, 2 weeks ago. I’m over $830 as of today. Listen to the experienced traders here. You’ll make it and be happier.
As a beginner... he started with just 100 bucks.
But in two weeks... he had already grown his money to $830.
That’s eight times his money in just two weeks.
And while $830 isn’t life-changing money for me... for someone who has only $100, growing that to $830 is HUGE.
Helping beginners get a good start is the most rewarding thing I do.
Here’s another post from KC.
Like Chris... KC was also new to trading...
He started slow...
But then posted...
KC, War Room MemberBryan, great call on Qualcomm! Bought only 10 shares and pulled up a $1,000+ profit (18% gains) in a couple of hours. Even as a very inexperienced options trader, I’m starting to see what makes Bryan tick. Good to see so many other profits.
That’s right...
Even as a beginner... he still made more than $1,000 in a couple of hours. And Virginia was a complete newbie...
On her second trade, she almost doubled her money... in a little more than an hour!
Virginia, War Room MemberSecond trade for a newbie. In at $1.64, out at $2.95. Thank you, Bryan!
People Just Like You Are Making Thousands EVERY DAY in The War Room
So, bottom line, thanks to Overnight Trades, our members are changing their entire lifestyles.
The fun can start on your very first day, like new War Room member Robert. He said...
Robert L. 4/15/2020 at 3:55 p.m.First full day... After QCOM (27%), I am up $4K for the day! I am REALLY EXCITED!!>
$4,000 on his very first day in The War Room. That’s incredible.
And that’s what I love about the market.
The market doesn’t care about your experience level, your background, what school you went to or what degree you have.
No matter who you are, you can make a killing in this market.
Look, I know what it’s like to struggle.
I used to flip burgers at McDonald’s before I got my big break on the CBOE. It sucks.
But if you hit a big Overnight Double... you could feel free to reward yourself by going out to a nice restaurant
You can feel secure in your retirement, and you can have fun.
The War Room is helping people make a lot of money.
Everyone, from beginners to expert traders, can use the research and trading recommendations in The War Room to finally beat the market.
Mike collected $3,000 by 10 a.m... while sitting at the airport!
Michael K. 5/29/2020 at 10:01 a.m.Cashing in about $3K (+20% overnight) right now from the RDU airport lounge. Thanks!
By now, I hope you can see the power of Overnight Trades.
They help people like Vern, who made $9,500 in their first week.
Vern D. 5/29/2020 at 10:02 a.m.My first week on the job... +$4,500 (WSM 19% in one day) and +$5,000 (DG 34% in one day)... It’s Friday and I feel great.
Some members made a life-changing amount of money on just one Overnight Trade.
Robert made more than $11,000 overnight on FedEx...
Robert D., War Room MemberFedEx was good for me... Bought at $3.40... out of them this a.m. for $7.80 ... Made $11,520.
Jock made a nice $16,000 profit on NUGT...
Jock, War Room MemberIt’s time to THANK Bryan again. Last month I rolled back into NUGT at $5.17. At month end I bought 50 more at $0.85 and just sold all 60 at $3.80 for a profit of $16,529 (264%). Nice belated Easter present! THX.
Now, how much you can make depends on how much you invest.
You could start off small and, as you get more comfortable, invest more.
When you have an entire year of Overnight Trades...
You’ll have plenty of opportunities to make dramatic returns.
So by now, I’m sure you’re wondering...
How Can I Get These Overnight Trade Recommendations Every Day?
Back when I was trading alone, I realized something was missing.
I missed the excitement of sharing my double- and triple-digit wins with other traders live, like I did on the exchange floor...
And even more, I realized that there’s no longer any place on the planet where you can learn what I learned in the live-trading pits.
The live-trading floor right now is all but extinct.
Being able to sit at the feet of the trading masters is... well... impossible.
Until now... because today...
You’re invited to join us in The War Room.
It’s our live-trading research chat room.
That’s where you can get my real-time updates and live-trading recommendations every day the markets are open.
I’ll be in The War Room tracking the market, on the lookout for the next Overnight Trade.
But that’s not all.
We actually give our members plenty of chances to make money during the day, too.
For instance, in addition to Overnight Trades, I love doing what I call “Sniper Trades.”
With these trades, we get in, cash in and get out as fast as possible.
Sometimes we get in a play and then ring the register all in the same day.
Heck, sometimes it happens within the same hour.
Here are just a few examples of our best Sniper Trades.
- Nice 44% gain on Diamondback Energy in less than two hours on May 22
- A solid 62% return on Lyft on April 10
- 53% in just four minutes on Roku on September 10
And on our Walmart play on July 7...
Members cashed in an amazing 121% gain in just one hour and 21 minutes.
Bottom line: Profit opportunities happen all day.
You’ll get them all in real time because, if you join me today, the first thing you’ll get is access to The War Room chat room.
It’s my way of immediately messaging you.
I keep in touch with members every day and alert them whenever I see a potential setup.
That way, when a trading opportunity comes, you won’t have to wait for me to write a lengthy email to you.
Instead, I can message everyone in The War Room, letting them know exactly what trade to jump in and why.
You’ll have the chance to place your trades and collect overnight wins, hopefully doubling your money (or more!).
My team has spent more than $2 million on research and development costs to perfect The War Room.
We’ve developed the best platform to deliver opportunities right to you.
You log in, and you have live access to my updates and analysis.
You’ll hear my thoughts every day that the markets are open, and anytime I see a perfect setup for an Overnight Trade, you’ll receive it instantly.
Let Me Make It EASY for You to Get Started

I want you to be able to start collecting your Overnight Trades as quickly as possible.
So I’ve compiled a few simple reports to help you hit the ground running.

The first is a guide I created called “Getting Started as a War Room Trader.” It contains everything you need to get started following us in The War Room.
It shows you what a BUY or a SELL recommendation looks like in our chat room and a lot more.
Give it a quick read when I send it to you.
You’ll know exactly how you could use the recommendations in The War Room to make your trades.

Second, I have another report for you, called “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader.”
Standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the live pit with the best traders on the planet, I discovered that winning traders just think differently.
Mindset is the biggest difference between traders who are raking in millions every year...
And the traders who just blow themselves up.
I share the key to making this shift in this easy-to-read primer.
Plus, you’ll also have a whole new understanding of how to safely invest and the keys to making consistent returns on your trades.
OK, those are your first two benefits as a new War Room member.
The next is for anyone who’s worried about having time to sit in front of their computer all day.
Text Alerts for the Busy War Room Member

It’s a question I get most often from people who would like to be traders, which is...
Do I have to be in front of my computer all day?
Well, with War Room Trade Alerts, the answer is a huge no.
When you opt in, we’ll send a trade alert right to your phone, tablet or computer every time we make a trade recommendation.
That way, even if you aren’t in The War Room, you’ll always know when a new trade goes out.
You can turn them on and off as you like. It’s totally up to you.
We have plenty of members just like you who are extremely busy.
Some have regular day jobs, some have other commitments, some simply want to enjoy their days and don’t want to be on the computer.
Bottom line: The War Room is designed to work around YOUR schedule.
You log in when you can and maybe catch an update and make a trade or two, and then you can go about your day.
Now, I have to really emphasize this with new members.
You don’t have to get in every single trade.
So many new members are used to being told to get into every trade in any newsletter service.
That’s because they get maybe 25 trades all year long if they’re lucky.
Heck, sometimes it’s just 12 trades a year.
In The War Room, you could see 12 trade recommendations in a day or two.
So don’t worry. There are plenty of opportunities.
And also, don’t feel like you have to post comments in The War Room either.
If you want to just sit back and look at the research and trade recommendations or maybe read the other comments from members, no problem.
You don’t have to post anything if you don’t want to.
Finally, I have something very special to share with you as a new War Room member: The Options Master Class video series.
Options Masterclass
In The War Room, we recommend trades on anything that can make money.
We trade stocks...
In fact, members saw a chance at 32% gains in just three days... with a regular stock.
We love short-term plays... But we’ll also make longer-term trades.
We recommend anything that we think has a chance to make you money.
And that includes options.
That’s because options are my favorite way to make fast money in the market.
They are responsible for most of our biggest gains and our best success stories.
And they are the key to making Overnight Trades – and getting the chance to double your money while you sleep.
Now, if you’ve never traded an option before, don’t worry.
I’ve designed The War Room to work for anyone, regardless of their experience level.
If you can follow simple instructions, you can be successful.
I’ve also made this video series so that you will be successful trading either stocks or options.
I think War Room member Mike C.’s experience is similar to what you’ll see.
He said...
Mike C., War Room MemberI mentioned earlier that I am intimidated by options. I watched the vets in this room execute some pretty awesome option trades today, and I learned a ton in less than an hour. I guarantee you won’t get experience anything like that anywhere else.
Now, you don’t have to learn all the technical indicators that I personally use.
However, I also know many members enjoy learning how to trade for themselves.
So I’ve created this video library to teach you the secrets I learned on the CBOE.
Each video is short. You could finish them in less than 10 minutes...
But they contain secrets that will make you more informed than 99% of traders in the market.
In the first video, I reveal one of my favorite kinds of Overnight Trades, I discuss earnings season, and I let you in on a little secret.
I’ve discovered a way to make money whether the stock surges or plummets – you just need it to move.
Either way, you can make money.
It’s made earnings season like Christmas for us.
Even better, actually, because it comes four times a year.
I’ll reveal everything you need to know in my video...

The Earnings Strangle: How to “Hack” Earnings Season and Make 188% Gains Overnight.
I’ll break down how the strategy works and give you instructions on how to make the trades when earnings season comes around next.
I guarantee you’ll start to see earnings season like Christmas, too.
I have two more videos in this series.
One is about something called “fading the public.”
That’s a term most traders use for taking advantage of amateur traders during periods such as a new IPO.
My video on this one is called...

Fade the Public: Beat the Crowd and Make Windfall After Windfall With This Elite Technique.
But the last video I’ll tell you about is the most valuable by far.
Blowing the Whistle on Wall Street’s Biggest Secret
I never thought I would make this video. I’m sure it will make a lot of people mad.
Perhaps even people I know from the Chicago pit will be furious. Because in this next video, I’m going to give you the secret weapon of true professional traders.
This one tool will give you the real story of the market, the real-time look at where the market is and, most importantly, where it’s about to go next.
That way, you can get in on the huge price moves before they happen.
So please, guard the contents of this video closely.
Other War Room members and I are depending on you to keep this powerful secret to ourselves.
You’ll find it all in the video titled...

The 3-Minute Chart: Using the Pro Trader Tool to Spot W and M Patterns Every Single Day.
In all, here’s what you’ll get as a new War Room member...

- 12 months of research and trade recommendations in The War Room
- Access to the members-only chat room
- “Getting Started as a War Room Trader”
- “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader”
- The War Room trade alert system
- The Earnings Strangle: How to “Hack” Earnings Season and Make 188% Gains Overnight
- Fade the Public: Beat the Crowd and Make Windfall After Windfall With This Elite Technique
- And The 3-Minute Chart: Using the Pro Trader Tool to Spot W and M Patterns Every Single Day.
Total value: more than $6,000.
Best of all...
The Hard Part for You Is Over
Just think...
After years of struggling to make money in the market, the hard part for you is now over.
From this point on, I’ll do all the heavy lifting.
Soon, you could have the chance to lock in $3,600 (or more) in a single day, depending on how much you want to invest.
That’s exactly what happened with our member Mark...
He said he made $3,630 in less than 24 hours.
Mark, War Room MemberNice 90% profit of $3,630 in under 24 hours :).
So take a second and ask yourself...
How Much Is Learning How to Build a Million-Dollar Portfolio Worth?
Really consider this...
If the research and recommendations from The War Room have the potential to 12X your total investment portfolio in less than one year...
And turn every $10,000 into more than $120,000...
Ask yourself one simple question:
What is that worth?
Heck... you could spend $25,000 and STILL come out WAY AHEAD.
So when I told my publisher that I wanted to charge just under $5,000 for a year, they told me it was way underpriced.
Listen... I’ve made millions from the market thanks to the mentorship and education I received in the live CBOE trading pit nearly decades ago.
This isn’t about money for me.
This is about empowering you to transform your finances.
That’s why I’m looking for a small, elite group of like-minded members.
The First 99 People Who Say “Yes!” Will Get 58% Off Right Now
So if you’re the type of person who can make a decision quickly, I’m going to give you a huge discount.
For the next 99 people who join today, the cost of The War Room will be only $2,100.
As you’ve seen over and over from some of our top-performing plays and testimonials, you can make that much with just one trade in The War Room.
Jim had his best day ever with a fast $4,000 gain...
Jim S. 3/5/2020 at 3:12 p.m.Sold TDOC... Total profit of $4,019 with 340% total. My best day ever!
James made more than $2,200 on Netflix in 19 minutes...
James K. 3/6/2020 at 10:38 a.m.NFLX in at 10:12 3/6 $360 C at 6.35 nest of 5. Out at 10% trailing stop at 10:31 at $10.90. $2,275.00 in 19 minutes.
Ralph deposited $3,360 (a 646% gain) in his account before 10 a.m.
Bill Lee locked in $4,100 (a 35% gain) on our Microsoft play.
Christopher made $5,000 (a 25% gain) on just one trade.
I could go on and on...
Think of James, who made $11,000 on Clorox...
James, War Room MemberBought CLX at $3.40, sold at $5.60 and netted $11,000.
And John, who made $38,000 (a 53% gain) on our Roku play!
Bottom line: You’re going to love The War Room. But I know from my time at the CBOE...
It’s about results, not promises.
So I’m doing something unprecedented.
I’m giving you a performance guarantee.
I’m Guaranteeing You’ll See a Winning Trade Recommendation EVERY SINGLE DAY the Market Is Open
Here’s how it works.
You will get at least one winning trade recommendation every single day the market is open over the course of the next year.

There are 252 trading days every year.
If The War Room hasn’t shown you 252 winning trades after one year, I’ll give you lifetime access for free.
Give my team a call, and you’ll get access to all of the tools, resources and trade recommendations in my War Room forever.
But I must make something clear.
I’m giving you all of the best secrets that took me 20 years of experience to discover.
I’m even revealing the proprietary methods I learned firsthand on the floor of the CBOE.
You’ll get them all immediately when you become a War Room member.
So I simply cannot have non-War Room members armed with this type of insider knowledge.
So all sales will be final.
That’s the only way I can offer such a large discount plus the performance guarantee.
Keep in mind, with our performance guarantee, we're promising you at least 252 winning trade recommendations this year.
If you accept today’s huge discount right now, on a per-trade basis, that works out to be less than $8 per winning trade recommendation.
Now, I’ve seen many other services charge the equivalent of as much as $50 per trade with no performance guarantee.
So I think this is a bargain, but I’m going to let you decide.
Will You Get the Next Double-Your-Money Overnight Trade Opportunity in The War Room?
I’ve shown you my level of commitment as well as my confidence that I can show you how to get real results in your portfolio.
Now it’s time for you to show your level of commitment to your financial future.
It’s time to give your family the financial security you all deserve.
So it’s decision time.
The next Overnight Trade is waiting for you.
You’ll have a chance to wake up 100% richer the very next morning.
Now, as a former pit trader, I know time is money, and I'm all about speed.
So we’re not going to drag this out.
Years from now, you may look back on this as the day your wealth changed forever.
Some will look back at this as the decision that helped them build their million-dollar portfolio.
Whatever you decide will set the course of your life from now on.
Will you set yourself up for the chance at financial freedom or close the door to your chance to wake up day after day with wins of 100% or more?
I can’t make that decision for you. It’s entirely up to you.
Only you can decide to change your finances forever.
Only you can decide to become an Overnight Trader.
Only you can click the button below and reserve your spot while space is still available.
Remember, I can’t guarantee this introductory subscription will be available unless you reserve your spot right now.
In fact, we reserve the right to close this offer at any time without notice once we reach our 99-member capacity.
So it’s decision time.
Click the button below and your road to daily wealth creation starts now.
I’ll see you in The War Room.

Bryan Bottarelli, Founder
The War Room
December 2020