AI Lightning Trades

Discover Nate Bear’s Powerful Speed Trading Strategy Delivering Gains of 154% in 21 Minutes... 56% in 16 Minutes... 295% Overnight... and More.

Welcome, everyone.

Nate Bear

I’m Nate Bear. I’m excited that you’re here.

Because I’m about to kick off a 100-day trading sprint.

And today, I’m inviting you to join me.

During this sprint, I expect to generate at least one triple-digit gain every week... for the entire 100 days.

And it’s all thanks to the biggest opportunity in a lifetime… maybe ever – AI.

AI image

This year alone, the Artificial Intelligence market is projected to reach over $350 billion.

By 2030, it’s predicted to contribute more than $15 trillion to the global economy.

But here’s the interesting thing about the big, long-term picture on AI…

I don’t care.

Seriously. I don’t.

Don’t get me wrong. I firmly believe it will be the single biggest event to impact the stock market and economy over the next decade.

But when it comes to making money, for me, the opportunity doesn’t lie in AI’s future…

What matters is what’s happening RIGHT NOW.

As I speak, billions and billions of dollars are trading hands in AI stocks.

It’s moving faster every day.

And thanks to a specific type of trade… using a very specific indicator… I’ve been pulling cash out of the AI market faster and more consistently than anything I’ve seen before.

During my recent sprints, I’ve banked top gains like 133% on Advanced Micro Devices overnight.

Advanced Micro chart

...150% on SMCI in 2 hours.

SCMI chart

…177% on Nvidia in less than 24 hours.

Nvidia chart

And another 100% gain on Nvidia in just 20 minutes.

I call them AI Lightning Trades.

They happen so fast, I’m in and out in 24 hours or less before I’m onto the next.

And over the next few minutes, I'm going to show YOU how to do the same.

I’m applying the same principles that helped me turn $37,000 into $2.7 million in just four years... only this is better.

Because it’s way, way faster.

And yes, you heard that right.

I was able to turn $37,000 into $2.7 million in four years.

My brokerage account statements and tax return prove it… And I’ll share them directly on screen now so you can see it for yourself. 

Brokerage accounts
Tax return forms

The point is... the strategy I used has worked incredibly well for me.

And now I’m using it to target these AI Lightning Trades all day.

Some take 24 hours to pay off.

Some take a bit more.

And many take a lot less… like the 45% gain I made in just 6 minutes.

In other words, they move extremely fast. And, you know, let’s face it, this kind of fast-paced trading isn’t for everyone.

But if that sort of thing excites you… If bagging a quick 295% winner overnight – which happened just last month – is the type of thing that appeals to you, then please listen closely over the next few minutes…

You’ll see exactly why and how these AI Lightning Trades work…

How they could transform your portfolio over the next 100 days...

And why – thanks to this unprecedented AI surge – I’m targeting at least one triple digit winner every single week.

So let’s jump right into it...

Lightning-Fast Trades

Thanks to these Lightning Trades, I’m tapping the enormous profit potential of AI today.

And I livestream my trading sessions so others can follow along and do the same.

Listen, I know that a lot of people are making… and are going to make a lot of money in AI.

But we’re talking months – and even years – before most people see the kinds of gains I’m seeing in mere minutes.

For example, let’s look at META...

At 12:15 on February 2, its stock was trading around $480.

By 12:36 it popped to about $484... a quick and cute little .8% stock gain.

META chart

But I was able to nearly 200X that stock gain.

In that 21-minute window, we scored a 154% windfall.

Meta gain chart

I’m using a special type of trade, which we’ll talk about in a minute.

But… if you aren’t a fan of speed trading… and the chance at making big gains lightning fast… this might not be for you…

Some people are better suited to buying an AI ETF and holding it for years.

However, for those of you who love the thrill of going after a 100% win in 24 hours or less, then this is for you.

If you’re still with me, then great… It’s a fun club to be a part of.

You need to be disciplined. And you need to be bold. 

I’m glad you fit that bill.

Lord knows, it wasn’t always that way for me.

When I first started out, I made every mistake in the book… and – much to my wife’s dismay – I lost of ton of money.

I mean... a ton.

It’s embarrassing to admit, but about 10 years ago, with 3 little boys to feed, I lost about $40,000 trading stocks and options in one year.

But then, I discovered the unusual trading method I’m going to share with you today.

And everything changed.

It was this edge that allowed me to turn $37,000 into $2.7 million.

To be clear, yes, it is unusual.

But as you’ll see it’s actually very simple. And that’s not by chance.

I’ve made this simple by design.

I love trading. But I don’t want to spend hours staring at a screen.

I want to get in and out... And then enjoy life.

That’s why I love trading sprints... especially when the market is booming thanks to a revolutionary innovation like AI. 

And I expect the next 100 days to be massive for me and all my followers.

Here’s an example of one of my personal trades to give you an idea of how fast this can move…

I was literally sitting in the car line waiting to pick up one of my kids from school when I spotted this Tesla chart…

Tesla chart

If you don’t know yet why this chart indicated that Tesla was about to make a major move, don’t worry, you will in a few minutes.

But I spotted the opportunity.

And just look what happened next...

Tesla went vertical for the next few minutes.

It was good for one of the fastest 111% gains I’ve ever made – it happened in just a few minutes!

Tesla gain chart

Again... this was a REAL trade... a REAL gain that I made waiting for my kids to be let out of school.

Minivan image

So you see, you can make these kinds of gains from almost anywhere!

While most parents were killing time playing Candy Crush their phones...

I doubled my money with just a few taps of my finger!

And that’s the real beauty of this. I can look at my screen and know in 60 seconds if I want to place a trade.

Then usually within a few minutes or a few hours – I’m out.

I’m free to play ball with one of my sons.

Or, if I want, I can jump right back in and look for my next Lightning Trade.

Which, lately, with all of the action we’re seeing in the AI market, I’m digging up winners at a faster pace than ever before.

Another example...

This time I locked into Nvidia.... And in 20 minutes, we saw a 100% gain.

Mind you, it takes roughly 7 years for the market to double. But we captured that in less than half an hour.

You can see why I’m so confident I can generate at least one triple-digit gain every week.

And why I decided it’s time for a serious trading sprint.

I’m seeing action in the markets like never before. And it’s setting up incredible moneymaking opportunities over the next 100 days.

Billions of Dollars Changing Hands Each Day

Look at Nvidia. Every day, about $30 billion worth of its stock is changing hands. Nvidia alone!

Tesla is averaging about $22 billion each day.

That’s over $2 million a second, just between those two companies.

Meta, AMD, SMCI, Apple, Microsoft are among the most traded stocks on the planet right now – in history, really.

pie chart

As Nvidia’s chief executive says, “A whole new industry is being formed, and that is driving our growth.”

And that fast growth.... all of that cash just flooding in... means just one thing – there’s a ton of money to be made now in AI stocks. Period.

In fact, I’ve shown people how to make 85% on NVDA in just over 3 hours.

I did it LIVE and in real-time, but that wasn’t the only time we played Nvidia.

  • We also banked 100% on it in 20 minutes
  • And 177% on it another time in 23 hours

We hit multiple Lightning Trades on Super Micro Computer Inc.

  • 102% in 23 hours
  • 45% in 6 minutes
  • 50% in 22 minutes
  • 66% in 36 minutes
  • 150% in 2 hours

We hit big winners on Google and Advanced Micro Devices…

  • 67% on GOOG in 21 hours
  • 133% on AMD overnight

We played Invesco Trust QQQ over and over with Lightning Trades…

  • 40% in a half hour
  • 158% overnight
  • 20% in 12 minutes
  • 295% overnight

Plus others... Like...

  • 121% on Tesla in 23 hours
  • 154% on META in 21 minutes
  • 98% on Arm Holdings in 8 minutes!

I want to be perfectly clear...

These are all actual winners. Every one of them.

These aren’t hypothetical results or even a back test.

It’s taken a lot of practice and more than a few mistakes to get here... to produce real, consistent profits that far exceed expectations.

Of course, not all of the trades have been winners. We’ve lost on positions, too. There’s always risk. But that’s part of trading.

But the fact remains, this AI boom is creating massive wins for us in 2024. And these next 100 days could be the best yet.

But before you can decide if this is right for you, I’m sure you’ll want to know more about how these Lightning Trades work.

Put simply, I look for one specific setup.

One setup.

Short hold times.

And the emphasis again is on consistency.

Anybody can go into the market, get lucky and hit one 100% winner.

But how do you do that every single week?

Well, there's a method to it. And it’s surprisingly simple.

This is much easier than pouring through financial reports. You don’t need to read a single headline.

This system cuts out all the noise.

I’ll demo some of my recent trades so you can see it in action. But before I even get there, let’s start at the very beginning.

With my watch list...

We Start With a Very Narrow Focus

There are over 6,000 names that trade on the NYSE and Nasdaq.

But honestly, I completely discard about 5,900 of them right off the bat. 

Instead, I narrow it down to the 100 stocks that have the most action. That’s easy.

Which brings me back to what I was just showing you...

These AI stocks right now are generating massive amounts of interest.

Day after day, they are just action-packed.

And action means profit.

That’s the number one reason I’m so laser-focused on them.

You’ll even see as I go through some of my examples, I’m trading a lot of the same names over and over. Because billions are just flooding into them.

And they’ve been so successful for me as a result.

It’s how, since January 1, I’ve averaged a 16% gain every 2 and a half days… on 157 trades.

I’ve profited from the biggest, best, most active stocks on the planet... for pennies on the dollar.

AND I’ve been able to amplify and fast-track the gains most investors are seeing.

I’d like to show you how to do the same over my next 100-day trading sprint.

OK, so – back to the strategy – I’ve got this watchlist which I'm constantly updating... then the next step is where it starts to get fun...

Rule #1 - Don’t Fight the Trend!

Let me pull up some charts of our recent winners here...

We’ve got AMD... I’ve drawn a blue circle where we got into the trade.

AMD chart

Nvidia ...

Nvidia chart


Google chart

and Okta.

Okta chart

That’s where we got into each one.

But can you notice anything they all have in common? Just looking at them quickly?

They’re all clearly moving in one direction.

That’s rule number one…

I always target stocks that are already heading in the direction I want it to go.

You don’t ever want to fight the direction a stock is going in.

All you are looking for is whether a stock is heading up... or down.

If it takes you more than a couple of seconds to figure that out, that’s not a stock I want to trade.

It’s logical. And it’s simple.

Back to those AI Lightning Trades I just showed you so you can see what I mean...

You can see AMD was making its way up. We got in right here.... and it just kept going.

Resulting in a 133% winner overnight...

AMD gains chart

Back to Nvidia... See how the stock was already on the move?

We got in here so we could ride it higher. And we sure did.

Right to a 177% gain in 23 hours...

Nvidia gains chart

Here’s the chart on Google. The stock was heading higher. We weren’t going to bet against that.

And we ended up with a 67% return in 21 hours...

Google gains chart

And then here’s Okta. It’s clearly a bullish chart. That Lightning Trade handed us a quick 85%.

And it took about a day.

Okta gains chart

But in case you’re wondering, this does also work on stocks that are going down. It’s not much different.

I just trade bullish stocks in a bullish way and bearish stocks in a bearish way.

Remember that other Nvidia gain I mentioned a few minutes ago?

That one was a bearish setup. Look.

Nvidia chart

It’s obviously headed in a downward trend…

And we scored a double in just 20 minutes on that one.

Nvidia gains chart

OK, so that is the first thing we look for.

We want a stock that is in a strong trend either up or down.

We’ve checked off our first box.

Time to move on to the next step…

Rule #2 – Don’t Chase a Rising (or Falling) Stock

After a strong trend is confirmed, I look for a specific pattern called a flag pattern.

The first part of the flag is a pole. That’s the stock moving up. You just saw that.

But stocks never go straight up or straight down.

After a big move up, it’ll consolidate and trade flat for a bit.

This is a moment when traders are “resting” before they start driving the stock higher again.

So... that consolidation is what you’re looking for.

That “rest” period in a stock’s price.

You can see right here... This is a trade we did on

The stock goes up... There’s that pole. chart

Then it hovers around for a bit... consolidating. And you see the flag. chart

Then it goes up again.

Handing us a nice 52% gain in about 45 minutes. chart

But how do I know exactly when to get in after the flag has formed? How do I KNOW it’s a Lightning Trade I want to make?

This is my favorite part.

It’s the “secret sauce” that has allowed me to catch huge stock breakouts before they happen on a consistent basis.

When you combine this strategy with booming AI stocks, we end up with something very powerful.

Powerful enough that I’m confident I can deliver at least one 100% winning trade every week for the next 100 days.

I’m telling you, gang, this was a total game-changer for me… And it could be for you, too.

Rule #3: The Lightning Indicator

I call it the Lightning Indicator.

It solves one of the hardest – if not the hardest – parts of trading.


Think of it this way...

You have 390 minutes to trade every day. And if you’re doing it right, you’re not doing anything for about 360 of those minutes.

That’s what I love about this indicator.

There is no guesswork.

And you don’t have to stay focused on the markets all day.

You simply wait… and then jump in when the Lightning Indicator appears.

Let me show you… 

Now, this is a really extraordinary example…

Here’s the chart setup I saw on QQQ... a pretty all-encompassing way to play the AI boom.

You can see the price was moving up. Check.

QQQ chart

You can see that it had a moment of rest right here forming a flag pattern. Check.

QQQ chart

Here is where that Lighting Indicator flashed. You can see that at the bottom of the chart where the dots turn from green to red.

And that’s the final piece of the puzzle. It lets me know when to buy.

QQQ chart

And we wound up with a stunning 295% win overnight.

QQQ chart

Let me repeat that… a 295% gain in just a few trading hours.

This member did even better...

SpacemanSnoopy: Made 320% on the QQQ trade. Good Start to the day.

I mean, when's the last time you hit 300% in less than 24 hours?

It's not an easy thing to do, gang.

For years, if I could make 3% on a trade, I was happy.

I didn't have a system or any kind of edge. I was just flying by the seat of my pants.

I'm sure some of you watching right now can probably relate.

I spent years guessing... and failing. But now I've got a system. It helped me become a millionaire.

It's very simple but very powerful. And that is why it works.

AND with this group of AI stocks delivering these perfect setups day after day after day, we’re in the middle of one of the greatest profit opportunities of our lifetimes.

We’re not buying a stock and betting on the fact that AI is going to change the world five years from now.

Our goal is to pull money out of this explosive market NOW.

Another one, real quick…

You can see Nvidia clearly making a move up… pausing… then there’s my Lightning Indicator.


And boom…


85% in just a few hours.

Just to be clear, this isn’t the same as the 177% Nvidia winner I mentioned earlier… or the 100% gain in 20 minutes that I showed you before.

This is an entirely different example where I pulled big money out of Nvidia.

I trade a lot of these same AI stocks over and over. And you can see why!

Alright, one more…

This is Super Micro Computer - SMCI. I love this AI stock.

Look at that clear trend upward. Check.

Super Micro Computer chart

The consolidation… Check.

Super Micro Computer chart

And the Lightning Indicator. See it turn from green to red? Check.

Super Micro Computer chart

Just as I anticipated, we scored a 150% gain in two hours.

Super Micro Computer chart

Two hours!

That’s it. It’s that simple.

Now, again, I’m not trying to give the impression that all of my trades have been winners. There’s no such thing as a guarantee when it comes to trading. All trading has risks. And you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

But, never, in all of my years of trading, have I been as excited as I am right now. Nothing compares to the AI boom that's driving the market higher.

Which is why I really hope you participate in my coming 100-day trading sprint. It couldn’t be easier to find great trades right now.

I look for the trend. I look for the consolidation. And I look for my signal.

So what is that signal? What is this Lightning Indicator?

It Just Flashed ANOTHER Double... in Less Than a Day!

Well, I could get all technical and talk to you about Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels.

But that would be a huge waste of time. You don’t need to know any of that. And I’m not trying to put you to sleep.

But just so you at least have an idea of what the Lightning Indicator is about…

It’s just one word: volatility.

When a stock shoots up... volatility goes up.

But then during the rest period... volatility slowly goes back down.

Once it does, it starts to compress the momentum.

In other words, a massive amount of pressure is building up behind the stock.

It’s like pulling back a rubber band. You can only pull it so far before it snaps back.

And when it does...

The probability of a massive surge goes way up... and that gives us a huge edge in the markets.

Now, here’s another successful SMCI Lightning Trade…

It’s been one of the hottest AI stocks so again, right now it’s near the top of my watch list.

You have the trend up…

Super Micro Computer chart

You have that moment of rest… forming a flag.

Super Micro Computer chart

Then there’s my trigger – the Lightning Indicator.

Super Micro Computer chart

So I know that it’s highly probable the stock is about to break out.

And break out it did.

We ended up with 102% gain in less than 24 hours.

Super Micro Computer chart

So you see, it’s not JUST about AI stocks…

It’s not JUST the trend…

It’s not JUST the consolidation…

And it’s not JUST the Lightning Indicator.

It’s about how all of this works together to create a truly exciting and unprecedented opportunity.

And it’s why I really hope you join me on my next 100-day trading sprint.

I’m targeting at least 1 triple digit winner every week. But I wouldn’t be very surprised if – given current market conditions – we blow right through that goal.

I’d really, really love to get you in on the action.


Well, it’s simple. I made enough money to retire.

And I did. Briefly.

But it turns out, retirement just isn’t for me.

I get real joy out of teaching people my system.

If I can help other people enjoy their first huge payday...

To change their lives in the same way my life was changed through trading...

That’s going to be the biggest reward for me.

The people I trade with become friends… and it’s like an extended family to me.

And your timing to join me couldn’t be better.

The opportunities this AI boom presents us day after day is like nothing I’ve seen before.

Of course – we won’t win on every trade. In fact, when I first started sharing these trades I had just come out of retirement. I was still a little rusty so we struggled to break even.

But as I found my groove… and as this AI market started to really heat up, things picked up… big time.

That’s how so far this year, we are averaging 16% every two and a half days – winners and losers included.

It takes the market on average about a year and a half to generate that kind of return.

But we’ve done it every two and a half days on average per trade!

That’s the exact opportunity my followers have seen since the start of the year.

Of course, just because we’ve done it before, doesn’t mean we’ll do it again.

There’s always risk involved. But the way these trades have been turning out lately, I wouldn’t be surprised if we did even better.

One thing I, for sure, can promise is it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. And I do everything I can to make it as simple and stress-free as possible.

These 100 days are going to go by in a flash. And before you know it, you’re a smarter, better and more successful trader.

No more guessing.

No more relying on luck.

No more sitting around and staring at a monitor.

Because I get it...

Like you, I don't have time to sit and babysit these trades.

I've got all the kids here. I’ve got the dogs going crazy.

I get into a trade because I have a specific three step strategy.

Check, check, check… I'm in.

Here's my buy in. Here's my target. Go back to life.

And a lot of times – who can relate to this? – it's easier to sleep at night when you don't have on these massive positions overnight.

So usually we're in at 10:00 AM, and we're out or at least we're selling a portion of the trade, by two or three in the afternoon.

And then at night I'm relaxing. I'm watching Netflix.

And tomorrow, guess what?

I'm going to do the same thing.

I'm going wake up. Enjoy my coffee. Do my morning routine with the wife and kids.

Then we're going to see what the market offers and we're going to take our shots.

For the next 100 days, I want to help you get as much money out of the AI market as you possibly can.

You’ve seen some of those top trades… 100% in under a day, 177% in 23 hours, 295% overnight, 154% in 21 minutes, 100% in 20 minutes.

And if it doesn’t work out? That’s fine. I know what my risk is before I enter the trade.

It’s all about finding an edge... and using it over and over.

Gang, I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that this has changed my life.

My wife and I got out of our 1,200-square-foot house... and into our dream home (the same one we are living in right now).

And I bought her a new car.

But the most important thing I got out wasn’t the money... or the stuff.

I got time.

Time with my family.

Time is the one thing we cannot get back.

There’s nothing in the world like this.

And I can’t wait to show you during my next 100-day trading sprint.

I’m inviting you to join me in a completely immersive trading experience.

I’ll open up my personal trading account and I’ll show you how I target these AI Lightning Trades day in and day out.

Let me be clear…

Every trade I recommend, I trade with my own money as well.

So when you make money, I make money.

And I even give you an advantage...

I’ll give you the trade first... so you get the best prices.

And I’ll get out after you.

This way there’s no conflict of interest.

People ask me sometimes, “If this is so good, why don’t you just do it yourself?”

Well, the answer is... I do!

But it’s more fun doing it together.

I love seeing and helping my happiest readers make money, too.

Like... Lyle G.

He just joined in September and says he’s learned a lot.

LyleG: This is a fantastic room to learn in. I can not say enough about Nate B., Dman and Nate G. They have really helped me learn and grow as a trader. I have been a long term investor but just started trading this past September 1st. Couple months were drinking out of the firehose. Still feel as though I am just learning but am now up 1,103% on my original small account.

And get this... since then, his account is up 1,103%!

Now not all of my followers have experienced this kind of performance.

I’m sure some of them broke even. Some may have even lost money. And I bet some did even better!

But over the next 100 days, I want to help you write the next success story.

We’re going to crush this AI boom.

And listen... most of these trades, we’re in and out of them in 24 hours or less.

But some of them might turn into even bigger long-term winners!

Windfall Gains of 260%... 150%... 101%

All of the trades I just showed you, I got into them with the sole intention of making a big profit in as short of time as possible.

Under 24 hours.

But sometimes, I like to give them slightly longer to play out. I’m just placing the trade a bit differently. All of which you’ll see when you join me on my 100-day sprint.

My strategy doesn’t really change.

And it doesn’t disappoint either...

  • Like the 260% I just recently scored on META...
  • Or the 113% return on Micro Strategy...
  • The 101% winning trade on Rivian...
  • The 150% return on

The list of these top gains goes on and on.

All AI stocks.

And all gains we saw in a few days.

You can see why I’m targeting at least one 100% winner each week.

Once You Trade Like This, You’ll NEVER Trade the Same Way Again!

Now, real quick, if it wasn’t clear yet, I want to make sure it is now...

These are options plays.

Trading options is all I do.

I don’t buy and hold stocks.

To me, options are the best way to make good money in a short period of time.

And it’s the hands-down best way – maybe the only way – to play the AI boom for maximum gains NOW.

Thanks to options, I'm getting into all of these huge companies with crazy expensive stock prices.

For example, Nvidia is currently trading over $800.

The average person doesn’t have the money to load up on a bunch of shares.

Meanwhile, I’m buying NVDA options for as little as 1/10 the price!

That’s why I love options.

They even the playing field… but better, because you’re amplifying those gains.

Plus, as we’ve seen in the past few years... the world changes too fast to buy, hold and pray.

Options can give you the ability to get in... make money fast... and get out.

Not only that, but if you play options right, you can actually have less money at risk than you do with stocks.

And that’s exactly how I was able to log so many top winners.

  • 295% on 61 cent QQQ options overnight...
  • 260% on $1.33 META options in about an hour…
  • 142% on $3.85 NVDA options in 4 days…
  • 133% on $2.30 AMD options overnight…
  • 150% on $0.25 SMCI options in 2 hours…

Needless to say, these trades move fast – really fast. And the window to get in on them is small.

So, of course, if you don’t get a thrill out of volatility and excitement, like I do, this is not for you. 

You will have losers along the way. Like I mentioned earlier, when I first came out of retirement and started sharing these trades, we struggled to stay above water.

But that’s all changing. Thanks to these AI Lightning Trades, since the beginning of the year, we’ve been on fire. And I have every reason to believe the market will continue to deliver us setup after setup.

But – of course – you should never trade more than you can afford to lose.

Which is actually great news... Because you don’t need to risk a ton of money on each trade. In fact, I highly recommend that you don’t.

Even just risking a little bit here and a little bit there, you can see how these gains can really add up.

This isn’t about hitting one big winner like you’re playing the lottery...

You need a SYSTEM that targets regular wins...

No matter what... in any situation... in any market.

That’s what I uncovered.

And that’s how I grew that initial $37k into $2.7 million in four years.

Again... I share my tax records and brokerage statements for the sake of 100% transparency. Quite frankly, there’s not enough of it in this business.

These were my REAL trades in REAL time... and it was REAL money going in my account.

Brokerage accounts
Tax return forms

Now, I can’t guarantee you that same level of success.

But I CAN guarantee that I will share with you the exact system that made me a millionaire.

… BUT now on steroids thanks to these AI Lightning Trades.

So if you’re ok with taking on more risk for the chance at fast winners like these, then my 100-day trading sprint could be perfect for you.

Remember, we’re targeting at least a 100% gain – or better – each week for the next 100 days.

Here’s how it will work...

A Totally Immersive Trading Experience for You

I’m going to livestream my every move.

You’ll see every set-up I spot...

Watch my every trade...

And get all the details in REAL TIME in case you want to make the trade for yourself.

It’s my trading research service called Daily Profits Live.

Daily Profits Live Logo

I’ll give you ALL the details for every trade.

Keep in mind...

When I first started trading, I made a typical rookie mistake.

I overtraded. I was making up to 20 trades a day.

It was way too much.

 And I have since discovered that most of that was a waste of time.

With Daily Profits Live, I’ll likely do two to seven trades per day.

But this is very important... I don’t expect anyone to participate in all of them.

Trade at your own pace.

If you want to do one trade a day, great...

One trade per week... that’s fine, too!

Do it in a way that fits comfortably with your life.

As long as you are discovering how to increase your wealth day after day...

That’s all that really matters.

Get into as many or as few trades as your lifestyle... your schedule... and your own financial goals allow.

And take comfort in knowing that you aren’t going it alone.

I’ll be livestreaming from an interactive platform that places you right in the action.


You can ask me questions (although I can’t give personalized advice).

You can chat with other members.

You can see my screen directly, so you know what trades I’m making.

And like I said earlier, it truly is an immersive trading experience.

You’ll be able to see me every single day... LIVE...

See my charts...

And chat with other members and our moderators.

It’s truly one of a kind.

It’s a great feeling to be part of a group of dedicated traders who are all on the same page… to be in a room with like-minded people who are all looking at the market and trying to find ways to make money.

So I do hope you take me up on this invitation to join me on my next 100-day trading sprint where we’ll target at least one 100% gain each week.

But there’s still more that I haven’t told you...

Profits Beyond AI

Now, remember what I said earlier...

I immediately trim my watchlist down to the stocks seeing the most action.

More often than not lately, that’s meant AI stocks.

But it would be foolish to limit myself to only AI stocks.

There are other opportunities – some really strong stocks – across the market that fit my criteria.

And, using my same system, I've been able to score some fast gains on those.

Just recently... get this... we scored a top 500% winner on B. Riley Financial... in an hour and a half!!!

That bears repeating...

500% in an hour and a half!

Take a look at how well some of my happy members did…

Dread PirateScot: I only got 400% on RILY, Boo hoo. Lol.
KentC: I tried another bite at the RILY apple earlier and got stopped out. Made 500% on original trade though.
Roswell Buckeye: Made 530% on RILY in 90 minutes.

Then what did we do?

We turned right around and jumped back into RILY for a quick 200% gain!

Like I said earlier, it truly is an immersive trading experience. And that’s what people seem to really love about this.

Take a look at when we scored a huge win on Carvana...

This was the actual live feed:

But what you can’t see in that video is the chat blowing up along the side of the screen. Some members did even better!

This one made 407%...

Dread PirateScot: I got out of CVNA. In at $1.08, out at $5.48.

This member scored a staggering 650% gain!

ARE: 650% on CVNA. Thanks, Nate B.

This one didn’t do quite as well. But seems perfectly happy with a 274% winner.

CGCatlover: I was too quick but still hit 274% up on CVNA. Maybe time to go back to bed. Thank you, Nate G.

500% on this one…

LKK: I was lucky to make 500% on CVNA.

She made 485%...

Helen: Out CVNA with +485%.


Genesis: CVNA 400%.

And this guy made over $12,000 overnight!

MarkT60: Just closed CVNA position. 567%. +12,300!

It was just one amazing story after another!

It felt great. This is why I do what I do, after all!

And this is why I do it in such a unique way. A platform – a community, really – where we can share ideas, share our victories.

And it’s thanks to my simple, repeatable strategy.

We had the same set-up.

It’s moving up. Check.

Carvana chart

It’s consolidating. Check.

Carvana chart

And there’s my signal. Check.

Carvana chart

My official result?

A 368% gain in Carvana overnight.

Carvana chart

Now, not all of the trades are going to be winners. But, man, when these hit, there’s no better feeling.

In Daily Profits Live, we trade any stock seeing major action that we think can make us big money in a short period of time.

I like to spread my eggs into different baskets.

I'll do some shorter-term trading, which will be day trading.

I'll do some midterm trading, which we'll say is between three and five days.

And occasionally, I'll find a great setup on a weekly chart, and I'll be in the trade for upwards of a month.

For example, we scored a nice 181% on Adobe in a couple weeks... I mean, a couple of weeks is still pretty impressive!

Adobe chart

Again, our main goal is that 100% gain – or better – each week.

And just to be clear...

I’ll show you the trades I’m making...

But I won’t make the actual trades for you.

You are in complete control.

It’s your money... so it’s always up to you whether you join my trades or not.

But you will have the opportunity to look over my shoulder and see me place live trades...

Here’s What You Can Expect

I’ll be live on screen at these times...

Mondays 10am and 3pm... Tuesdays at 3pm... and Wednesday through Friday 10am and 3pm.

Nate's Schedule for DPL

But... this is important...

Don’t feel like you have to join me for every session.

I realize it won’t always be possible for you to be there in person. So every time I get in a trade... or out of a trade...

I’ll send you an email alerting you.

Email Alert

Plus... you can sign up for mobile alerts prompting you to check your email if you choose. And I highly recommend that you do. Remember, these trades move fast!

Text Alert

But please feel free to join me whenever you feel like it’s a good time to take a shot at getting a winner.

Every time I sign on… think of it as a chance you could make money.

A lot of people start off thinking it might be too much...

But by the time they start making trades...

They keep wanting more and more!

In my livestream sessions, I’ll show you any trade setups I see each day...

I’ll enter some trades... and you can follow right along with me if you choose.

I’ll also let you know my plan for exiting... including my profit targets... and where my stop losses will be.

When it’s time to exit a trade, you’ll even get a 60-second head start on me!

That way YOU are getting the advantage.

And I’m ALWAYS monitoring the trades – all day... every day.

Even if I’m not live on camera, you can log in and chat with other members.

It’s easy to use... So you can do this from anywhere.

In addition, when you subscribe...

I’ll send you a video training series so you have all the tools needed to succeed.

You’ll want to check out these three videos before you get started if you can.

  • How to Spot the Trend
  • Identifying the Pattern Showing Price Consolidation
  • “The Lightning Indicator” and Breakout Trades.

Plus, I’ll send you a couple other videos to make this as easy as possible for you...

  • How to Pick the Right Options
  • Navigating the Daily Profits Live Platform.

And I’m also including a special report:

  • Daily Profits Live Common Trading Techniques and Unique Terms.”

These are meant to help get you up to speed right out of the gate.

Don’t worry if you’ve never traded options before... or if you are a little nervous to get started.

The beauty of watching me live is I can walk you through everything.

And there is no need to trade right away. Practice first on paper. See how it would go if you were using real money.

Gain confidence before you dive in.

And if you have any concerns about trading options, my tutorial How to Pick the Right Options will help.

how to pick the right options thumbnail

Once you get the hang of it... buying an option is just as easy as buying a stock.

And I will always give you the exact option I’m planning to buy.

That way, you can trade right along with me if you choose.

You’ll have access to this entire training library... and it’s one that will keep growing.

Because if there are questions or topics people seem to have problems with...

I can always create a new training session.

And the great part is that I can actually do these trainings LIVE for you.

It’s truly a learning experience...

I was pleased to see this comment from a member named Nina:

Nina67: Agreed! Nate is teaching even the smallest details. I love his methods!

But of course, you also have the chance to get up-to-the-minute market analysis and the most timely trade opportunities.

You Never Have to Trade Alone Again!

My goal is to set you up for the best possible chance at success.

So we’ve made it as easy as we can to get you started.

There’s the live chat so you can ask moderators any questions you might have.

You are never alone. We don’t just give you a recommendation, pat you on the back, and say, “See you later!”

I’m in the trades with you... with my own money.

So I’ll be tracking everything right alongside you.

You can always ask any questions about the recommendation... or any other general questions...

We’ve got an entire team standing by to help you.

The only thing we CANNOT do is give you personalized investment advice. Any other general questions are totally fair game.

Plus, as I mentioned earlier, the interaction with fellow members is really invaluable.

Sharing stories, sharing success with like-minded traders... you just can’t put a price tag on something like that.

We celebrate wins together. Members root each other on. And we’ve got some really smart, really accomplished members among our group!

DPL room chat

And in addition to all of that, you get real-time access to me.

I’ve proven I can take a small portfolio of not even $40,000... and grow it into over $2 million.

I’ve shown you how these AI Lightning Trades are spinning off winners.

I’ve got a team of moderators and researchers helping me.

We have software… the platform… in other words, tons of resources go into this.

It just wouldn’t be realistic to expect me to give this away for free.

And really, for me...

It’s more about making sure anyone who joins me is really committed.

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this, but people tend to not really value the stuff they get for free.

I put a lot of hours and hard work into this. So frankly, I don’t want to waste my time if people aren’t going to value that.

I don’t need millions of followers.

I’m happy if I can take a small group of dedicated people and help them learn to become successful traders.

That’s how I’m paying it forward.

And that’s why the retail value of Daily Profits Live is set at $5,000 for a one-year subscription.

But since we have this incredible opportunity right now… and since I’m kicking off this 100-day trading sprint... I’m going to give you a special deal.

As long as you’re one of the first 100 people to respond today.

Because we don’t want too many people piling in at once.

By keeping the group relatively small we can make sure everyone gets as much out of my trading sessions as possible.

I can answer more questions about the trades.

The chat won’t get too overcrowded.

The trainings can be more focused.

In other words, we can maintain a more intimate sort of experience for everyone.

So I do hope you take me up on it...

Remember, we’ll target one 100% winner every week.

You’ll be able to look over my shoulder... see my every move...

And if you choose... you can even enter any trade I make... as I make it.

It’s a great opportunity to earn while you learn...

Here’s everything you’ll get when you join me today with a one-year subscription to Daily Profits Live:

Bundle Image
  • Front row access to my next 100-day AI trading sprint.
  • Alerts whenever I make trades or update positions
  • Live trainings held throughout the year

Videos breaking down my system...

  • How to Spot the Trend
  • Identifying the Pattern Showing Price Consolidation
  • The Lightning Indicator and Breakout Trades

Other videos like...

  • How to Pick the Right Options
  • Navigating the Daily Profits Live Platform

My special report...

  • “Daily Profits Live Common Trading Techniques and Unique Terms”

Best of all, you’ll have access to my livestreams every day so you can look over my shoulder for every trade I make.

Let me walk you through one very exciting – and rather exceptional – day to show you how powerful that could be.

It was January 31.

  • At 10:03, we closed a trade on B. Riley Financial for a 154% gain...
  • 4 minutes later, we closed another Riley trade for 114%...
  • At 1:20, a nice 15% return on Amazon...

But we weren’t finished yet...

  • Because then at 1:25, we booked yet another B. Riley win. This time for 67%...
  • At 2:40, a 41% gain on the SPY...
  • At 2:44, 66% on SMCI...
  • And we finished out the day with a small 6% victory on iShares Russell 2000 ETF at 2:47.

That’s 7 closed wins in one day... for gains ranging from 6% to 154%!

As for me? I personally pocketed about $3,000 that day.

December 18 was another especially fun day...

  • We kicked off the day booking a nice 43% on Upstart at 10:00...
  • Then we closed out SMCI for a 103% win 10 minutes later...
  • After lunch, we saw another gain on SMCI for 55%... that was at about 3:15
  • And half an hour later... a 21% return on NVDA.

Not bad for a day of trading!

For me, it was a payday of over $2,700.

Over those two extraordinary trading days I locked in almost $3,000 and $2,700 each day.

That’s $5,700.

Just those two days would have paid for the $5,000 retail price for membership and then some.

But... thanks to this unprecedented opportunity...

We’re going to give you an even better deal.

As long as you’re one of the first 100 to respond today… You can join me for an entire year as we hunt down these Lightning Trades...

For just $2,097.


And we’ll kick things off with our 100-day AI Trading Sprint where we’ll target one triple-digit gain a week... or more.

These next few months are poised to be the most successful yet in Daily Profits Live.

But don’t get me wrong... people are already having incredible success...

Thom I: Pinch me! Am I still in bed dreaming of incredible back to back trades? QQQ overnight DPL trade Jan 24th $425 Calls brings in a chart busting 290%.
Homerhorn: Daily Profits: AMD calls: in 1/23 at $2.31, out 1/24 at $9.93. +329%!
Donald M4: ULTA. 2FEB, 210 calls. In at $1.55. Out at $3.18 for 105% in 3 hours. Thanks, Nate/DPL.
ADP1113: NATE!! First live trade for me today in META! I have to keep my positions tiny but still got +250% on 1 contract!
BoilerUp: Best win ever: SMCI 10. In at $5.30. Out at $37.30. $32,000. 604% profit. Thanks, Nate.
Brock: I’m done for the day... best day ever. Up by a LOT today with a lot of help from the 3 amigos... I’m hitting a happy hour somewhere and I will cheer to you guys and yes META of course... thanks guys and have a great weekend with family and friends.
Huskymike: Another DPL winner. BTO BJ calls at $2.63 STC at $3.65 x 5 = 39% gainer. Two trades and nearly paid for the service in one day.

So as you can see, the yearly offer is a good deal.

Actually – no – I think it’s a GREAT deal.

But we have another very special offer we’d like to share with you.

You see, when I decided to get serious and trade with $37,000... in my first year trading, I made $183,000.


It wasn’t until years two and three that I was making the biggest returns...

Remember, especially if you’re new to trading, I want you to start slow and small.

But as you get more comfortable and grow your account, your results should improve exponentially. Just like they did for me.

That’s why I want to make it as easy as possible for you to follow me over the long term...

Basically... what I’m offering you today… is lifetime access to my livestream... to all of my Lightning Trades... to all of my research.

Accept this invitation, and you’ll pay just $3,397 for a lifetime membership...

Member Lizzy said, “The lifetime membership level is a great deal. He teaches you how he turned $37,000 into millions… for just about $3,000!”
And Chris wrote, "Well, I'm off for the week. Thanks for all your help. I've doubled my account since joining lifetime membership two months ago!"

If you scroll down a bit, you should see a button...

Of course, the one-year option is still a great deal if that works better for you.

But keep in mind... this lifetime offer is only good as part of this invitation today.

Click on that button right now... and take advantage of this deal. There’s a good chance you won’t see it again.

And if you’re still on the fence, just remember...

We’re targeting a triple digit winner every week for the next 100 days.

My Triple Digit Winner Guarantee

In fact, I’m going to GUARANTEE we’ll see at least a 100% gain each week during the sprint.

But to be perfectly honest, I don’t anticipate we’ll slow down from there.

So I’m going to go one better...

I’m not just going to target one triple-digit gain per week over the next 100 days... I’m going to guarantee we’ll average one triple-digit winner every week for the next year in the model portfolio!

That's 14 triple-digit winners in the next 100 days and 52 total for the year!

And if I don’t deliver, I’ll give you another year of Daily Profits Live completely free.


Let’s say, for example, over the next year I uncover 51 triple-digit gains, but come up short on just one – even if it’s a 99% winner... I’ll still work for you for an additional year for free.

I can’t think of anything more fair than that.

Just please keep in mind, because we’re offering this special price and this iron clad guarantee, that there will be no refunds for this offer.

But with all you’ll receive – live access to me, looking over my shoulder at all of my real-time trades, entrance to a community of like-minded traders, all of my videos, reports, and live trainings...

I have no doubt you’ll look back on this day, and congratulate yourself for taking this step.

So please...

Be one of the first 100 to click the button below and take action.

You’ve seen proof that I’ve made $2.7 million in trading profits...

I’ve shown you how my three-step speed-trading strategy has uncovered big gains in AI and more...

I’ve shared feedback from people who are already successfully following my lead...

And I’ve guaranteed at least 52 triple-digit winners over the next year – an average of one every week.

Once you click that button below, a whole new world of trading will open up to you.

So I urge you to do it now.

Join My Next 100-Day Trading Sprint

If you prefer to speak to someone directly...

Please call our helpful VIP Service Squad at 888.215.5311 or 410.864.3083.

It’s not a call center or anything like that – this is our in-house team, based right here in the U.S...


We’ll be happy to go over everything with you.

But definitely either call or click on the button below right now to lock in your special price today.

I would love for you to join me for this 100-Day Trading Sprint. It’s going to be a lot of fun. That much I know for sure.

I want to show you how to tap the enormous profit potential of AI TODAY.

But if you don’t join me...

I hope you’ve learned something valuable today... something that can help you take your trading to the next level.

This strategy works.

And with enough practice and time, I’m confident you can find that success for yourself.

But what I’m offering is a chance to make this as easy as possible...

Let me do the hard work for you.

Let me do all of the screening. Let me spot the patterns. Let me time the entries and exits.

It’s a lot of work... and I have a whole team around me to help me.

I don’t want you to go at it alone...

So... I hope you click on that button below...

And join me in this truly immersive trading experience .

Trading has changed my life... and I absolutely believe it can change yours. I’d love the opportunity to show you.

Please click on that button below...

I hope to see you at the next livestream in our one-of-a-kind Daily Profits Live.

Nate Bear
March 2024



You’re about to miss your chance to join Nate’s 100-Day Trading Sprint.

This may be your one and only shot to tap into AI’s MASSIVE profit potential today.

I urge you to continue watching.

To finish Nate’s video now, click “Continue Watching” below.

If you’d rather go at your own speed, click “Read Transcript.”


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