- 246% Total Gains During the COVID Crash
(While the S&P LOST More Than 20%!) - Wins as High as 121% in Just Over an Hour
- Clobbered the S&P by 922% Since 2019
- Works During Bull and Bear Markets
“Don’t confuse brains for a bull market!”
Hello everyone... thanks for joining me for today’s special lesson.
I’m Bryan Bottarelli...
And my mentor drilled this one crucial message into my head about 20 years ago... in a volatile market very similar to the one we face today.
You see...
I got my start learning in the live trading pit of the Chicago Board Options Exchange.
Keep in mind... this was back in the 2000s... and my firm handled every major tech stock on the exchange...
So... I got a front-row seat for the dot-com boom.
One example that stands out to me was what happened to a new trader in the pit.
I remember my bosses had just presented him with a trading badge.
It’s a big moment for every trader...
It meant he‘d gone through all our training... he had proven his chops... and he was ready to trade with the big boys.
Well... they assigned him the Qualcomm pit.
If you recall, Qualcomm was one of the most expensive stocks during the dot-com boom. It was $600 per share... which is the equivalent of Tesla or Amazon today.
So... his first job was trading the options for an extremely popular stock during a massive bull market.
No surprise... he got off to the best start I’ve ever seen... I mean, he was killing it – raking in money hand over fist.
He was up something like $600,000 in profits for just one month.
It was incredible to watch.
I had to hide my jealousy while I listened to him brag over and over that everything he touched turned to gold.
But then...
The dot-com boom...
Turned into the dot-com bust.
And the new guy...
The one who could do no wrong...
Well, he forgot EVERYTHING our mentors told us about hedging our trades and protecting our downside.
He was used to the market just going up and up...
So when he got the rug yanked out from under him... he was completely flat-footed.
His $600,000 gain quickly evaporated... and he was down to ZERO profits.
But that wasn’t even the worst of it.
Soon... he was about half a million bucks in the red.
You heard me right... he LOST about half a million dollars of the firm’s money!
From superstar trader...
To fired...
In just three months.
And that’s when my mentor made a comment that stuck with me for the rest of my career...
“Don’t confuse brains for a bull market!”
It’s simple... but 100% true.
Everyone is a genius when it’s a bull market. Everything is going up. Monkeys throwing darts at a board can make gains.
And in fact, quite often the dumbest people make the most in a bull market because they make the riskiest bets.
Listen... by now I’m sure the truth is painfully obvious...
Markets can turn on a dime.
So... while risky bets can make you a fortune in good times, those same risky bets can absolutely ruin you when it goes the other direction.
Two years’ worth of gains can get wiped out in just a month.
Sometimes less.
If you aren’t ready for it... the market will chew you up and spit you out.
And that’s why I want to help you today.
You see...
Volatile markets give YOU a huge opportunity.
If you have the brains, you can actually make MORE money in bear markets than in bull markets.
Well... in a bear market...
Everyone panics.
They either sell everything... or just hide under the covers.
That’s the WORST thing you could possibly do.
Because you miss out on the biggest opportunity to make money.
Since everyone else is trading on panic...
YOU can make even bigger profits... if you learn what I’m going to teach you today.
I know... because I’ve helped regular people just like you do it in real time.
Back when the Russian-Ukraine conflict first broke out...
The markets were in turmoil.
Most people were down big.
Meanwhile, I was showing members 115% total returns in just 12 days... with a 94% win rate.
And remember the COVID crash?
It was the fastest economic shock in U.S. history – worse than the financial crisis of 2008 or even the Great Depression...
Yet I was showing members a 97% win rate...
And 246% total gains...
All while the S&P LOST 20% over the same time frame.
Think about that for a second.
On a $100,000 portfolio, a 20% loss means 20 grand gone in an instant.
But if you made 246% instead?
Your $100,000 would be worth $346,000!
So... when I say you can win even while the markets are volatile...
That’s not theory...
I’m not just throwing out platitudes...
It’s backed by real results.
And I want you to really think about what a difference that would make in your life.
Having the ability to harness down markets to actually make more money is like a superpower.
It will totally flip the heartache and concern that usually comes with massive drops in the market.
Today, you’ll hear the stories of countless other students who have used the lessons I’m going to show you.
They’ve grown their portfolios... some have doubled their accounts in a year... or less.
They’ve multiplied their wealth...
One took $20,000 and turned it into $185,000 in one year – making more from trading than from his day job.
Another guy, George, even took $165,000 and hit peak gains of over $2.3 million in three months... during the worst part of the COVID Crash.
Bottom line:
They’ve changed their finances... and their lives...
And today...
You’re going to discover exactly how to do it too with something I’m calling the “Perfect Timing Pattern.”
So get comfortable...
Make sure you have something to write with to take notes... maybe grab a glass of water...
Because whether you are a veteran... or just starting out...
You’re about to discover something that could be a lifesaver for any trader.
Time to SIMPLIFY Trading
Now... when you first start trading... everything seems complicated...
Today’s presentation is going to be all about SIMPLICITY.
Because really... and I mean this 100%...
You can be a VERY successful trader using just ONE pattern.
You don’t need to learn complicated technical indicators... or memorize countless candlestick formations.
You just need to learn ONE simple pattern.
The Perfect Timing Pattern.
I call it that because this specific pattern tells you the exact moment – down to the minute – when you should buy and sell stocks.
It shows up hundreds of times – every single trading day.
For you, that means if you trade just a couple of these each day...
We’re talking about game-changing profits.
And these trades are remarkably consistent too.
Since May 2019, factoring in all my recommendations...
Wins and losses combined...
I’ve helped people just like you get total gains of 363%.
Keep in mind... the S&P made just 35% during that same time frame...
So I’ve outperformed the market by 922%... and it’s largely thanks to this Perfect Timing Pattern.
Plus, it works even BETTER when the markets are crashing.
It helped me produce a 97% win rate during the COVID Crash...
And generated a 115% total return during the first two weeks of the Russia-Ukraine conflict while the market was in free fall.
Now here’s the crazy part.
I bet you’ve never heard of it...
And never – EVER – used it.
Think I’m blowing smoke?
I’ll put my money where my mouth is...
If I’m wrong and you have used this secret pattern before...
I’ll gift you a $5,000 reward today.
That’s how confident I am that you’ve never heard of it before...
Listen... this is THE secret you’ve always wished for in your trading arsenal.
I think it’s going to help you make more money than you ever thought possible.
And by the time we are done with this training today...
You’ll be an expert at using this Perfect Timing Pattern.
Be SURE you stay until the very end.
Not only are you going to get some great information today that you won’t find anywhere else...
But also...
At the end of this presentation...
I’m going to do something I’ve NEVER been able to do before.
And I’m excited I finally get to do it here today...
So let’s dive right in.
First off...
Why Should You Use the Perfect Timing Pattern?
Why do you need this system?
As you know...
The market has been crazy.
Volatility is here to stay.
Markets are swinging wildly up and down.
Most traders have no idea how to handle it.
So that’s why I want to show you this system...
The goal is to get up, collect some profits quickly and then go about your day.
It allows you to profit in both bull and bear markets.
Since 2019...
We’ve logged over 1,300 wins...
While maintaining a 76% win rate.
That’s while the market was rocketing higher... and also while it was crashing.
But here’s the crazy part...
Even though I LOVE bull markets...
The truth is...
We do even BETTER in DOWN markets...
Think about the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
The market was going crazy. It had days where it was down 576 points, 571 points and 760 points.
We had a 94% win rate...
And a total return of 115% in just 12 days.
But that’s not all...
Remember the COVID Crash from the end of February to the end of March 2020?
It was the fastest recession in history.
We had a 97% win rate...
And while the S&P LOST 20%...
We MADE 246% total gains!
And in a single week in May this year, as the market dropped more than 1,500 points...
We won on 15 out of 16 trades and nailed a perfect trade on EA... the market’s biggest mover!

Charles had just started his second week with me and scored a MONSTER 191% overnight GAIN on that EA trade!

In other words, my readers were doubling their money (or more!) as the bottom dropped out in the stock market.
Bottom line:
You need this kind of consistency and the ability to win in good times and bad.
And that’s what you get when you have a proven system to find winning trades.
I designed this system so that even newbie traders can learn how to make money.
Bull markets... bear markets...
Doesn’t matter.
You see...
All the time, I think back to when I was a newbie – when trading was confusing... and I was afraid to lose money.
I created this system to be newbie-friendly.
Thanks to the Perfect Timing Pattern I’m about to show you... my system gives you consistent results and predictable timing.
Now... make sure you hear me...
Some losses do happen. Risk is a part of all investing.
But when your wins outnumber your losses by almost 4-to-1...
With this kind of consistency... if you don’t quit...
You CAN be successful.
Think about it this way...
If you think trading is nothing but gambling...
What is the goal of a casino? It’s to win 51% of the time. That casino is going to take its losses from time to time and still make its profits in a big way.
And yet we’re winning 76% of the time in the stock market...
And starting our mornings with big profits day after day after day...
And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you today.
So... let’s look at our lesson agenda.
Our Agenda
Here’s what we’ll talk about:
- How to Find the Right Stock... and the Perfect Timing
- My Premarket Process (How I Evaluate the Market Before the Bell)
- Real-Life Trade Alert Examples (How I Got My 76% Win Rate)
- Track Record
- Real People. REAL RESULTS!
But before we get started...
I’m sure you are wondering...
Who is this guy?
Why should I listen to him today?
So let me tell you a little about my story...
And how my experiences in life have equipped me to help YOU build the life you’ve always wanted.
From Minimum-Wage Worker...
You see...
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
I had to learn what it took to make money.
Everyone has to start somewhere... and guess where I started...
That’s right...
In my teenage years... back in the late 1990s...
I was flipping McMuffins for minimum wage – back when it was about $5.20!
I knew I wanted more in life... but wasn’t sure what I should do.
All through school I loved trading baseball cards.
And I was good at it.
I even made money in the process.
My dad saw it and said I should learn about stocks.
So... through college I started dabbling in the market and traded stocks from my dorm room.
But it wasn’t until 2001 that my REAL education in the market began.
You see... I got my big break.

I was taken “behind the scenes” of Wall Street when I scored an entry-level position at a trading firm in Chicago.
I would be working in the live trading pit of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (we call it the CBOE).
It’s the largest options trading floor in the world.
Now, again... I was a total newbie at the time.
I’d never traded an option before in my life!
But there I was... thrown into the biggest options floor – working in the technology pit...
During the dot-com boom!
That’s intimidating!
But here’s what made all the difference:
I had amazing mentors.
Two of the firm’s best options traders took me under their wing...
One was a CBOE legend... ranking in the top 1% of professional floor traders in the world.
The other was a true trading pioneer.
The trading tactics he developed back in 1977 are still taught at the top floor-trading firms.
These guys taught me what being a Pro Trader was all about.
And the money we made as a firm was extraordinary.
In fact, my team brought in $600,000...
In just ONE day!
And as a Pro Trader... I lived a lifestyle most people only dream about.
We dined at Chicago’s top restaurants...
We sat courtside at Bulls games...
And on cold winter Sundays we watched the Bears with season tickets on the 50-yard line.
But most importantly...
I was by my mentors’ side all day long.
They taught me their most heavily guarded secrets.
And since pit trading is all but extinct today...
The methods I learned almost 20 years ago aren’t shared anywhere else in the world anymore.
That’s why I wanted to bring this presentation to you today.
You can’t get this anywhere else.
And I want to help YOU succeed – even if you’ve never traded before.
I want to pass on the knowledge I’ve received from my mentors...
And the skill that has made such a huge difference in my life.
I mean... I work from home – I can see my daughters grow up.
I can take trips with them to our place in Montana whenever we want.
That’s freedom!
I know there’s only one reason I’m able to live the life I do today:
Over two decades ago... two people took me under their wing and taught me the secrets of trading.
I want that same thing for you... and I want to be the one who helps you get there.
What is this system I’m sharing with you today?
Well... it solves the major problem facing every trader:
How Do You Know What Stock to Buy... and WHEN to Buy It?
Let me ask you...
Have you ever felt this way?
You get in a trade... and it immediately goes down...
Or you get out of a trade... and it immediately shoots up!
It happens to everyone.
And that’s the problem we are going to try to solve for you today.
I’m going to show you exactly how to find the right stock...
And how to use the Perfect Timing Pattern to know exactly when to get in.
Let’s solve your first problem:
Finding the Right Stock
It all starts with building my watchlist in the morning.
I’m going to teach you the three steps I use every day before the opening bell rings...
I narrow down a list of stocks I’ll watch as soon as the market opens.
So let me walk you step by step through my morning routine...
Now, you’ll want to write this down.
This is the exact process I use every day.
It’s the first step in our profit system.
My Morning Routine
My morning typically starts with my premarket scan.
This is where I start to narrow down what the market is doing as a whole...
Step 1: Macro – “Risk On” or “Risk Off”
For the first step...
It’s all about determining where the overall market is headed.
We actually had lingo for this back from my days in the live pit of the CBOE.
We would call it “risk on” or “risk off.”
The concept is simple...
When traders seem more optimistic... they swing for the fences.
That means they take on MORE risk and go for BIGGER gains.
So when it’s RISK ON... the market tends to move up.
On these days, you’ll see bigger moves in tech stocks like Apple or Microsoft or Salesforce.
When traders are feeling more negative... they tend to retreat to more conservative stocks – like Eli Lilly or 3M or Procter & Gamble.
Now you might be wondering...
How do I figure out if it’s a risk on or risk off day?
Well... I start with a special tool called eSignal to track the premarket futures.
Basically... I log into my account...
And start watching the futures.
I’m looking at premarket chart patterns on the Dow, S&P and Nasdaq.
If money is flowing into tech... and out of more conservative sectors like transportation or industrial...
That’s RISK ON.
Traders are feeling good... and they are pumping money to where they think they can get the biggest gains.
If money is flowing INTO more conservative places...
Like the transportation index... healthcare... biotech...
Or even bonds...
That’s RISK OFF.
Traders are worried... and they are headed for shelter.
This step is all about figuring out bullish versus bearish sentiment and what industries are likely to rise.
Once I’ve identified if it’s a risk on or a risk off day... the next step is to pinpoint which stocks are going to move the most.
Step 2: Premarket News and Catalysts
One of the big keys to making money in the stock market is to identify which stocks are going to move the most.
The companies that move the most – either up OR down – are the ones that everybody is talking about.
It’s where we find OUR biggest opportunities for making HUGE profits.
So here I’m looking for companies making headlines.
Think about Twitter and Elon Musk.
Every time there was a new headline about Elon’s buyout offer, Twitter either shot up or shot down very quickly.
Those are opportunities to make big money.
And here’s the thing... you can make money no matter which way the stock goes.
So this is the second thing I do.
I start to narrow down ALL the thousands of companies... to a short watchlist for that day...
Which ones are trending... which ones have a big announcement... which ones are making headlines?
I narrow it down to a list of five or 10 companies.
So... to recap...
I’ve identified if it’s a risk on or a risk off day.
I’ve also pinpointed the small list of stocks that I know stand to move up or down the most off that sentiment.
It’s time to use my secret cash-generating pattern that you cannot get anywhere else:
The Perfect Timing Pattern.
This is my secret sauce...
It’s the single most important reason I’ve won in the stock market at a 75% rate for years... and why we’ve beaten the market by 922% since 2019.
And here’s what you’re going to love, everyone... It’s not a hard tool to master.
It’s really easy, actually.
So let me show it to you.
My #1 Pro Trader Tool to Find the Perfect Timing Pattern
Okay, I’ve got my list of five to 10 stocks. Now I’m watching them move and looking for the Perfect Timing Pattern to take shape.
Now, here’s something very important to share with you all.
A lot of charting websites will give you only the 20-minute chart or the 10-minute.
That isn’t fast enough.
The only way to see the Perfect Timing Pattern take shape is to use the 3-minute chart.
That‘s why this special chart is easily my #1 Pro Trader tool... and I also get it on eSignal.
Let me show it to you now here on my screen...

Right now... it may just look like any old chart... but it’s anything but ordinary.
This is the 3-minute chart of the electronics company Newegg. Imagine yourself sitting at your computer... watching the chart... looking for one specific thing...
Then you spot it.
The Perfect Timing Pattern takes shape...
So let’s zoom in:

Now watch as I draw it for you on the screen...
It falls down to the $12.80 level...
See that?
Now watch what happens next...
From there, it bounces back up to the $13.60 level...
Only to fail – and fall back down to $12.80 again.
See how that pattern takes shape?
Okay, and now here’s the important part. Are you ready?
On this second support test of $12.80, that to me confirms that pattern - and as soon as it rises back above $13.60 again, what do you now have formed?
That’s right... a perfect “W”!

This “W” pattern is what I like to call the Perfect Timing Pattern.
That’s because it’s one of the most powerful signals you’ll ever find to show a stock is poised for a breakout.
So why is it so important for me?
Well, you have to remember...
When you’re looking at a stock chart, it’s not just a line on a page. There are real people buying and selling stock behind every movement.
And these people trade on emotion just like everyone else.
So here are the emotions you’re seeing when a “W” appears.
When a stock is moving, it’s like a battle between the bulls and the bears.
When the bulls are winning, a stock goes up.
And when the bears are winning, a stock goes down.
So when you look at the first line of the “W” in that Newegg chart, the bears are making a push to drive the stock lower.
But at $12.80, the bulls fight back. They push the stock higher.
Then the bears rally and try to drive the stock lower once more.
The stock once again drops, but as you can see... right at $12.80, the bulls beat back the bears once again.
Now, the “W” has formed.
And psychologically, the bears are defeated. They tried their best to drive the stock lower twice, but the bulls kept winning.
And now the bears quit.
Now, guys, I’ve seen this live in the trading pits with real people.
It’s just like in a sporting event. Eventually, if the other team keeps winning, you give up and call it a day.
That’s what the bears do at the end of a “W” pattern.
And so what I know is once the “W” has formed... the rout is on.
The bulls at this point are going to run away with this thing.
And this is how I can know the exact perfect time to buy the stock.
Now for this example on Newegg...
This pattern shows exactly when the bulls start sending this stock soaring.
Let’s zoom out...
Here’s our “W”...
And just look...
The stock went soaring.

This one trade on Newegg hit a peak of 195% in just ONE DAY!
This is what great trading comes down to.
You pick out just a few stocks you know are likely to move and you look for “W” patterns that tell you when the stock is likely to rise.
Here, let me show you another top example.
If we look back at the stock KE Holdings on April 14.
This one is so obvious it almost smacks you in the face.

I’m sure you can spot the huge “W” at the beginning of the chart.
It’s a tug of war between the bulls and the bears.
The bears want the stock to go down...
The bulls want it to go up.
So when the bears push this stock down to $15.20...
Here... you can see it going down right here...
Then the bulls start buying... pushing it back up to around $15.50.
See that?
But then the bears gain momentum again... and it gets back down to the $15.20 mark.
Now as we discussed, here’s the important part...
The bears have now failed once... then twice.

It’s a huge psychological defeat for them.
It means the bulls won...
The rout is on and the bulls are running away with it.
It’s the “free and clear point” for the Perfect Timing Pattern.
See that?

Right at $15.50.
And that’s exactly when you want to get in.
As you can see... from that “free and clear point”...
It was off to the races for KE Holdings.

Pro Traders could have used a special play on this stock to get a peak 260% gain in just a few hours!
We’re talking about several years‘ worth of gains for most stocks... coming to you in just a few hours.
Guys, I want to talk to you candidly for a moment.
Most people believe that investing is hard.
But it really isn’t.
All you need to do is watch a handful of stocks and look for these “Ws.”
Do that, and you can rack up dozens of wins... and yes, sometimes they are as big as 260% in just a few hours.
$2,500 on a trade like that, and you’re suddenly $6,500 richer by sundown.
That’s real money... cash in your pocket.
Yet so many investors have no idea how to do this.
If You’ve Missed These Huge Gains Before... It’s NOT Your Fault!
If you know where to look...
You can spot these Perfect Timing Patterns before all kinds of huge stock moves.
The same thing happened with Roku looking back at April 19...
Take a look.

You can clearly see the bears were pushing the stock down to $110...
The bulls held at that level once...
Then twice...

The stock hit the free and clear point at about $111.50...
(It’s right here... see the circle?)

And that was the time to strike.
From there the stock soared that day...
Had you known how to play this move... it could have been worth 140% gains...
In just a few hours.
Bottom line:
If you have struggled up until now to make the kinds of gains you’ve dreamed about...
It’s NOT your fault.
It’s not like our education system is teaching people a skill like this, even though it can completely transform people’s lives.
But today...
I’m out to change that.
I’m going to take you by the hand...
And help you every step of the way.
From the premarket notes... to the trade alerts... to closing out winning trades.
But before we get into that...
Let’s do a quick recap...
We’ve covered how to find the RIGHT stock with my premarket scan...
I showed you how I narrow down the 6,000-plus stocks trading on the market to around 10 stocks for my watchlist.
We also covered how to get in at the PERFECT time... thanks to the Perfect Timing Pattern I just showed you.
So now...
Let’s put everything I’ve shown you together from start to finish...
Perfect Timing Pattern Finds BIG Overnight Gain... During COVID!
Let’s look at a trade I made in April 2021.
By this time, the stock market had completely reversed from the crash in March 2020.
Stocks were soaring... and at-home traders were enthusiastically bidding up stocks.
It was a RISK ON environment which meant big opportunity.
Next, I needed to figure out which stocks to watch.
Moderna was making tons of headlines as vaccines rolled out across the country.
Lots of attention means lots of movement... which also means lots of profit if you play it correctly.
And then... on April 15...
The Perfect Timing Pattern hit...
Let’s draw it again...
Hits $156 once... then twice...

By now you can probably spot it yourself.
I immediately alerted my members that the “W” had formed...
It was right here when the “W” was confirmed.
And I told them it was time to strike.
And then...
The very next morning...
It was time to ring the register:

My followers immediately started posting about their gains!
I have a guy who follows me, Donn, who said he had already profited before his first bite of breakfast.
Judy made a quick 88%...
James made $2,200 overnight – he got in at $4.95, out at $6.05.
Randy made his biggest win at the time – a quick 107% gain!
And Kenneth locked in a 113% gain... which is one of the best trades he’s ever made.
An Overnight Double – all thanks to the Perfect Timing Pattern!
And it works in virtually any environment and on any type of stock.
Inflation-Proof Play Grabs 22% in Just 3 Hours!
Back at the end of 2021... I posted this in my premarket commentary.
Historically I knew that agriculture, energy and mining stocks tend to make headlines during periods of high inflation.
When core resources go up in price, these are the stocks that see the biggest impact.

That’s right...
Way back in 2021... before inflation was the hot-button topic it is today...
I was already pounding the table about inflation-proof plays.
That day I was watching three companies...
One of them... was Caterpillar.
And here’s what I saw on my screen...
A nice “W” formed right around 11 a.m.!

I sent my alert out to members at exactly 11:14...

Just as I predicted...
Caterpillar went soaring.
You can see the “W” right here... and the price shot up almost immediately.

We cashed out at 2:20 that day for a nice 22% win in just three hours.
And members started bragging about their wins.

George posted that it was his first trade... and his first win!
Congratulations, George!
Michelle made a quick $670 in just three hours.
That’s over $200 an hour... not bad!
And Rick closed it out by saying:
“Hey Bryan, you are rocking it today sir. I pulled down another 25% on Caterpillar in 2 hours. A nice day all around.”
Go Rick!
And look...
That was on Caterpillar...
There‘s no bigger snoozefest than a bulldozer company, am I right?
But look...
We’ll play anything that gives us a chance at making money.
I just love helping people grab quick wins just like these.
These kinds of quick wins really add up over time...
Which is why I want to help at least 150 people become millionaires within the next 12 months.
We are well on our way...
We currently have 432 members with net worths between $100,000 and $250,000...
We have 568 members who are getting even closer to that million-dollar number with wealth between $250K and $500K...
And then we have 1,283 members who are over $500,000...
They are either on the cusp of millionaire status...
Or they’ve already achieved it!
That’s why my mission is to help even MORE people grab fast wins like these over and over again...
So they can build their wealth...
And become millionaires too!
I truly believe I can help at least 150 people watching today on their wealth-building journey...
And help them finally hit that millionaire mark.
Honestly... I hope one of them is you.
But maybe right now you are wondering...
How do we get gains this big... this fast?
Big Gains... FAST... With Options
It’s simple...
We use options to maximize our returns.
They are the reason I can give my members such fast returns, over and over again.
Think about it...
Options represent control over 100 shares of the stock.
That means a 10% move in a stock can translate into a 100% move in the options.
Now, options can move up and down much faster than the stock.
However, because options are so much cheaper, you can actually put far less money at risk.
Options are how I’m able to capture lightning-fast top gains like...
- 44% on Diamondback Energy in less than two hours
- 73% on Sturm, Ruger & Co. in less than 10 minutes
- 53% on Roku in just four minutes.
And on our Walmart play...
Members cashed in an amazing 121% gain in just one hour and 21 minutes.
But it gets even better...
Because options allow us to actually make money when stocks go DOWN.
Let me show you...
22% Gains in an Hour... on a Stock That FELL 3.6%?!
Here’s a chart of the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase.

That’s a rough chart...
In all... the stock FELL 3.6% in just one day.
Yikes. That hurts.
But not for my members...
I’ll show you how.
I’ve shown you how the Perfect Timing Pattern works when stocks are going UP...
But guess what...
The Perfect Timing Pattern works when stocks are going DOWN too!
Let’s zoom in on Coinbase.
So what we need to profit on stocks going down... is a “W” turned upside down.
What do we call that?
An “M”!
That’s right...
For stocks that have a chance of going DOWN...
We look for an “M” pattern.
It works in exactly the same way as a “W”... just in the opposite direction.
So let me show you...
Here... we have the bulls pushing the stock up to the $311 price level.
But they lose momentum once... then twice...
Just like we saw with the “W” pattern...
That wears down the bulls.
So once it hits below the $308 level (the midpoint of the “M”)...

That’s our free and clear symbol to get in!
And just look what happens next...

There’s our “M” pattern there...
And the price collapses right after.
That’s why I told my members to get in a trade on Coinbase that day at exactly 12:54 p.m...
And then at precisely 1:42 p.m... less than an hour later...
We were out of the trade...
And while most other Coinbase traders were in the red...
We locked in our lightning-fast 22% winner.
The posts came pouring in...

Lance made a quick 256 bucks...
Omar made $5K.
Jean made her first-ever live trade... good for a quick 45-minute win.
And James made almost $6,500 on this one trade...
Again... in less than an hour...
While the stock was FALLING!
Our Track Record PROVES We Can Win in ANY Market
By now you can see I’m not just blowing smoke that we can make money in ANY market.
We’ve logged well over 1,300 wins since we started in May 2019...
With a 76% win rate.
So... our wins outnumber our losses by almost 4-to-1.
And we’ve beaten the S&P by 922% during that same time frame...
That’s making more than 10 times the market as a whole.
And a big reason we can do so well is that even if the market is cratering...
We still win.
In fact...
We can even make MORE money in falling markets.
That’s because the old saying is true...
Markets take the escalator up...
But the elevator down.
While most people run for the hills when the market gets red...
We are still locking in winners.
During the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war...
We had a 94% win rate...
And a total return of 115%.
Let me show you those trades.
Just look...

We made money two times on Donald Trump’s new social network SPAC...
A quick 24% same-day gain... and even a 69% same-day gain.
Then there were some overnight gains...
One on SRPT – a 71% win...
Plus an Overnight Double on Nordstrom – good for 95%.
Then we hit a huge overnight win on Abercrombie & Fitch – a monster 167%!
But we did even better during the COVID Crash...
Check out those wins:

We traded Clorox six times... all of them winners.
We traded the Dow index 14 times... all of them winners.
That’s right... while the Dow was falling... we were ringing the register over and over...
Making a same-day gain of 61%... and an overnight gain of 90%.
We logged a quick 41% overnight gain on Crocs...
And a super-fast gain on Teladoc Health – 98% in just 13 minutes!
In all...
We had a 97% win rate...
And a total return of 246%.
Keep in mind...
The S&P LOST 20%...
While we made 3.5X total gains!
It’s incredible!
So... we’ve made money when stocks go up...
We’ve made money when stocks go down...
The question is... what kind of impact can using the Perfect Timing Pattern have on you?
Can it really change your financial future?
Well, let me show you how regular people just like you have put it all together...
Just look at the report I got from one of my members named David...
He started with us in our live trading research platform, The War Room, back in January 2020...
The War Room is where I share my best trades live in real time so members can immediately benefit from them.
In David’s case, he started with a $20,000 portfolio, and in nine months, it was already worth $185,000.
The coolest thing?
He said he made more from his War Room trades than his entire income from his regular day job!
And another one of our members, Mohammed, did even better...
He turned a $25,000 portfolio into over $225,000...
In just four months!
His son wants him to buy a Lambo... but he said he was going to reward himself with a nice classic car. THAT’S my vision for teaching people like you.

I want to help as many of you as possible achieve the lives of your dreams...
And finally get the freedom and financial security you deserve!
For example, one of my followers, Matthew, grew his account from $65,000 to over $100,000...
In just two months!
He said, “I’m nowhere close to where I want to be as a trader yet, but I’m heading in the right direction. I love The War Room and can’t think of a better trading and learning community.”
Well said, Matthew...
And I agree... you’re well on your way to being a KILLER trader.
That’s over 50% total account gain in just two months!
But not to be beaten...
Thom recently reported he’s up 53%... in just 10 days!
Now, look... these are some of our best members’ results.
But you know as well as I do...
Trading involves risk... so you will have some losses along the way.
That’s why smart traders never bet more than they can afford to lose on any one trade.
And keep this in mind...
Our wins outnumber our losses by almost 4-to-1...
I’ll take those odds any day of the week!
Bottom line:
If you follow our lead...
You can be successful over time.
Because it’s not about having just one or two good months...
It’s about consistently building your wealth day in and day out... over the long haul.
Just look at what Tad was able to accomplish in a year...
He started in The War Room back on May 25, 2020.
By February 2021, he reported turning $90,000 into $178,000.
He almost DOUBLED his entire account in less than a year!

And then there’s George...
He’s a great member... posts all the time.
Helps a lot of other people make winning trades.
But he didn’t start out that way...
Back in December 2019, George joined our group and admitted, “I’m very new at this”...
But by March... just three months later... he said he had turned $165,000...
Into peak gains of $2.35 MILLION!
You heard me right...
He grew his account by 14X...
In just three months.
And this was during the WORST part of the COVID Crash.
Another member, named Ken, is a great story...
This guy came into The War Room back in April 2020 with NO CLUE what he was doing.
Back in my days on the Chicago trading floor, we would have called this guy “red meat”...
He was going to get eaten alive.
But as one of our War Room members, he learned exactly how to capture big profits day after day.
By December, he’d turned the $150,000 in his portfolio into more than $300,000!
He DOUBLED his entire account in just eight months.
And just like David...
The money he makes from trading is actually MORE than his salary!

I love helping people like David... Tad... George... Ken...
And I want to help even MORE people achieve the lives of their dreams.
I love helping all these people learn how to beat the market... and achieve their personal goals.
And if you’ll let me... I’d like to help YOU become one of our successful War Room millionaires.
Today... you can join all of these members I’ve already told you about... and let me help you every single day in the market.
It all starts when you enter The War Room.
You’re Invited to Join

The War Room is a live chat room where I can give you my market analysis, research and live trade recommendations.
All 100% in real time.
That’s not all...
Because you can also chat with thousands of other members every single day.
You can ask them questions...
Read their trade ideas...
And you can all celebrate your wins together.
Simply put...
It’s the biggest breakthrough in financial research technology the world has ever seen.
We have had over 19,000 members from 194 countries around the world.
Keep in mind...
There’s only 195 countries across the entire globe.
So... it’s no exaggeration to say it’s a worldwide phenomenon.
It’s easily the best community of individuals who want to learn about the markets and who want to discuss trades and investments.
And remember what I said at the beginning of this presentation...
I want to help at least 150 people become millionaires within the next 12 months.
We currently have 1,283 members who have estimated fortunes of over $500,000...
They are either on the cusp of millionaire status...
Or they’ve already achieved it!
And I want to grow that number by even MORE in the months and years ahead.
That means...
I need YOU to join us!
There’s nowhere else on Earth that you can find a group of people who have built massive wealth...
Who are ready and willing to help YOU achieve the wealth of your dreams.
I’m sure you’ve heard it said:
If you want more success...
Surround yourself with successful people.
And that’s what The War Room will give you.
An entire community of people who are focused on one goal:
To make winning trades!
But even after seeing the success of all our existing members, there are still people who wonder...
Will I be successful in The War Room?
It’s an important question.
And while I can’t guarantee anyone’s success, I can definitively say that I’ve put together all the tools you need to be successful like any of our top members.
The Full Benefits of Being a War Room Member
It starts with...
Member Benefit #1:
My Premarket Commentary

Every morning at 9 a.m., I deliver all my premarket notes to War Room members – like the ones I’ve shown you already.
I go through all three steps of my premarket scan that I showed you earlier in the presentation...
From determining if it’s a risk on or risk off day by breaking down all the big trends I’m seeing...
To narrowing down my watchlist of companies.
You get FULL access to all of my market analysis 30 minutes before the opening bell.
Member Benefit #2:
All My Live Trade Alerts

Once 9:30 a.m. strikes...
We’re off to the races.
I’ll be scouring the markets looking for the perfect time to strike...
And I’ll be scanning my watchlist for our Perfect Timing Pattern.
Whether it’s a “W” or an “M”... I’ll let you know immediately what I’m seeing.
The SECOND there’s a recommendation...
I type it up... hit “enter”...
And you IMMEDIATELY get all the relevant information you need.
I give you the ticker symbol... the trade instructions... the exact price target.
EVERYTHING you need to make the trade.
And when it’s time to exit the trade...
I send you a quick alert then too.
Once again – it’s all 100% live and in real time.
Member Benefit #3:
Text Alerts for the Busy War Room Member

It’s the question I get most often from people who would like to be traders...
Do I have to be in front of my computer all day?
With the War Room trade notification system...
The answer is a huge NO!
When you opt in, we’ll send you an alert every time we make a trade recommendation...
Right to your phone or computer.
So, that way, even if you aren’t in The War Room, you’ll always know when a new trade goes out.
You can turn the notifications on and off as you like.
It’s totally up to you.
We have plenty of members just like you who are extremely busy.
Some have regular day jobs.
Some simply want to enjoy their days and don’t want to be on the computer.
Our alert system is perfect for those people.
You just get the trades and you don’t have to worry about anything else.
Bottom line...
The War Room is designed to work around YOUR schedule.
Now, up until this point...
I’ve mainly talked about my morning trades.
Those are primarily the trades we get in and out of as fast as possible... sometimes in just minutes.
But we do ALL kinds of unique trades in The War Room.
That brings me to the fourth benefit:
Overnight Trades.
Member Benefit #4:
Overnight Trades
These are a special kind of trade where our members have gotten in one day...
Gone to sleep...
And woken up to huge gains like 179%... 188%... even 292%... OVERNIGHT.
As a War Room member, you’ll get ALL of these Overnight Trades as well.
And ALL of the other special trades that we do.
From trades that last minutes... to Overnight Trades... to trades that last a month or several months...
We give you every type of trade strategy we know can make YOU money...
And it’s all included for you as a full War Room member.
That brings me to the final benefit...
And I’ve saved the best for last...
Member Benefit #5:
Our Entire Educational Library
(War Room Headquarters)

This is really the most important part of your membership.
Yes, even more than the live trade recommendations.
Because you’ve heard the saying...
Give a man a fish... you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish... and you’ve fed him for life.
Well... this library is where you learn to fish.
It’s the key to me reaching my goal of helping 150 people become millionaires this year...
And it’s a crucial resource for you if you want to be one of them.
In our War Room Headquarters, you’ll find ALL the tools you need to become a winning trader... and start building your wealth faster than you ever thought was possible.

This includes our “War Room Options Primer” report...
Plus... our Options Masterclass videos.
You’ll get our premium reports... like “Insider Strategies: How to Follow the Smart Money With Legal Insider Trading”...
And “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader”...
As well as videos with other strategies you won’t find anywhere else...
Making 200% to 300% overnight with The Earnings Strangle...
Banking big gains (and avoiding trading disaster) with the Black Candle of Death...
Making a quick 20% to 40% in minutes with Gift Gaps and Gap Fills...
Trading almost on autopilot with The Power of Preset Profit Targets...
And so much more!
Listen... I have no doubt with our educational headquarters...
Your experience will be just like Mike’s.
He was intimidated at first...
But by just watching the pros in The War Room...
He learned a ton in less than an hour...
He said, “I guarantee you won’t get to experience anything like that anywhere else.”
Thanks for saying that, Mike – I know you are going to continue to become a better trader...
Be sure to let us know when you hit your seven-figure mark!
And listen, there’s tons of other videos in our Headquarters that detail all the different trading strategies we use within The War Room.
The information you’ll find is unlike anything else...
One of our members, Doc, said he was even a broker for years...
But NEVER learned any of the trading methods that are the BASICS of what we do in The War Room.
Now he says he’s made even more cash in The War Room than he ever did as a broker.
Amazing, isn’t it?
He learned more in The War Room than he did as a broker...
And he made more money too!
He said, “Join us in this group and enjoy the fruits of victory.”
I mean... he’s almost begging you to join us.
Thanks, Doc... I look forward to seeing you next time in The War Room.
Bottom line:
The War Room is about BOTH giving you a fish for the day...
AND teaching you how to fish for yourself.
You get it all...
All you have to do is say yes and join us today.
But before you decide whether or not our group is right for you...
I told you that I get to do something special today...
Something I’ve never done before.
I’m Offering a “Win Every Day” Performance Guarantee

And what I get to do is offer you an UNPRECEDENTED Performance Guarantee.
I’m calling it my “Win Every Day” Guarantee.
And there are actually two parts to this amazing guarantee.
So here it is...
Performance Guarantee Part One:
First, I’m guaranteeing you’ll see at least 90 WINNING trade recommendations in your first 90 days as a new War Room member, according to our model portfolio...
And if I DON’T deliver...
I’ll give you a full refund to your subscription.
I’m not talking about a credit refund. I’m going to fully refund every penny you pay to get in if I fail to deliver.
But that’s not all...
Performance Guarantee Part Two:
I’m going to show you a winning trade every day this year.
Here’s how it will work...
There are 252 days that the market is open in a year.
And I’m guaranteeing you’ll see AT LEAST 252 winning trades by this time next year, according to our model portfolio.
If I don’t deliver...
I’m going to give you a LIFETIME subscription to The War Room...
100% FREE.
That’s right...
I’m putting my money where my mouth is.
It’s a huge bet for me...
Because if I don’t deliver...
I’ll end up giving away hundreds of lifetime subscriptions for free...
Which would easily be worth millions.
I wish I’d been given something like this when I was starting out.
I had no guarantees.
But I’m happy to put my money where my mouth is because I know my system works.
Your Full War Room Membership Package
So to recap...
Here’s everything you get as a full War Room member:

You get 12 months access to our real-time market analysis and trade recommendations...
You get my premarket notes...
You get my trade alerts...
You get Overnight Trades...
And you get our full educational library in our War Room Headquarters...
Filled with tons of resources to make YOU a better trader.
From reports like...
- “Getting Started as a War Room Trader”
- “Insider Strategies: How to Follow the Smart Money With Legal Insider Trading”
- “Developing the Winning Mindset of a Pro Trader”...
To videos like...
- The Earnings Strangle: How to Make 200% to 300% Overnight by “Hacking” Earnings Season
- Fade the Public: Beat the Crowd and Make Windfall After Windfall With This Elite Technique
- The 3-Minute Chart: Using the Pro Trader Tool to Spot “W” and “M” Patterns Every Single Day...
And MANY more reports and videos in our War Room Headquarters!
It’s ALL included in your subscription.
Plus... you get my unheard-of, TWO-part “Win Every Day” Performance Guarantee...
Guaranteeing your shot at 90 winners in your first 90 days or your money back...
And 252 winners over the 252 days the market is open through your first 12 months of your subscription.
Now... ask yourself...
How Much Is Learning How to Build a Million-Dollar Portfolio Worth?
I mean, really consider this...
Imagine what it would be like to have a multimillion-dollar portfolio.
How would your life be different?
What kind of car would you be driving?
What kind of house would you be living in?
What kinds of vacations could you take?
What kind of education could you provide for your children or grandchildren?
Take a second and really consider this...
And then think about what it would be worth to you to finally have the life that you deserve.
Plus think about this...
Remember the eSignal tool I told you about earlier that’s part of my premarket scan and gives me access to the 3-minute chart?
That would cost you as much as $3,700 a year...
But if you let ME do all the work... you DON’T have to get your own subscription!
And... I’ll give you the best opportunities I find.
But it’s not just eSignal...
Bloomberg terminals cost about $25,000 a year.
Then there are the other publications and research we pay thousands of dollars every year to access... information that we freely pass along to our members...
Bottom line...
You don’t have to pay for extra tools and subscriptions... plus you don’t have to go through it all and make sense of everything.
We do it all for you!
It’s like your own staff of market analysts and tacticians... poring over tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of research... data... and analytics...
Day in and day out...
To spoon-feed you the very best analysis, research and real-time trade recommendations!
So... when I told my publishers I wanted to charge $7,500 for a year of The War Room...
They told me that was WAY underpriced...
Especially considering that ONE trade like my 121% gain on Walmart could have paid for your entire membership in about an hour. But listen...
If you remember... at the beginning of this presentation...
I said I would give you a $5,000 reward if you had already heard about the secret pattern I was going to show you today.
Well, guess what...
Whether or not you’ve used the pattern from this presentation...
I’m going to offer you a gift of $5,000 to put toward your subscription price right now.
That means if you accept this special deal...
You’ll pay just $2,500 to join The War Room for an entire year, rather than $7,500.
And remember... I’m guaranteeing 252 winners this year.
That works out to less than $10 per winning trade recommendation.
Plenty of systems charge $7,000 to $10,000 based on bogus, backtested, hypothetical BS.
They just base it all on empty promises.
They offer NO Performance Guarantee.
And they give you, what... 52 recommendations a year... if you are lucky?
I’ve shown you my REAL trades... and REAL people’s results.
And I think my “Win Every Day” Guarantee... at this price... is a bargain.
But I’ll let you decide.
If you are ready to make this system work for you...
I want you to become a War Room member.
Click on the button below.
You’ll go to a separate page where you can fill out our short order form.
And you’ll be in!
You can join me in The War Room 30 minutes before the next opening bell for my premarket notes...
And once 9:30 hits...
You can see ALL of our live commentary and trade recommendations.
Time to Invest in Yourself!
If you are still watching right now... that means you are committed and motivated to change your life and your finances.
So will you make this investment in yourself... this investment in your future?
I’ve given you this two-part guarantee...
Including a full money-back guarantee if I don’t hit 90 winners in 90 days...
So, you essentially have nothing to lose.
I’ve tried to make this as inexpensive as I can...
And take all the risk off of you and put it on my shoulders.
Because I want this system to change your life.
So... it’s time for you to make the decision to invest in yourself.
If you’ve thought trading is complicated... this can help you.
I’ll do all the hard work for you!
Would you consider joining me today and joining the 19,000 people who have joined The War Room?
I hope you will...
I hope that you would choose to grow and change your life for the better.
And I’ll end with this...
I’m truly grateful for your time and attention today.
I know there are a lot of things you could be doing right now... and I’m honored you spent this time with me now.
Even if you don’t join us today...
I hope you found this training useful...
And I hope you find something useful you can use to help you win at trading.
Of course... I want you to choose this system and join The War Room.
But if not...
I hope you find something that works for you.
I’ve long said that the market is the single biggest source for wealth creation on the planet.
Trillions and trillions of dollars are exchanged every day...
It’s time you tap into it.
You owe it to yourself and your family to make the market work for you and build as much wealth as you possibly can.
I’d love to help you...
But even if you don’t choose to join me today...
I truly hope you learn to make money from the market.
Have a great rest of your day...
And remember...
Your journey toward daily wealth creation starts today...
Click the button now to reveal a coupon code for an EXTRA $500 OFF!
I hope to see you in The War Room.

Bryan Bottarelli
June 2022